Thesis Topics for MS Math Students

Research Area/ Research Interest: Percolation Math

Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication

  1. Percolation in complex networks
  2. Application of percolation theory to microtomography of rocks
  3. Percolation in porous media
  4. Bootstrap percolation
  5.  Nonexistence of bigeodesics in planar exponential last passage percolation
  6. Evaluation of the rheological and electrical percolation of high-density polyethylene/carbon black composites using mathematical models
  7. Generalized k-core percolation on higher-order dependent networks
  8.  Supercritical percolation on nonamenable graphs: Isoperimetry, analyticity, and exponential decay of the cluster size distribution
  9. Pore level characterization of Micro-CT images using percolation theory
  10.  Hyperbolic Voronoi Percolation
  11.  Percolation on feature-enriched interconnected systems
  12. Spreading of infections on network models: Percolation clusters and random trees
  13. Efficient Simulation of Percolation Lattices
  14.  Concurrence percolation threshold of large-scale quantum networks
  15. The critical two-point function for long-range percolation on the hierarchical lattice
  16.  Infection percolation: A dynamic network model of disease spreading
  17. Percolation-intercropping strategies to prevent dissemination of phytopathogens on plantations
  18. Exact Percolation Thresholds
  19. Isoperimetric lower bounds for critical exponents for long-range percolation
  20. Discontinuous percolation transitions in cluster merging processes
  21. Sharp phase transition for Gaussian percolation in all dimensions
  22.  Percolation across households in mechanistic models of non-pharmaceutical interventions in SARS-CoV-2 disease dynamics
  23.  On the derivation of mean-field percolation critical exponents from the triangle condition
  24. A Multi-Scale Network with Percolation Model to Describe the Spreading of Forest Fires
  25. Finiteness of the percolation threshold for inhomogeneous long-range models in one dimension
  26.  Power-law bounds for critical long-range percolation below the upper-critical dimension
  27. Percolation and loop model
  28. Phase transition for level-set percolation of the membrane model in dimensions
  29.  Percolation in networks with local homeostatic plasticity
  30. From one-way streets to percolation on random mixed graphs
  31. Property about two-dimensional percolation model
  32. Natural parametrization of percolation interface and pivotal points
  33. An upper bound on the two-arms exponent for critical percolation on Zd
  34. Maker-breaker percolation games II:: Escaping to infinity
  35. Upper bounds on the one-arm exponent for dependent percolation models
  36. Percolation on complex networks: Theory and application
  37. New bounds for the site percolation threshold of the hexagonal lattice
  38.  “Hot-spotting” to improve vaccine allocation by harnessing digital contact tracing technology: An application of percolation theory
  39. Sharp hierarchical upper bounds on the critical two-point function for long-range percolation on
  40. … verification of the isotropic onset of percolation in 3D crack networks in polycrystalline materials with implications for the applicability of percolation theory to crustal …
  41. Time correlation exponents in last passage percolation
  42. Sharp phase transition for Cox percolation
  43. Generalised oriented site percolation
  44. An Application of Singular Traces to Crystals and Percolation
  45. Entanglement percolation and spheres in Zd
  46.  Threshold behavior of bootstrap percolation
  47. Homology-changing percolation transitions on finite graphs
  48. Bootstrap percolation via automated conjecturing
  49. Comparison of limit shapes for Bernoulli first-passage percolation
  50. Kinetics and percolation: coke in heterogeneous catalysts
  51. Time correlation exponents in last passage percolation
  52. Sharp phase transition for Cox percolation
  53. Generalised oriented site percolation
  54. An Application of Singular Traces to Crystals and Percolation
  55. Entanglement percolation and spheres in Zd
  56.  Threshold behavior of bootstrap percolation
  57. Homology-changing percolation transitions on finite graphs
  58. Bootstrap percolation via automated conjecturing
  59. Comparison of limit shapes for Bernoulli first-passage percolation
  60. Kinetics and percolation: coke in heterogeneous catalysts
  61. Invasiveness of Cancer Populations in a Two-dimensional Percolation cluster: a Stochastic Mathematical Approach
  62.  Arithmetic oscillations of the chemical distance in long-range percolation on Zd
  63. Upper bounds on the percolation correlation length
  64.  PercolationDF: A percolation-based medical diagnosis framework
  65. A particle digitization-based computational method for continuum percolation
  66. Shear-induced particle segregation in binary mixtures: Verification of a percolation theory
  67. Directed percolation in temporal networks
  68. Realistic agent-based simulation of infection dynamics and percolation
  69. Estimation of the last passage percolation constant in a charged complete directed acyclic graph via perfect simulation
  70. Weakly constrained-degree percolation on the hypercubic lattice
  71. An upper bound for the bond percolation threshold of the cubic lattice by a growth process approach
  72. Percolation on spatial anisotropic networks
  73. On the Running Time of Hypergraph Bootstrap Percolation
  74. Jamming and percolation in the random sequential adsorption of a binary mixture on the square lattice
  75. Biased random walk on supercritical percolation: anomalous fluctuations in the ballistic regime
  76. Oriented random walk on the Heisenberg group and percolation
  77. Continuum percolation and stochastic epidemic models on Poisson and Ginibre point processes
  78. Measurement of unsaturated meltwater percolation flux in seasonal snowpack using self-potential
  79. Percolation games
  80. Percolation in a triangle on a square lattice
  81. U-bootstrap percolation: critical probability, exponential decay and applications
  82. Household bubbles and COVID-19 transmission: insights from percolation theory
  83. Exact formula for bond percolation on cliques
  84. Fracture Critical Length Estimative Using Percolation Theory and Well Logging Data
  85. Site and bond percolation thresholds on regular lattices with compact extended-range neighborhoods in two and three dimensions
  86. Modeling of the content of the physics course based on the percolation coefficient
  87. Existence and properties of connections decay rate for high temperature percolation models
  88. Maximum running times for graph bootstrap percolation processes
  89. Anisotropic percolation in high dimensions: the non-oriented case
  90. Site and bond percolation on four-dimensional simple hypercubic lattices with extended neighborhoods
  91. Alignment percolation
  92.  Bootstrap percolation, probabilistic cellular automata and sharpness
  93.  Highlighting the impact of social relationships on the propagation of respiratory viruses using percolation theory
  94. Up-to-constants comparison of Liouville first passage percolation and Liouville quantum gravity
  95. Site percolation and isoperimetric inequalities for plane graphs
  96.  The distance exponent for Liouville first passage percolation is positive
  97. Site percolation on pseudo-random graphs
  98. Graph distances in scale-free percolation: the logarithmic case
  99. Cumulative Merging Percolation: A long-range percolation process in networks
  100. Invasion percolation
  101. Sharpness of Bernoulli percolation via couplings
  102. Percolation of strongly correlated Gaussian fields II. Sharpness of the phase transition
  103. On the rate of convergence in quenched Voronoi percolation
  104.  Complex Media and Percolation Theory
  105. Mean-field bounds for Poisson-Boolean percolation
  106.  Deterministic bootstrap percolation on trees
  107. Percolation and the pandemic
  108. Machine learning for percolation utilizing auxiliary Ising variables
  109. Structure of Gibbs measures for planar FK-percolation and Potts models
  111. Near critical scaling relations for planar Bernoulli percolation without differential inequalities
  112. Directed percolation in random temporal network models with heterogeneities
  113.  Chemical subdiffusivity of critical 2D percolation
  114. Spatial Networks and Percolation
  115.  Network Robustness Based on Inverse Percolation
  116. Bootstrap percolation and cellular automata
  117. Percolation phase transition on planar spin systems
  118. Sharpness of phase transition for Voronoi percolation in hyperbolic space
  119. High-order bootstrap percolation in hypergraphs
  120. Geometric functionals of fractal percolation. II. Almost sure convergence and second moments
  121. Coalescence of geodesics and the BKS midpoint problem in planar first-passage percolation
  122. Percolation and connection times in multi-scale dynamic networks
  123. A note on the phase transition for independent alignment percolation
  124.  Percolation and tortuosity in heart-like cells
  125. Quenched Invariance Principle for a Reflecting Diffusion in a Continuum Percolation Cluster
  126. Optimal corrector estimates on percolation cluster
  127. Soil water retention curve inflection point: Insight into soil structure from percolation theory
  128. Habitat percolation transition undermines sustainability in social-ecological agricultural systems
  129. Statistical analysis of the critical percolation of ITZ around polygonal aggregates in three-phase concrete materials
  130. High-dimensional percolation criticality and hints of mean-field-like caging of the random Lorentz gas
  131.  Percolation networks inside 3D model of the mineralized collagen fibril
  132.  Local stationarity in exponential last-passage percolation
  133. Random site percolation on honeycomb lattices with complex neighborhoods
  134. Locality of percolation for graphs with polynomial growth
  135. Supercritical Site Percolation on the Hypercube: Small Components are Small
  136. Arithmetic oscillations of the chemical distance in long-range percolation on
  137.  Analyticity of Gaussian free field percolation observables
  138. No percolation at criticality on certain groups of intermediate growth
  139. Supercritical percolation on graphs of polynomial growth
