Political Approaches MCQs
1. One of the following does not match:
(a) Foucault discursive formation
(b) Latour actant network
(c) Luhmann Marxist theory
(d) Bourdien structuration
Luhmann Marxist theory
2. Argues about the decline of political theory’ debate on the following:
(a) Present rather than past
(b) Remote rather Than immediate
(c) Value-laden rather than vale free
(d) Subjectivity objectivity, rather than
Present rather than past
3. The debate on the decline of political theory was in vogue during:
(a) 1950s
(b) 1970s
(d) 2000s
(c) 1990s
4. Description of ‘Ideology’ is as:
(a) A belief system
(b) Civilization
(c) Theocracy
(d) None of the above.
None of the above
5. One of the following wrote the ‘Political Man’:
(a) Daniel Bell
(b) Galbraith
(c) Raymond Aron
(d) None of the above.
None of the above
6. Aron wrote the following book:
(a) The Opium of the People
(b) The Opium of the Capitalists
(c) The Opium of the Intellectuals
(d) The Opium of the Theocrats
The Opium of the Intellectuals
7. One of following matches:
(a) Macpherson Fascist Theory
(b) Titmuss Welfare State
(c) Mills Power Elite
(d) Marx Capitalism
Mills Power Elite
8. One of the following is not the work of Fukuyama:
(a) Our Post human Future
(b) The Marxists
(2) The End of History and the Last
(d) America at the Crossroads
The Marxists
9. Fukuyama relied on the following for his thesis on the end of history
(a) Marx
(b) Popper
(d) Hegel
(c) Weber
10. Skinner wrote a book name is:
(a) Liberty on Liberalism
(b) Liberty before Liberalism
(c) Liberty after Liberalism
(d) Liberty against Liberalism
Liberty before Liberalism
11. One of the following statements is incorrect:
(a) History without political events is literature
(b) Political Science without ethics is vulgar
(c) Ethics without economics is meaningless
(d) Economics without markets, is unproductive
Ethics without economics is meaningless
12. The following demonstrated the relationship between nature and politics:
(a) Utilitarian
(b) Physio crats
(c) Idealists
(d) Anarchists
13. Consider the following statements:
1. Aristotle had remarked that politics is an inexact science
2. Maitland doubts if there is a science of politics
3. Natural sciences have unvarying laws
4. Lowell says that politics is not an experimental science, Which of the statements given above
Is correct?
(a) 1, 2, 3
(b) 2, 3, 4
(c) 1, 3, 4
(d) 1, 2, 4
2, 3, 4
14. One of the following does not match:
(a) Maitland: Politics is prime science
(b) Lowell: Politics is an observational science
Political Science MCQs
(c) Buckle: Politics is the backward of all arts
(d) Bryce: Politics and meteorology are both sciences
Maitland: Politics is prime science
15. One of the following is incorrect:
(a) Political science is a science but not an art
(b) Political Science is a science as well as an art
(c) Political Science is a science which is a social science
(d) Political Science is the art, science and philosophy of, what is political.
Political science is a science but not an art
16. One of the following teams belongs to libertarians:
(a) Hayek and Sandal
(b) Sandal and Waller
(c) Waller and Nasik
(d) Nasik and Friedman
Nasik and Friedman
17. One of the following communitarians:
(a) Macintyre and Rawls
(b) Rawls and Zworykin
(c) Zworykin and Taylor
(d) Taylor and Sandal
Taylor and Sandal
18. One of the following constitutes a post-modern team:
(a) Heidegger and Leotard
(b) Leotard and Easton
(c) Easton and Berlin
(d) Berlin and Plamenatz
Heidegger and Leotard