  140. Insight into the diffusivity of particulate composites considering percolation of soft interphases around hard fillers: From spherical to polyhedral particles
  141. Site percolation simulation and percolation threshold
  142. Percolation thresholds on a triangular lattice for neighborhoods containing sites up to the fifth coordination zone
  143. Site percolation on square and simple cubic lattices with extended neighborhoods and their continuum limit
  144. Continuum Percolation in a Nonstabilizing Environment
  145. Radial percolation reveals that Cancer Stem Cells are trapped in the core of colonies
  146. Mobility strategies based on percolation theory to avoid the spread of diseases: COVID-19
  147.  A Size-Perimeter Discrete Growth Model for Percolation Clusters
  148. Continuum percolation in stochastic homogenization and the effective viscosity problem
  149. Surviving ends in Bernoulli percolation on graphs roughly isometric to a tree
  150. Boolean percolation on digraphs and random exchange processes
  151. The effective shear modulus of a random isotropic suspension of monodisperse rigid n-spheres: From the dilute limit to the percolation threshold
  152.  Liouville dynamical percolation
  153. Bond Percolation in Small-World Graphs with Power-Law Distribution
  154. Supercritical percolation on finite transitive graphs I: Uniqueness of the giant component
  155.  Developing a new algorithm for numerical modeling of discrete fracture network (DFN) for anisotropic rock and percolation properties
  156. Concurrence percolation in quantum networks
  157. An Investigation Of Percolation In Ecological Systems
  158. The percolation model of relative conductivities and phase permeabilities
  159.  Fully-connected bond percolation on Z d
  160. Convergence of limit shapes for 2D near-critical first-passage percolation
  161. Numerical Estimation of Several Topological Quantities of the First Passage Percolation Model
  162. Rigidity Percolation in Disordered 3D Rod Systems
  163.  Bernoulli Percolation Model
  164. Effects of the pore shape polydispersity on the percolation threshold and diffusivity of porous composites: Theoretical and numerical studies
  165.  Construction and optimization of multi-parameter cement strength numerical model based on percolation
  166. Percolation-based health management of complex traffic systems
  167. Explicit Finite Difference Approximation Method for Solving the Riesz Space Fractional Percolation Equation
  168. Accurate spectral algorithm for two-dimensional variable-order fractional percolation equations
  169. Critical percolation on the kagome hypergraph
  170. Prediction of the nature of cracking and the paths of crack propagation in nanolayer surface systems based on the method of calculating percolation by nodes and …
  171. Percolation of Repulsive Particles on Graphs
  172. Percolation in metal-insulator composites of randomly packed spherocylindrical nanoparticles
  173. Identification of a current-carrying subset of a percolation cluster using a modified wall follower algorithm
  174. Percolation thresholds of randomly rotating patchy particles on Archimedean lattices
  175. Absence of weak disorder for directed polymers on supercritical percolation clusters
  176. Thermal conductivity and elastic modulus of 3D porous/fractured media considering percolation
  177. On the influence maximization problem and the percolation phase transition
  178. Chase-Escape percolation on the 2D square lattice
  179. Tumor Hypoxia Heterogeneity Affects Radiotherapy: Inverse-Percolation Shell-Model Monte Carlo Simulations
  180. High-dimensional near-critical percolation and the torus plateau
  181. On the Passage Time Geometry of theLast Passage Percolation Problem
  182. Exact finite-size scaling for the random-matrix representation of bond percolation on square lattice
  183. Comparative study on interconnectivity between three-dimensional and two-dimensional discrete fracture networks: A perspective based on percolation theory
  184. Fractal percolation and quasisymmetric mappings
  185. Notes on percolation analysis of sampled scalar fields
  186. The -dimensional bootstrap percolation models with threshold at least double exponential
  187. Barely supercritical percolation on Poissonian scale-free networks
  188. Gap at 1 for the percolation threshold of Cayley graphs
  189.  On the Passage Time Geometry of the Last Passage Percolation Problem
  190. Long-range contact process and percolation on a random lattice
  191.  A scaling limit on an isosceles triangle for critical percolation on the square lattice
  192. Leakage Effect—Percolation of the Virus
  193. Percolation implications in the rheology of polymer crystallization
  194. A branching random-walk model of disease outbreaks and the percolation backbone
  195. Percolation of hyperspheres in dimensions 3 to 5: from discrete to continuous
  196. Study on percolation mechanism of low permeability reservoir
  197.  Phase transitions and percolation at criticality in enhanced random connection models
  198. Development of a Method for Determining the Main Parameters of the Percolation Process in Antistatic Composite Polymer Materials
  199. Percolation thresholds for robust network connectivity
  200. Percolation and Epidemic Processes in One-Dimensional Small-World Networks
  201. A percolation theory for designing corrosion-resistant alloys
  202.  The critical probability for Voronoi percolation in the hyperbolic plane tends to 1/2
  203. Frozen percolation on the binary tree is nonendogenous
  204.  A generation probability based percolation network alignment method
  205. Percolation on dense random graphs with given degrees
  206.  Higher-dimensional stick percolation
  207. Exactly solvable percolation problems
  208.  Percolation of Estimates for ∂ ¯ by the Method of Alternating Projections
  209. The longest edge in discrete and continuous long-range percolation
  210. Size distributions of the largest hole in the largest percolation cluster and backbone
  211. The annealed spectral sample of Voronoi percolation
  212. Percolation theory in the road map using network analysis
  213. Preparation of conductive polylactic acid/high density polyethylene/carbon black composites with low percolation threshold by locating the carbon black at the …
  214. The time constant for Bernoulli percolation is Lipschitz continuous strictly above pc
  215.  Percolation of three fluids on a honeycomb lattice
  216. Bernoulli percolation on the Random Geometric Graph
  217. Variance bounds for Gaussian first passage percolation
  218. RSK in last passage percolation: a unified approach
  219. A variational formula for large deviations in First-passage percolation under tail estimates
  220.  Percolation and related topics (M16)
  221. Continuum line-of-sight percolation on Poisson–Voronoi tessellations
  222. Universality class of epidemic percolation transitions driven by random walks
  223. Atmospheric blocking drives recent albedo change across the western Greenland ice sheet percolation zone
  224. Scale-free percolation in continuous space: quenched degree and clustering coefficient
  225. Higher-order percolation in simplicial complexes
  226. Maker-breaker percolation games II: Escaping to infinity
  227. Coexistence in competing first passage percolation with conversion
  228.  Temporal correlation in last passage percolation with flat initial condition via Brownian comparison
  229. Euclidean and chemical distances in ellipses percolation
  230. A positivity phenomenon in Elser’s Gaussian-cluster percolation model
  231. First-order behavior of the time constant in Bernoulli first-passage percolation
  232. A Two-Dimensional Partitioning of Fracture–Matrix Flow in Fractured Reservoir Rock Using a Dual-Porosity Percolation Model
  233.  One-point distribution of the geodesic in directed last passage percolation
  234. The asymptotic distribution of cluster sizes for supercritical percolation on random split trees
  235.  Limiting shape for first-passage percolation models on random geometric graphs
  236. Maker–Breaker percolation games I: crossing grids
  237. Bidirectional bond percolation model for the spread of information in financial markets
  238. Asymptotic shapes for stationary first passage percolation on virtually nilpotent groups
  239. Monotonicity properties for Bernoulli percolation on layered graphs–a Markov chain approach
  240. Non-existence of non-trivial bi-infinite geodesics in Geometric Last Passage Percolation
  241. An Exact Algorithm to Detect the Percolation Transition in Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Cross-Linking Polymer Networks
  242. Existence and coexistence in first-passage percolation
  243. Percolation in the Gabriel graph
  244. Last Passage Percolation And Its Scaling Limit Behaviour
  245. Impact of pore distribution characteristics on percolation threshold based on site percolation theory
  246.  Statistical Approach to Description of Percolation Processes in Composite Filaments Filled with Anisotropic Nonagglomerating Carbon Nanofiller
  247. Simple peeling of planar maps with application to site percolation
  248. The oriented swap process and last passage percolation
  249. Bootstrap percolation on random geometric graphs
  250.  Critical percolation on scale-free random graphs: New universality class for the configuration model
  251. Percolation perspective on sites not visited by a random walk in two dimensions
  252. Analytical and numerical modelling of the programmable percolation route formation when planning two-phase operations
  253. The critical probability for Voronoi percolation in the hyperbolic plane tends to 1/2
  254. Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Computing Percolation Centrality
  256. Percolation on feature-enriched interconnected systems
  257. Anisotropic behavior in percolation of close-packed Janus disks
  258. Quantifying CO2 capillary heterogeneity trapping through macroscopic percolation simulation
  259. Universal behavior of site and bond percolation thresholds on regular lattices with compact extended-range neighborhoods in 2 and 3 dimensions
  260. Recellularization and integration of dense extracellular matrix by percolation of tissue microparticles
  261. Percolation associated to the Fokker-Planck equationto Modeling the ACE2 effect on the NCX exchanger: COVID-19 and the failing heart
  262.  Integrating acoustic emission into a percolation model to evaluate crack distribution characteristics of heated granite subjected to rapid cooling
  263.  Influence of effective pressure on percolation rate of coal
  264. Fractal dimension of discrete sets and percolation
  265.  Non-simple conformal loop ensembles on Liouville quantum gravity and the law of CLE percolation interfaces
  266. Supervised and unsupervised learning of directed percolation
  267. Square percolation and the threshold for quadratic divergence in random right-angled Coxeter groups
  268. Correlation length critical exponent as a function of the percolation radius for one-dimensional chains in bond problems
  269. Critical polynomials in the nonplanar and continuum percolation models
  270.  Bootstrap percolation: merging operations for polytopes1
  271. Strict inequality for bond percolation on a dilute lattice with columnar disorder
  272. Universal fluctuations and ergodicity of generalized diffusivity on critical percolation clusters
  273. Percolation Centrality via Rademacher Complexity
  274. Giant component for the supercritical level-set percolation of the Gaussian free field on regular expander graphs
  275. Non-triviality in a totally asymmetric one-dimensional Boolean percolation model on a half-line
  276. Invasion percolation in short-range and long-range disorder background
  277. Introduction to site and bond percolation on the lattice $ mathbb {Z}^ 2‎ $
  278.  Percolation behaviors of partially edge-coupled interdependent networks
  279. Duality and Outermost Boundaries in Generalized Percolation Lattices
  280. Percolation of temporal hierarchical mobility networks during COVID-19
  281. Bootstrap percolation in random geometric graphs
  282. Hidden invariance of last passage percolation and directed polymers
  283. Percolation of strongly correlated Gaussian fields I. Decay of subcritical connection probabilities
  284. Comparing the number of infected vertices in two symmetric sets for Bernoulli percolation (and other random partitions)
  285.  Characteristic functional cores revealed by hyperbolic disc embedding and k-core percolation on resting-state fMRI
  286. Elastic Percolation Networks
  287. On the C1-Property of the Percolation Function of Random Interlacements and a Related Variational Problem
  288. Protected percolation: a new universality class pertaining to heavily-doped quantum critical systems
  289.  Investigating the efficiency of dynamic vaccination by consolidating detecting errors and vaccine efficacy
  290. Optimal-order exit point bounds in exponential last-passage percolation via the coupling technique
  291. An efficient algorithm for solving elliptic problems on percolation clusters
  292.  Universality in bootstrap percolation and kinetically constrained models1
  293. Non-Optimality of Invaded Geodesics in 2d Critical First-Passage Percolation
  294. Mathematical and Physical Modelling of the Effect of Relative Permeability Curves Reversing Behavior
  295. Graph distances of continuum long-range percolation
  296. Island and lake size distributions in gradient percolation
  297. Nearest-neighbor connectedness theory: A general approach to continuum percolation
  298.  A sampling-guided unsupervised learning method to capture percolation in complex networks
  299. A hybrid percolation transition at a finite transition point in scale-free networks
  300. Multiscale genesis of a tiny giant for percolation on scale-free random graphs
  301. Percolation and first-passage percolation on oriented graphs
  302. Percolation of the two-dimensional model in the flow representation
  303. Postprocessing techniques for gradient percolation predictions on the square lattice
  304. Analysis of well testing results for single phase flow in reservoirs with percolation structure
  305. Direct observation of fractal-dimensional percolation in the 3D cluster dynamics of a ferroelectric supercrystal
  306. Multi-range percolation on oriented trees: critical curve and limit behavior
  307. Talagrand’s inequality in planar Gaussian field percolation
  308.  Interlacing and scaling exponents for the geodesic watermelon in last passage percolation
  309. Python–a Tool for Percolation Analysis in Triangular Lattice
  310. Constrained percolation in two dimensions
  311. Percolation phase transition in weight-dependent random connection models
  312. Electromagnetic interference shielding films with enhanced absorption using double percolation of poly (methyl methacrylate) beads and CIP/MWCNT/TPU composite …
  313. Scale-free percolation mixing time
  314. Percolation phenomena in the polymer composites with conducting polymer fillers
  315. Dependence of percolation and flow properties of fracture networks on the morphology
  316. An upper bound for in range- bond percolation in two and three dimensions
  317. Epidemics, the Ising-model and percolation theory: a comprehensive review focused on Covid-19
  318. Bond Percolation
  319. Phase transitions for the Boolean model of continuum percolation for Cox point processes
  320. 3D percolation modeling for predicting the thermal conductivity of graphene-polymer composites
  321. Belief reliability analysis of traffic network: An uncertain percolation Semi-Markov model
  322. A corrosion mechanism of NbC/α-C: H films for metallic bipolar plates in proton exchange membrane fuel cell cathode based on percolation model
  323.  Geometric percolation of hard-sphere dispersions in shear flow
  324. The Maker-Breaker percolation game on the square lattice
  325. Effects of critical correlations on quantum percolation in two dimensions
  326.  Optimal bond percolation in networks by a fast-decycling framework
  327. Spectral dimension of simple random walk on a long-range percolation cluster
  328. Bernoulli Hyperplane Percolation
  329. The field theoretical ABC of epidemic dynamics
  330. Continuity and uniqueness of percolation critical parameters in finitary random interlacements
  331. Correlated percolation
  332. Polluted bootstrap percolation in three dimensions
  333.  Transition between characters of classical groups, decomposition of Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns and last passage percolation
  334. Subcritical bootstrap percolation via Toom contours
  335. Invariant percolation properties in some continuum systems
  336. Geodesic rays and exponents in ergodic planar first passage percolation
  337. Percolation on coupled networks with multiple effective dependency links
  338. Downward Oxidant Transport Through Europa’s Ice Shell by Density-Driven Brine Percolation
  339. Scattering signatures of invasion percolation
  340. The sharp K4-percolation threshold on the Erdős–Rényi random graph
  341. Spectral dimension of simple random walk on a long-range percolation cluster
  342. Exact densities of loops in O (1) dense loop model and of clusters in critical percolation on a cylinder
  343.  Exact percolation probabilities for a square lattice: Site percolation on torus
  344.  A generalized Flory-Stockmayer kinetic theory of connectivity percolation and rigidity percolation of cytoskeletal networks
  345. SINR percolation for Cox point processes with random powers
  346. Quantitative homogenization on percolation clusters and interacting particle systems
  347. Reentrant Rigidity Percolation in Structurally Correlated Filamentous Networks
  348. Global structure of semi-infinite geodesics and competition interfaces in Brownian last-passage percolation
  350. Universality of the geodesic tree in last passage percolation
  351.  Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems
  352. Fine-grained domain counting and percolation analysis in 2D lattice systems with linked-lists
  353. Can we infer the percolation status of 3D fractured media from 2D outcrops?
  355. K-selective percolation: A simple model leading to a rich repertoire of phase transitions
  356. 3d Percolation Modeling for Studying the Connectivity and Permeability of Sandstone with Different Pore Distribution Characteristics
  357. What are the limits of universality?
  358. Identification of multiple influential spreaders on networks by percolation under the SIR model
  359.  Tuned dielectric and percolation behavior of cold-pressed polyvinyledene fluoride nanocomposites caused by Ni and BaTiO3 fillers
  360. Modeling of the stochastic dynamics of changes in node states and percolation transitions in social networks with self-organization and memory
  361. Elliptic percolation model for predicting the electrical conductivity of graphene–polymer composites
  362. Subadditive theorems and first passage percolation in time-dependent environments
  363. Epidemic spreading in an expanded parameter space: the supercritical scaling laws and subcritical metastable phases
  364.  Propagation Analysis of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Light of the Percolation Theory
  365. Left-cut-percolation and induced-Sidorenko bigraphs
  366. Satellite image processing based on percolation for physicochemical analysis of soil cover of industrial waste facilities
  367. Empirical formula for site and bond percolation thresholds on Archimedean and 2-uniform lattices
  368. Connectivity, permeability and flow channelization in fractured karst reservoirs: A numerical investigation based on a two-dimensional discrete fracture-cave network …
  369.  Fracture sealing and its impact on the percolation of
  370. Stochastic quorum percolation and noise focusing in neuronal networks
  371. Exact results for average cluster numbers in bond percolation on infinite-length lattice strips
  372.  Soil water-balance-based approach for estimating percolation with lysimeter and in field with and without mulch under micro irrigation
  373. Novel percolation-based measure for fiber efficacy in fiber-reinforced concrete beams
  374. Exclusion Volumes of Convex Bodies in High Space Dimensions: Applications to Virial Coefficients and Continuum Percolation
  375. Generating functions for message-passing on weighted networks: directed bond percolation and SIR epidemics
  376.  Closed-form solutions for the piezoresistivity properties of short-fiber reinforced composites with percolation-type behavior
  377.  Number of paths in oriented percolation as zero temperature limit of directed polymer
  378. Invasion Percolation on Power-Law Branching Processes
  379. Characterization of nonlinear percolation in tight oil reservoirs based on flow experiments and dynamic resistance characteristics
  380. Regularity of the time constant for a supercritical Bernoulli percolation
  381. Estimating stress percolation patterns in hydraulic fractured Gondwana coal using Raman spectroscopy
  382. -independent percolation on
  383. Percolation Distribution in Small-World Quantum Networks
  384. Percolation for two-dimensional excursion clouds and the discrete Gaussian free field
  385. Brownian regularity for the Airy line ensemble, and multi-polymer watermelons in Brownian last passage percolation
  386.  Exact percolation probabilities for a square lattice: Site percolation on a cylinder
  387. Convergence of the Environment Seen from Geodesics in Exponential Last-Passage Percolation
  388. K-clique percolation in free association networks. The mechanism behind the law ?
  389.  The temporal fluctuation of the inverse participation ratio for localized field modes in three-dimensional percolation system
  390. Absence of WARM percolation in the very strong reinforcement regime
  391. Universality class for loopless invasion percolation models and a percolation avalanche burst model for hydraulic fracturing
  392. Heat percolation in many-body flat-band localizing systems
  393. On a class of probabilistic cellular automata with size- neighbourhood and their applications in percolation games
  394.  The fluctuations of the giant cluster for percolation on random split trees
  395. A branching process with deletions and mergers that matches the threshold for hypercube percolation
  396. Random nanowire networks: Identification of a current-carrying subset of wires using a modified wall follower algorithm
  397. … of modified castor oil via photo-click chemistry for UV-curable waterborne polyurethane with enhanced water resistance and low conductive percolation threshold
  398. Pressure Transient Analysis in Vertically Fractured Multi-well System
  399. Foaming Effects on Conductivity Percolation Threshold in Conductive Polymer Composites
  400. Two-dimensional continuum percolation models with disks under the generalized Achlioptas process
  401. Percolation of Ion-Irradiation-Induced Disorder in Complex Oxide Interfaces
  402. Sharp phase transitions in percolation models
  403. Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms to Find 3-KCP Solution: Modularity, Clique Percolation, Spectral, Centrality, and Hierarchical Clustering
  404.  Possible formation of a perfect fluid in pp, p–Pb, Xe–Xe and Pb–Pb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider energies: a color string percolation approach
  405. Epidemics with asymptomatic transmission: Subcritical phase from recursive contact tracing
  406. Prediction of the vertical scaling of soil organic carbon in temperate forest soils using percolation theory
  407. Developing the non-dimensional framework for water distribution formulation to evaluate sprinkler irrigation
  408.  Phylogeny Numbers of Generalized Hamming Graphs
  409. Connectedness percolation in the random sequential adsorption packings of elongated particles
  410. Percolation on Lieb lattices
  411. Percolation for the Gaussian free field on the cable system: counterexamples
  412. The Modified random network (MRN) model within the configuron percolation theory (CPT) of glass transition
  413.  Modeling the spread of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. passiflorae in simulated physical microenvironment
  414. Three-dimensional 2-critical bootstrap percolation: The stable sets approach
  415.  Percolation of heterogeneous flows uncovers the bottlenecks of infrastructure networks
  416.  Percolation and connection times in multi-scale dynamic networks
  417.  What Are the Limits of Universality?: Supplementary Materials
  418. Geometry of geodesics through Busemann measures in directed last-passage percolation
  419. Artificial neural network investigation of injectability and percolation of highly filled β-Tricalcium phosphate suspensions
  420. Quantitative homogenization of the parabolic and elliptic Green’s functions on percolation clusters
  421. On the Robustness of Complex System With Percolation Theory Under Node Attack
  422. Thermoelectric improvement of the figure of merit of zinc phosphate glass composites by a likely tunnel percolation mechanism
  423. The Roles of Mediators In All-Solid-State Supercapacitors at Low-Temperature Application
  424. Uncertainty quantification of percolating electrical conductance for wavy carbon nanotube-filled polymer nanocomposites using Bayesian inference
  425. Liquid-dependent impedance induced by vapor condensation and percolation in nanoparticle film
  426. Epidemic spreading and digital contact tracing: Effects of heterogeneous mixing and quarantine failures
  427. Rate of Convergence of Critical Interfaces to SLE Curves
  428. Encoding Scheme For Infinite Set of Symbols: The Percolation Process
  429.  Critical fluctuations in epidemic models explain COVID-19 post-lockdown dynamics
  430. Percolation model of electric properties of laser modified PbTe film
  431. Last passage percolation in an exponential environment with discontinuous rates
  432. Percolation threshold analyses can detect community assembly processes in simulated and natural tree communities
  433. Comparing methods and combining COVID-19 network models: The SIR model, percolation and beyond
  434. Critical exponents for a percolation model on transient graphs
  435. 3D-Printed thermoplastic polyurethane/graphene composite with porous segregated structure: Toward ultralow percolation threshold and great strain sensitivity
  436. Numerical study on percolation and dam slope’s stability of impermeable wall composed by clay and concrete for earth-rock dam
  437. … modulus of halloysite-nanotube-based samples assuming the distribution and networking of both nanoparticles and interphase zone after mechanical percolation
  438. Scaling Behavior of the Hirsch Index for Paper Citations, Failure Avalanches and Percolation Clusters
  439. Computing the Probability of Getting Infected: On the Counting Complexity of Bootstrap Percolation
  440. The elastic and directed percolation backbone
  441. Extended development of a bubble percolation method to predict boiling crisis of flow boiling
  442. Comparing Percolation and Alignment of Cellulose Nanocrystals for the Reinforcement of Polyurethane Nanocomposites
  443. Directed percolation and numerical stability of simulations of digital memcomputing machines
  444. A predictive model for fracture in human ribs based on in vitro acoustic emission data
  445. Bootstrap percolation and kinetically constrained models: two-dimensional universality and beyond
  446. On percolation in a generalized backbend process
  447. Using Practice Context Models to Knowledge Management in Proof-of-Concept Activities: A Contribution of Knowledge Networks and Percolation Theory
  448. Attaining low percolation threshold in conductive polypropylene/nitrile rubber thermoplastic vulcanizates using carbon nanotube
  449. Modelling flow and transport in variably saturated porous media: Applications from percolation theory and effective-medium approximation
  450. Modeling the integrity of course learning using percolation through intra-disciplinary connections
  451. Elongation and percolation of defect motifs in anisotropic packing problems
  452. Effective ion mobility in anion exchange ionomers: Relations with hydration, porosity, tortuosity, and percolation
  453. Multiscale modeling and numerical analyses of the electric conductivity of CNT/polymer nanocomposites taking into account the tunneling effect
  454. High-Voltage Wave Induced a Unique Structured Percolation Network with a Negative Gauge Factor
  455. Almost exponential decay for subcritical Constrained-degree percolation
  456. Near-critical avalanches in 2D frozen percolation and forest fires
  457. Time increasing rates of infiltration and reaction in porous media at the percolation thresholds
  458. Rhombohedral distortion and percolation phenomena in B-site substituted perovskite ferroelectrics with enhanced piezoelectric response
  459. Forest connectivity percolation thresholds for fire spread under different weather conditions
  460. Monotonicity of Markov chain transition probabilities via quasi-stationarity — an application to Bernoulli percolation on
  461. Conduction and diffusion in percolating systems
  462. Percolation analysis of the atmospheric structure
  463. On the Channel Percolation in Ferroelectric FET Towards Proper Analog States Engineering
  464. Percolation on random graphs with a fixed degree sequence
  465.  Scaling electrical percolation networks based on renormalization group theory
  466. Percolation behaviors of finite components on complex networks
  467. New Gas Tracer Convection–Diffusion Model between Wells in Heavy Oil Reservoirs
  468. Python implementation in percolation analysis of hexagonal lattice
  470.  Majority bootstrap percolation and paths in G (n, p)
  471. Sharp asymptotics for arm probabilities in critical planar percolation
  472. Investigation of the rupture of a synthetic tape within the framework of the percolation theory
  473. Large deviation principle for the cutsets and lower large deviation principle for the maximal flow in first passage percolation
  474. Modification of advanced Takayanagi model for the modulus of nanoclay/polymer systems comprising the effectual networks of both nanoclay and interphase section
  475.  Characterization of vulnerability of road networks to random and nonrandom disruptions using network percolation approach
  476.  Fractal percolation is unrectifiable
  477.  Noise sensitivity without spectrum: a simple example
  478. Percolation transitions in pyrochlore: Radiation-damage and thermally induced structural reorganization
  479. Indirect influence in social networks as an induced percolation phenomenon
  480. Multiscale entropy and asynchronies of percolation-based price model and Chinese stock market
  481.  Conductivity in the 2D Rayleigh Model for the Critical Concentration (Percolation Threshold)
  482. Mathematical Model of an Electric Hater Based on a Nano-modified Elastomer with the Effect of Temperature Self-regulation
  483.  Bistability and time crystals in long-ranged directed percolation
  484. Research on Prediction Method of Drilling and Falling Recovery Law in Productivity Area
  485. Connectomic analysis of Alzheimer’s disease using percolation theory
  486.  Percolation Bootstrap percolation and kinetically constrained models: Two-dimensional universality and beyond
  487. Momentum Signatures of Site Percolation in Disordered 2D Ferromagnets
  488.  Criticality and covered area fraction in confetti and Voronoi percolation
  489. Closed-form solutions for the piezoresistivity properties of short-fiber reinforced composites with percolation-type behavior
  490. Application of percolation, critical-path, and effective-medium theories for calculation of two-phase relative permeability
  491. Percolation, Threshold, and Phase Change
  492.  Nanorod-based transparent electrodes: Identification of a current-carrying subset of rods using a modified wall follower algorithm
  493. Cluster Percolation Causes Shear Thinning Behavior in Concentrated Solutions of Monoclonal Antibodies
  494. Machine learning the 2D percolation model
  495. Entanglement negativity at measurement-induced criticality
  496. Optimal resilience of modular interacting networks
  497. Bose–Einstein condensation for particles with repulsive short-range pair interactions in a Poisson random external potential in
  498. Flour Quality effects on percolation of gas bubbles in wheat flour doughs
  499. Tensile strength of carbon-nanotube-based nanocomposites by the effective characteristics of interphase area nearby the filler network
  500.  Advancing Evolutionary Computational Space Value Theory [CSVT] for Arbitration Efficiency in Multivalent Percolation Theory
  501. A model can describe large networks
  502. Selected problems in probability theory
  503.  Probabilistic and geometric methods in last passage percolation
  504. Percolation with Plasticity Materials and Their Neuromorphic Applications
  505. Time-time covariance for last passage percolation in half-space
  506. Carbon dioxide storage in deltaic saline aquifers: invasion percolation and compositional simulation
  507. Study on unsteady seepage characteristics and production decline of tight channel sandstone gas reservoirs
  508.  Planar random-cluster model: fractal properties of the critical phase
  509. Equivalent hydraulic conductivity, connectivity and percolation in 2D and 3D random binary media
  510. Nonequilibrium dark space phase transition
  511. Mathematical Model and Application of Spontaneous and Forced Imbibition in Shale Porous Media-Considered Forced Pressure and Osmosis
  512. Morphological, thermal, and mechanical properties of cellulose nanocrystal reinforced poly (lactic acid) and poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate): A comparative …
  513. On the exponential growth rates of lattice animals and interfaces II: new asymptotic bounds
  514. Beyond Hammersley’s Last-Passage Percolation: a discussion on possible local and global constraints
  515. Effects of disorder on Harris-criterion violating percolation
  516. Percolation-Based Dynamic Perimeter Control for Urban Road Networks
  517. KPZ limit theorems
  518.  In and Out of Equilibrium 3: Celebrating Vladas Sidoravicius
  519. Interdependent transport via percolation backbones in spatial networks
  520. A percolation-like process of within-organization collective corruption: a computational approach
  521. Precise manipulation of the charge percolation networks of flow-electrode capacitive deionization using a pulsed magnetic field
  522. Percolation transitions in growing networks under achlioptas processes: Analytic solutions
  523. Random fractals and their intersection with winning sets
  524. Non-triviality of the phase transition for percolation on finite transitive graphs
  525. Advancement of the Power-Law Model and Its Percolation Exponent for the Electrical Conductivity of a Graphene-Containing System as a Component in the …
  526. Spins, percolation and height functions
  527.  Permeability Change in Macro-Fractured Granite Using Water Including Clay
  528. Scalable morphological accessibility of complex microstructures
  529. Sharpness of the phase transition for the orthant model
  530. Higher-order percolation processes on multiplex hypergraphs
  531.  Degassing and gas percolation in basaltic magmas
  532. … of Composite Electrode on Performance of Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Using a Three-Dimensional Multi-Scale Mathematical Model
  533.  Hybrid Approach for Community Detection using K-Core andClique Percolation
  534. Porous GNP/PDMS composites with significantly reduced percolation threshold of conductive filler for stretchable strain sensors
  535. Minimum lethal sets in grids and tori under 3-neighbour bootstrap percolation
  536. Percolation may explain efficiency, robustness, and economy of the brain
  537. Critical properties of various sizes of cluster in the Ising percolation transition
  538.  Height function delocalisation on cubic planar graphs
  539. Percolation effects in the Fortuin-Kasteleyn Ising model on the complete graph
  540. Preparation and characterization of carbon fibre powder (CFP)-polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) composite films showing percolation threshold behaviour
  541. Basic Law of Percolation
  542.  On monotonicity and couplings of random currents and the loop-O (1)-model
  543. The Interplay between the Theories of Mode Coupling and of Percolation Transition in Attractive Colloidal Systems
  544. Double percolation and segregated structures formed in polymer alloy with excellent electrical conductivity
  545. Effective mathematical modelling of health passes during a pandemic
  546. Statistics of percolating clusters in a model of photosynthetic bacteria
  547. Revisiting finite size effect of percolation in degree correlated networks
  548. On the monotonicity of the critical time in the Constrained-degree percolation model
  549. Economical conductive graphite-filled polymer composites via adjustable segregated structures: Construction, low percolation threshold, and positive temperature …
  550.  2WH40-Bachelor Final Project-Topology-dependent First Passage Percolation on Spatial Scale-free Networks
  551. Thermal percolation and electrical insulation in composite materials with partially metallic coated fillers
  553. Percolation transition for random forests in
  554. Finite-energy infinite clusters without anchored expansion
  555. Digital herd immunity and COVID-19
  556. Geometric Upper Critical Dimensions of the Ising Model
  557. Standard and inverse site percolation of straight rigid rods on triangular lattices: Isotropic and perfectly oriented deposition and removal
  558. Level-set percolation of the Gaussian free field on regular graphs III: giant component on expanders
  559. Percolation of rigid fractal carbon black aggregates
  560. Characterization of the Amount of Swept and Unswept Fractions Between Two Wells in the Presence of Reservoir Anisotropy
  561. Computational Science 101-Towards a Computationally Informed Citizenry
  562.  Effective mathematical modelling of health passes during a pandemic
  563. First passage percolation in hostile environment is not monotone
  564. The Brownian loop soup stress-energy tensor
  565. Geodesics in first-passage percolation cross any pattern
  566.  Evaluation of grain boundaries as percolation pathways in quartz-rich continental crust using Atomic Force Microscopy
  567. Segregated carbon nanotube networks in CNT-polymer nanocomposites for higher electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity, and lower percolation threshold
  568. Jamming as a random first-order percolation transition
  569. Influence percolation method for overlapping community detection
  570. Negative correlation of adjacent Busemann increments
  571. Size dependent percolation threshold and microwave absorption properties in nano carbon black/silicon rubber composites
  572. An X-ray micro-tomographic study of the pore space, permeability and percolation threshold of young sea ice
  573.  Integration of general physics experiments with mathematical simulation
  574. Tracking the Progression & Influence of Beta-Amyloid Plaques Using Percolation Centrality and Collective Influence Algorithm: A Study using PET images
  575.  Artificial fast-adapting mechanoreceptor based on carbon nanotube percolating network
  576. Advanced Models for Modulus and Strength of Carbon-Nanotube-Filled Polymer Systems Assuming the Networks of Carbon Nanotubes and Interphase Section
  577.  Study of the Influence of Clay Minerals on the Mechanical and Percolation Properties of Weakly Cemented Rocks
  578. Transfer learning of phase transitions in percolation and directed percolation
  579.  Numerical models of pressure-driven fluid percolation in rock salt: nucleation and propagation of flow pathways under variable stress conditions
  580. Accelerated Information Dissemination on Networks with Local and Global Edges
  581. Federated Clique Percolation for Overlapping Community Detection on Attributed Networks
  582. Electrical percolation characteristics and other electrical transport properties of amorphous Se85-xTe15Sbx thin films
  583. Belief Reliability Analysis of Traffic Network: An Uncertain Percolation CML Model
  584. Effects of irrigation strategies and soil properties on the characteristics of deep percolation and crop water requirements for a variable rate irrigation system
  585.  Fermat distances, percolation, and multimanifold clustering
  586. Emergent networks in fractional percolation
  587. Many-body localization as a percolation phenomenon
  588. Percolation threshold and effective properties of CNTs-reinforced two-phase composite materials
  589. Busemann process and semi-infinite geodesics in Brownian last-passage percolation
  590.  Pattern Analysis in Oral Cancer Images using Fractal Dimension
  591. Molecular hints of two-step transition to convective flow via streamline percolation
  592. Recursive contact tracing in Reed–Frost epidemic models
  593. -selective percolation
  594.  Hydrogen bonding and percolation in propan-2-ol–water liquid mixtures: X-ray diffraction experiments and computer simulations
  595. Effective fronts of polygon shapes in two dimensions
  596. Electrical percolation threshold and size effects in polyvinylpyrrolidone-oxidized single-wall carbon nanohorn nanocomposite: The impact for relative humidity resistive …
  597. Diffusive scaling limit of the Busemann process in Last Passage Percolation
  598. Local limit theorems for a directed random walk on the backbone of a supercritical oriented percolation cluster
  599. Mathematical modelling and analysis of vegetable oil extraction processes in ‘Crown Model’plant
  600. Mixing times for the TASEP in the maximal current phase
  601. The variance of the graph distance in the infinite cluster of percolation is sublinear
  602. Percolation in Random Graphs of Unbounded Rank
  603. Permeability of concrete considering the synergetic effect of crack’s shape-and size-polydispersities on the percolation
  604. External field and critical exponents in controlling dynamics on complex networks
  605. RMF accessibility percolation on oriented graphs
  606. Divergence of non-random fluctuation for Euclidean first-passage percolation
  607. Robust decoding in monitored dynamics of open quantum systems with Z_2 symmetry
  608. Solving a percolation inverse problem with a divide-and-concur algorithm
  609. Characterisation of organic matter and its transformation processes in on-site wastewater effluent percolating through soil using fluorescence spectroscopic methods …
  610. Research on risk propagation method of multimodal transport network under uncertainty
  611. Managing in a Post-COVID-19 World: A stakeholder network perspective
  612.  Giant component in the configuration model under geometric constraints
  613.  Advancing Evolutionary Computational Space Value Theory [CSVT] for Quantum Indeterminacy Arbitration Efficiency in Multivalent Percolation Theory
  614. Scaling Theory of Percolation Clusters
  615. The bunkbed conjecture holds in the limit
  616. Thermoplastic polyurethane/multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites: effect of nanoparticle content, shear, and thermal processing
  617. Electrical conductivity of interphase zone in polymer nanocomposites by carbon nanotubes properties and interphase depth
  618. Extraction of sweeteners from Stevia rebaudiana by semicontinuous percolation of untreated leaves and leaves pretreated with ethanol
  619. A compartmental model for cyber-epidemics
  620. Contrasting melt percolation and melt-rock reactions in the Parece Vela back-arc oceanic lithosphere, Philippine Sea: A mineralogical perspective
  621. On the Restriction of Laplace–Beltrami Eigenfunctions and Cantor-Type Sets
  622. Effects of confinement and vaccination on an epidemic outburst: A statistical mechanics approach
  623. Mémoire
  624. Analysis of mechanical, thermal, electrical and EMI shielding properties of graphite/carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene composites prepared via a twin screw …
  625. Some rigorous results on the phase transition of finitary random interlacements
  626. Bias induced drift and trapping on random combs and the Bethe lattice: Fluctuation regime and first order phase transitions
  627. Modeling epidemic interventions with probability generating functions
  628. Ferromagnetic percolation transition in a multiorbital flat band assisted by Hund’s coupling
  629. The Disordered Heterogeneous Universe: Galaxy Distribution and Clustering Across Length Scales
  630.  Percolation and Reynolds flow in elastic contacts of isotropic and anisotropic, randomly rough surfaces
  631. Simulation study on liquid percolation in diffusion layer of in-vitro diagnostic chips
  632. Coupling derivation of optimal-order central moment bounds in exponential last-passage percolation
  633. First passage percolation on hyperbolic groups
  634.  Distances in 1/| x− y| 2d percolation models for all dimensions
  635. Numerical study of triple-phase boundary length in high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell
  636. Embedding-aided network dismantling
  637.  Social percolation revisited: From 2d lattices to adaptive networks
  638.  Electromigration-induced formation of percolating adsorbate islands during condensation from the gaseous phase: a computational study
  639. Application of Percolation Theory to Statistical Topographies
  640.  Modeling of Effective Electrical Conductivity and Percolation Behavior in Conductive-Polymer Nanocomposites Reinforced with Spherical Carbon Black
  641. An explicit Dobrushin uniqueness region for Gibbs point processes with repulsive interactions
  642. Coastlines and percolation in a model for hierarchical random deposition
  643. Mass transfer principles in column percolation tests: Initial conditions and tailing in heterogeneous materials
  644. Epidemiological theory of virus variants
  645. Quantum percolation of monopole paths and the response of quantum spin ice
  646.  The effective stress coefficient of coal: a theoretical and experimental investigation
  647.  Derivation and Solution of Space-Time Fractional Reaction-Convection-Diffusion Equation in Comb-Like Model
  648. Percolation probability and critical exponents for site percolation on the UIPT
  649. Expansion in supercritical random subgraphs of the hypercube and its consequences
  650.  Percolation Processes on Dynamically Grown Graphs
  651. Directional percolating pathways in demixing blends on a wetting substrate
  652. Numerical Modeling as an Effective tool for Artificial Groundwater Recharge Assessment
  653.  Studying and Visualizing Contagion on Graphs
  654. Cylinders’ percolation: decoupling and applications
  655. The wired arboreal gas on regular trees
  656. Doubly Stochastic Yule Cascades (Part I): The explosion problem in the time-reversible case
  657. Inferring the Type of Phase Transitions Undergone in Epileptic Seizures Using Random Graph Hidden Markov Models for Percolation in Noisy Dynamic Networks
  658.  Markov chains and physical fields A mathematical introduction (preliminary version)
  659. Scaling limit of dynamical percolation on critical Erdős–Rényi random graphs
  660. Scaling behavior of information entropy in explosive percolation transitions
  661. Infinite order phase transition in the slow bond TASEP
  662. Switchover phenomenon induced by epidemic seeding on geometric networks
  663.  “SPOCU”: scaled polynomial constant unit activation function
  664.  Behavior of the distance exponent for 1/| x− y| 2d long-range percolation
  665. Characteristic core voxels in normal individuals revealed by hyperbolic disc embedding and k-core percolation on resting state fMRI
  666. On Natural Measures of Several Random Fractals Induced from SLE and CLE
  667. Increasing electrical conductivity of PMMA-MWCNT composites by gas phase iodination
  668.  Percolation threshold of the thermal, electrical and optical properties of carbonyl-iron microcomposites
  669. Correlated rigidity percolation in fractal lattices
  670. Subcritical Connectivity and Some Exact Tail Exponents in High Dimensional Percolation
  671.  Analytical-geometrical percolation network model for piezoresistivity of hybrid CNT–CB polymer nanocomposites using Monte Carlo simulations
  672. Fractal geometry of Airy processes coupled via the Airy sheet
  673. Percolation theory applied in modelling of Fe2O3 reduction during chemical looping combustion
  674. First-passage percolation on random simple triangulations
  675. Plasma etching behavior of yttrium-aluminum oxide composite ceramics
  676. Percolating transition from weak to strong turbulence in wind-induced water surface waves
  677. Geodesic length and shifted weights in first-passage percolation
  678.  Numerical approximation to the scaling law describing the geometrical tortuosity in porous media
  679.  First passage percolation in the mean field limit
  680. Three-dimensional reconstruction from experimental two-dimensional images: Application to irradiated metallic fuel
  681. Numerically efficient computation of the survival signature for the reliability analysis of large networks
  682.  On the applicability of connectivity metrics to rough fractures under normal stress
  683.  On K 2 , t -Bootstrap Percolation
  684. Use of mathematical modeling and its inverse analysis for precise assessment of pesticide dissipation in a paddy environment
  685.  Avalanches in strong imbibition
  686. Minimization of deep percolation by a parabolic simulation model in a blocked end furrow irrigation method
  687. … relaxation of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate/TX-100/toluene microemulsions: Structure transition, percolation mechanism, interfacial polarization and …
  688.  A new method for the mathematical modelling of water movement in a surface irrigation system: method and application
  689.  Near-critical 2D percolation with heavy-tailed impurities, forest fires and frozen percolation
  690. On the -Hull Number of Kneser Graphs
  691. Are natural fractures pervasive?
  692. Discontinuous transitions of social distancing in the SIR model
  693. Behavior of the distance exponent for long-range percolation
  694. Improved CPD model coupled with lattice vacancy evolution
  695. Simple holistic solution to Archie’s-law puzzle in porous media
  696.  Spatial correlations in geographical spreading of COVID-19 in the United States
  697. Comprehensive correction method of airtight coring saturation based on core classification
  698. Lattice Models (M24)
  699. Phase behavior and percolation in mixed patchy colloids
  700. Thin and efficient EMI shielding materials from binary thermoplastic blend nanocomposites
  701. Fractional Diffusion with Geometric Constraints: Application to Signal Decay in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  702. On the CFT describing the spin clusters in 2d Potts model
  703. The interplay between subcritical fluctuations and import: understanding COVID-19 epidemiology dynamics
  704. Critical exponents and universal excess cluster number of percolation in four and five dimensions
  705. Salt-in-ionic-liquid electrolytes: Ion network formation and negative effective charges of alkali metal cations
  706. Epidemic spreading in a social network with facial masks wearing individuals
  707. Strain-sensing behavior of flexible polypropylene/poly (ethylene-co-octene)/multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposites under cyclic tensile deformation
  708. Cell Resistance and Antimicrobial Resistance with Waning Vaccination
  709. Percolations on a plane
  710.  Test investigation of percolation through municipal solid waste (MSW) with a triple function physical model
  711. Mathematical modeling of electrical conductivity of anisotropic nanocomposite with periodic structure
  712. Giant component of the soft random geometric graph
  713. Studying the dynamics of urban traffic flows using percolation: a new methodology for real-time urban and transportation planning
  714.  GO Nikolaenko, OS Vodoriz, cand. phys.-math. Sciences
  715. Network Properties for Robust Multilayer Infrastructure Systems: A Percolation Theory Review
  716. Upper tail bounds for stationary KPZ models
  717. Persistence of a pandemic in the presence of susceptibility and infectivity distributions in a population: Mathematical model
  718. Central limit theorems for SIR epidemics and percolation on configuration model random graphs
  719. Poisson-Voronoi percolation in the hyperbolic plane with small intensities
  720.  Test investigation of percolation through municipal solid waste (MSW) with a triple function physical model
  721. Mathematical modeling of electrical conductivity of anisotropic nanocomposite with periodic structure
  722. Giant component of the soft random geometric graph
  723. Studying the dynamics of urban traffic flows using percolation: a new methodology for real-time urban and transportation planning
  724.  GO Nikolaenko, OS Vodoriz, cand. phys.-math. Sciences
  725. Network Properties for Robust Multilayer Infrastructure Systems: A Percolation Theory Review
  726. Upper tail bounds for stationary KPZ models
  727. Persistence of a pandemic in the presence of susceptibility and infectivity distributions in a population: Mathematical model
  728. Central limit theorems for SIR epidemics and percolation on configuration model random graphs
  729. Poisson-Voronoi percolation in the hyperbolic plane with small intensities
  730. Temperature-dependent rheological behavior of nanofluids rich in carbon-based nanoparticles
  731. Explosion and non-explosion for the continuous-time frog model
  732. The coupling of uniform spanning trees and quantitative Russo-Seymour-Welsh for random walk on random graphs
  733. Nonhomogeneous Euclidean first-passage percolation and distance learning
  734.  Percolation Threshold in Polymer Nanocomposites
  735. The Intrinsic Fragility of the Liquid–Vapor Interface: A Stress Network Perspective
  736. Functionalized graphene nanoplatelets/poly (lactic acid)/chitosan nanocomposites: Mechanical, biodegradability, and electrical conductivity properties
  737. Strict Inequality for the Chemical Distance Exponent in Two-Dimensional Critical Percolation
  738.  Impact of US vaccination strategy on COVID-19 wave dynamics
  739.  Hybrid modelling of saturated water flow in percolating and non-percolating macroporous soil media
  740. Dual percolations of electrical conductivity and electromagnetic interference shielding in progressively agglomerated CNT/polymer nanocomposites
  741. Numerical simulation of electrical conductivity on the graphite-quartz model and its geophysical application
  742. Impact of hydro-chemical conditions on structural and hydro-mechanical properties of chalk samples during dissolution experiments
  743. Fluctuations of transverse increments in two-dimensional first passage percolation
  744. Critical points of the random cluster model with Newman–Ziff sampling
  745.  Laws of gas diffusion in coal particles: a study based on experiment and numerical simulation
  746. Adaptation of the Chemical Percolation Devolatilization Model for Low Temperature Pyrolysis in a Fluidized Bed Reactor
  747. Extremal problems about bootstrap percolation on graphs
  748. A Novel Method for Evaluation of the Spontaneous Imbibition Process in Tight Reservoir Rocks: Mathematical Model and Experimental Verification
  749. Non–isothermal two–phase hydrogen transport in rock salt during cycling in underground caverns
  750.  Connectivity in Pixel-Based Facies Models
  751. Roughness of geodesics in Liouville quantum gravity
  752. Expansion in Supercritical Random Subgraphs of Expanders and its Consequences
  753.  A non-absorbing SIR stochastic lattice gas model on hybrid lattices
  754.  The tail of the length of an excursion in a trap of random size
  755. Compensated non-linear root water uptake model and identification of soil hydraulic and root water uptake parameters*
  756.  On existence of ground states in the spin boson model
  757. Evidence of Volatile-Induced Melting in the Northeast Asian Upper Mantle
  758. The Shape of Shortest Paths
  759. Representation of the universe as a dendrogramic hologram endowed with relational interpretation
  760. Broadband microwave absorption performance and theoretical dielectric properties model of hollow porous carbon spheres/expanded polypropylene composite …
  761. Interplay between percolation and glassiness in the random Lorentz gas
  762. SYMMETRY AND INTERPOLATION OF ESTIMATES FOR THE COMPLEX GREEN OPERATOR (Topology of pseudoconvex domains and analysis of reproducing …
  763. Development and application of three-dimensional discrete fracture network modeling approach for fluid flow in fractured rock masses
  764. Electrical conductivity of porous binary powder mixtures
  765. Phase connectivity in pore-network models for capillary-driven flow
  766. Using Basin Modelling to Understand Injected CO2 Migration and Trapping Mechanisms: A Case Study from the Sleipner CO2 Storage Operation
  767. Effect of Pore-Scale Heterogeneity on Scale-Dependent Permeability: Pore-Network Simulation and Finite-Size Scaling Analysis
  768. Critical pore radius and transport properties of disordered hard-and overlapping-sphere models
  769. Brownian absolute continuity of the KPZ fixed point with arbitrary initial condition
  770. Small deviation estimates and small ball probabilities for geodesics in last passage percolation
  771. Community structure and fractality in complex networks
  772. Anomalous metals: from” failed superconductor” to” failed insulator”
  773. Modeling Cancer Evolution as an Interacting Particle System
  774.  Experimental evidence of mosaic structure in strongly supercooled molecular liquids
  775. Fate of articulation points and bredges in percolation
  776. Sharpness of the phase transition for the corrupted compass model on transitive graphs
  777. Cellulose nanocrystal-mediated assembly of graphene oxide in natural rubber nanocomposites with high electrical conductivity
  778. Modeling of the Electrotransport Process in PP-Based and PLA-Based Composite Fibers Filled with Carbon Nanofibers
  779. The Second Generalization of the Hausdorff Dimension Theorem for Random Fractals
  780. Beyond big data–new techniques for forecasting elections using stochastic models with self-organisation and memory
  781.  A mathematical programming approach to overlapping community detection
  782. Effect of the agglomerate geometry on the effective electrical conductivity of a porous electrode
  783. Investigation and modeling of the electrical conductivity of graphene nanoplatelets-loaded doped-polypyrrole
  784. The localization of quantum random walks on Sierpinski gaskets
  785. Influence of fractal and lacunar characteristic of a nanostructured substrate on SERS enhancement
  786. Improving heat extraction performance of enhanced geothermal systems: Insights from critical fracture network parameter and multi-objective optimization method
  787. Determining effective permeability at reservoir scale: Application of critical path analysis
  788. The roles of conduit redundancy and connectivity in xylem hydraulic functions
  789. Molecular weight effect of PS latex particles on optical and electrical percolations of PS latex/MWCNT nanocomposite films
  790.  Influence of Porosity on Ultra-High Vacuum Gas-Tightness in Cold-Sprayed Aluminum Coatings
  791. Determining effective permeability at reservoir scale: Numerical simulations and theoretical modeling
  792.  Schramm-Loewner evolutions (L16)
  793.  Protection from COVID-19: the efficacy of face masks
  794.  Degree dependent transmission probabilities in epidemic processes
  795. Percolating sets in bootstrap percolation on the Hamming graphs and triangular graphs
  796.  Geometric percolation of colloidal particles
  797. A Social-Physics Approach to Modeling and Analyzing Epidemics
  798.  Mean conservation of nodal volume and connectivity measures for gaussian ensembles
  799. Simulating Infiltration as a Sequence of Pinning and De-pinning Processes
  800. Weak components of the directed configuration model
  801.  HatchFrac: A fast open-source DFN modeling software
  802. Network processes on clique-networks with high average degree: the limited effect of higher-order structure
  803. The chemical distance in random interlacements in the low-intensity regime
  804. Percolation Theory Prediction of Green Strength in Composites
  805.  Phase boundary near a magnetic percolation transition
  806. Impact of surface roughness on evaporation in 2D micromodels
  807. First-passage percolation in random planar maps and Tutte’s bijection
  808. When the geodesic becomes rigid in the directed landscape
  809. Betweenness centrality in dense spatial networks
  810.  Numerical Simulation and Sensitivity Evaluation of Fracture Flooding in a Class III Reservoir
  811. Design of PLGA-Based Drug Delivery Systems Using a Physically-Based Sustained Release Model
  812.  THE ANNALS
  813. Measurement-induced criticality and entanglement clusters: A study of one-dimensional and two-dimensional Clifford circuits
  814.  Random walk on the random connection model
  815. Elastic wave velocity changes due to the fracture aperture and density, and direct correlation with permeability: an energetic approach to mated rock fractures
  816. Thermal Percolation Threshold and Synergistic Effects in Graphene Enhanced Thermal Interface Materials
  817. Non-monotone cellular automata: Order prevails over chaos
  818.  Thermal Percolation Threshold and Synergistic Effects in Graphene Enhanced Thermal Interface Materials
  819. A geometric perspective on the scaling limits of critical Ising and models
  820.  Seminario de Probabilidad: Probabilidad contemporánea
  821.  A model for permeability evolution during volcanic welding
  822.  A random connection model for pore network modeling
  823.  Local and collective transitions in sparsely-interacting ecological communities
  824. Avoided points of two-dimensional random walks
  825. Millimeter-Scale Percolated Polyethylene/Graphene Composites for 5G Electromagnetic Shielding
  826.  Permeability evolution of two-dimensional fracture networks during shear under constant normal stiffness boundary conditions
  827. Peaks of cylindric plane partitions
  828. Generalized k-cores of networks under attack with limited knowledge
  829. Mathematical Problems of Managing the Risks of Complex Systems under Targeted Attacks with Known Structures
  830. Transverse size of interacting directed lattice animals studied by Yang–Lee approach
  831. Expansion, long cycles, and complete minors in supercritical random subgraphs of the hypercube
  832. The spread of infectious diseases from a physics perspective
  833. Dimensional transmutation from non-Hermiticity
  834. An elementary approach to component sizes in some critical random graphs
  835. Refined universality for critical KCM: lower bounds
  836. Non-uniqueness times for the maximizer of the KPZ fixed point
  837.  From nucleation to percolation: the effect of system size when disorder and stress localization compete
  838.  Thermosuperrepellency of a hot substrate caused by vapour percolation
  839.  Data science and machine learning: Mathematical and statistical methods by Dirk P. Kroese, Zdravko Botev, Thomas Taimre, Radislav Vaisman Boca …
  840. On (non-) monotonicity and phase diagram of finitary random interlacement
  841. Estimation of relative transport properties in porous transport layers using pore-scale and pore-network simulations
  842.  Rigidity percolation uncovers a structural basis for embryonic tissue phase transitions
  843.  A practical solution model for transient pressure behavior of multistage fractured horizontal wells with finite conductivity in tight oil reservoirs
  844.  Communicating macropores in PHEMA-based hydrogels for cell seeding: Probabilistic open pore simulation and direct micro-CT proof
  845. Micromorphology and fractal evaluation of Dinizia excelsa Ducke wood under three different cut conditions by atomic force microscopy
  846. Circling in on Convective Self-Aggregation
  847.  on Statistics, Applied Mathematics, and Computing Science (CSAMCS 2021)
  848. Effects of Seepage on Gas Loss through Shale Desorption during Shale Core Removal
  849. Asymptotics for the critical level and a strong invariance principle for high intensity shot noise fields
  850. Importance of microstructure in carbonate rocks: Laboratory and 3D-imaging petrophysical characterization
  851. Areas of planar loops, coarsening and the TTbar deformation
  852.  Detachment transition in a model of convexification of clusters of discs
  853. High-dimensional Monochromatic Random Waves approximate the Bargmann-Fock field
  854. Effect of nanofiller morphology on the electrical conductivity of polymer nanocomposites
  855.  Population Growth on a 1D Lattice with Dynamic Disorder: Asymptotic Shape and Critical Behaviour
  856. A discussion on hydrogen migration in rock salt for tight underground storage with an insight into a laboratory setup
  857. Coupling between internal and external mass transfer during stage-1 evaporation in capillary porous media: Interfacial resistance approach
  858. Simulation study of random sequential deposition of binary mixtures of lattice animals on a three-dimensional cubic lattice
  859. Mimicry of a Conceptual Hydrological Model (HBV): What’s in a Name?
  860. SPIRE, Surface Projection Image Recognition Environment for bicontinuous phases: application for plastid cubic membranes
  861. Diffusion dynamics in branched spherical structure
  862.  Random spanning forests and hyperbolic symmetry
  863.  The Lightning Model
  864. Model for dispersion rheology
  865. Multiple phase transitions in ER edge-coupled interdependent networks
  866. High-Performance Conductive Polymer Composites by Incorporation of Polyaniline-Wrapped Halloysite Nanotubes and Silver Microflakes
  867. Immunization of networks with limited knowledge and temporary immunity
  868. Electrical conductivity of nanorod-based transparent electrodes: Comparison of mean-field approaches
  869. Probability and Statistics
  870.  Mechanics of Oil and Gas Flow in Porous Media
  871. Structural and Dynamical Properties of Liquid Water Increase Turbulent Flows
  872. Investigating complexity in networks of percolating tin nanoparticles.
  873. The Effect of Agglomeration on the Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Polymer Matrix Nanocomposites Reinforced with Carbon Nanotubes
  874. Interface shapes in microfluidic porous media: conditions allowing steady, simultaneous two-phase flow
  875. Nonbacktracking eigenvalues under node removal: X-centrality and targeted immunization
  876. On Moments of Multiplicative Coalescents
  877. Statistical topology of the streamlines of a 2D flow
  878. Structural origins of cartilage shear mechanics
  879. Physically based summer temperature reconstruction from melt layers in ice cores
  880. Locality of Random Digraphs on Expanders
  881. Fundamentals of cellulose lightweight materials: Bio-based assemblies with tailored properties
  882.  Variable-order Mittag-Leffler fractional operator and application to mobile-immobile advection-dispersion model
  883. Time-Domain Reflectometry Measurements and Modeling of Firn Meltwater Infiltration at DYE-2, Greenland
  884.  Correlation bound for a one-dimensional continuous long-range Ising model
  885. On the expected Betti numbers of the nodal set of random fields
  886. Upper Tail Large Deviations in First Passage Percolation
  887. Cascading failures in anisotropic interdependent networks of spatial modular structures
  888.  Cluster modeling of the short-range correlation of acoustically emitted scattering signals
  889. A Compactness Theorem for functions on Poisson point clouds
  890. Last passage isometries for the directed landscape
  891. Surface Charge Based Modeling of TIPS-Pentacene TFT
  892. Breaking universality in random sequential adsorption on a square lattice with long-range correlated defects
  893. Identifying Influential Nodes in Two-Mode Data Networks Using Formal Concept Analysis
  894. Linking the Surface and Subsurface in River Deltas—Part 1: Relating Surface and Subsurface Geometries
  895. L’invariance conforme et l’universalite au point critique des modeles bidimensionnels
  896. Existence of absolutely continuous spectrum for Galton-Watson random trees
  897.  Моделирование тепломассообменных процессов выщелачивания в рудном штабеле при низких температурах окружающей среды
  898.  Typical geometry of long subcritical clusters
  899. The giant in random graphs is almost local
  900. An elementary approach to component sizes in critical random graphs
  901. Improving patient survival by direct targeting of chimeric protein-protein interaction networks
  902. Wettability and Lenormand’s diagram
  903. Joint scaling limit of site percolation on random triangulations in the metric and peanosphere sense
  904. Critical indices and self-similar power transform
  905.  On the chemical distance exponent for the two-sided level set of the two-dimensional Gaussian free field
  906. Tiling billiards and Dynnikov’s helicoid
  907. Synergistically optimized electrical and thermal transport properties in copper phthalocyanine-based organic small molecule with nanoscale phase separations
  908. Impact of fracture geometry and topology on the connectivity and flow properties of stochastic fracture networks
  909. Discrete Double Bubble solution is at most ceiling +2 of the continuous solution
  910. metallic nanowire networks: silver nanowire network stability enhancement using metal oxide coatings, Percolation onset of nano-object network
  911. Identification of dominant hydrological mechanisms using Bayesian inference, multiple statistical hypothesis testing, and flexible models
  912. Protected percolation: a new universality class pertaining to quantum critical systems
  913. Some percolations involving the Gaussian free fields
  914. A non-commutative analogue of Clausen’s view on the idèle class group
  915.  Pore scale modeling of acoustic events
  916. The Investigation of Fracture Networks on Heat Extraction Performance for an Enhanced Geothermal System
  917.  An improved approximation for hydraulic conductivity for pipes of triangular cross-section by asymptotic means
  918.  The Investigation of Fracture Networks on Heat Extraction Performance for an Enhanced Geothermal System. Energies 2021, 14, 1635
  919. Boundedness of the nodal domains of additive Gaussian fields
  920.  On delocalization in the six-vertex model
  921. Percolation Theory of Oil-Gas Two Phases (Dissolved Gas Drive)
  922. Hydrodynamic approach to the processing of core sample tests considering microstructural changes
  923. Subcritical monotone cellular automata
  924. Percolation in Dual-Medium
  925. High-rate storage codes on triangle-free graphs
  926. Numerical simulation of solid flow and segregation in a blast furnace by coupling granular rheology and transport equation
  927.  Quenched invariance principle for a class of random conductance models with long-range jumps
  928. Low-cost manganese dioxide semi-solid electrode for flow batteries
  929. A Mathematical Model for Control of Drainage in an Irrigation System
  930. Coarse-grained model of the glass transition in network-forming oxides
  931. Special Issue “Fluid Dynamics, Multi-Phase Flow, and Thermal Recovery Methods”
  932. Interacting color strings as the origin of the liquid behavior of the quark-gluon plasma
  933. Micromechanical model of linear viscoelastic particle-reinforced composites with interphase
  934.  Machine learning predictions of COVID-19 second wave end-times in Indian states
  935. A resilience-oriented evaluation and identification of critical thresholds for traffic congestion diffusion
  936. A survey of the modified Moran process and evolutionary graph theory
  937. X-ray imaging of immiscible fluid fingering patterns in a natural high porosity rock
  938.  A proof of Taylor scaling for curvature-driven dislocation motion through random arrays of obstacles
  939. Organic compound gas detector based on polylactic acid/poly (styrene-co-acrylonitrile)/multi-walled carbon nanotube blend composite with co-continuous …
  940. A Central Limit Theorem for Diffusion in Sparse Random Graphs
  941. Multi-scale modeling for frequency-dependent dielectric responses of non-uniform porous carbon fiber/mullite composites
  942. 100 years of the (critical) Ising model on the hypercubic lattice
  943.  Intermolecular Potential Model Hamiltonians for Gas–Liquid Coexistence
  944. On dimensions of visible parts of self-similar sets with finite rotation groups
  945. The physics of higher-order interactions in complex systems
  946. Non-existence of bi-infinite polymers
  947. Activating Lattice Oxygen at the Twisted Surface in a Mesoporous CeO2 Single Crystal for Efficient and Durable Catalytic CO Oxidation
  948. Connection intervals in multi-scale dynamic networks
  949.  Geodesics in Random Growth Models
  950.  Homotopy types of random cubical complexes
  951.  HESS Opinions: Chemical transport modeling in subsurface hydrological systems–space, time, and the “holy grail” of “upscaling”
  952.  New ordering methods to construct contagious sets and induced degenerate subgraphs
  953. Quantum transport in fractal networks
  954.  Delocalization of Uniform Graph Homomorphisms from Z 2 to Z
  955. Relationship between microstructure evolution and properties enhancement of carbon nanotubes-filled polybutylene terephthalate/polypropylene blends induced by …
  956. Introduction to the Liouville quantum gravity metric
  957.  Discrete fracture network (DFN) modelling of a high-level radioactive waste repository host rock and the effects on its hydrogeological behaviour
  958. Factors influencing the persistence of a fire-sensitive Artemisia species in a fire-dependent ecosystem
  959. Fractal and knot-free chromosomes facilitate nucleoplasmic transport
  960. Release mechanisms and practical percolation threshold for long-acting biodegradable implants: An image to simulation study
  961. Nonvanishing optimal noise in cellular automaton model of self-propelled particles
  962. Evaluating soil water routing approaches in watershed-scale, ecohydrologic modelling
  963.  CycFlowDec: a Python module for decomposing flow networks using simple cycles
  964. Examining the contribution of factors affecting the electrical behavior of poly (methyl methacrylate)/graphene nanoplatelets composites
  965.  Multiscale statistical physics of the pan-viral interactome unravels the systemic nature of SARS-CoV-2 infections
  966. Superconcentration in surface growth
  967. Relating chemical composition, structure, and rheology in alkali-activated aluminosilicate gels
  968. Majority vote in social networks: Make random friends or be stubborn to overpower elites
  969. Networks, flexibility and mobility in
  970. Electromagnetic interference shielding response of multiwall carbon nanotube/polypropylene nanocomposites prepared via melt processing technique
  971. Node and edge control strategy identification via trap spaces in Boolean networks
  972. Effects of applying biochar and straw on nitrate leaching and maize yield production
  973. … analysis between the experimental and numeric methods on viscosity of zirconium oxide nanofluid: Developing optimal artificial neural network and new mathematical …
  974. Structural analysis of nanoscale network materials using graph theory
  975. Monte Carlo algorithm for the random cluster model
  976. Local Limit of Random Discrete Surface with (Or Without!) a Statistical Physics Model (Invited Talk)
  978. Electrical conductivity and fiber orientation of poly (methyl methacrylate)/carbon fiber composite sheets with various thickness
  979. Fast melt expulsion from crystal-rich mushes via induced anisotropic permeability
  980. Electromagnetic interference shielding response of multiwall carbon nanotube/polypropylene nanocomposites prepared via melt processing technique
  981. Node and edge control strategy identification via trap spaces in Boolean networks
  982. Effects of applying biochar and straw on nitrate leaching and maize yield production
  983. … analysis between the experimental and numeric methods on viscosity of zirconium oxide nanofluid: Developing optimal artificial neural network and new mathematical …
  984. Structural analysis of nanoscale network materials using graph theory
  985. Monte Carlo algorithm for the random cluster model
  986. Local Limit of Random Discrete Surface with (Or Without!) a Statistical Physics Model (Invited Talk)
  988. Electrical conductivity and fiber orientation of poly (methyl methacrylate)/carbon fiber composite sheets with various thickness
  989. Fast melt expulsion from crystal-rich mushes via induced anisotropic permeability
  990. Split Trees–A Unifying Model for Many Important Random Trees of Logarithmic Height: A Brief Surve


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