Thesis Topics for MS Math Students
Research Area/ Research Interest: Percolation Math
Research Paper Topics for Masters and Ph.D. Thesis and publication
- Percolation in complex networks
- Application of percolation theory to microtomography of rocks
- Percolation in porous media
- Bootstrap percolation
- Nonexistence of bigeodesics in planar exponential last passage percolation
- Evaluation of the rheological and electrical percolation of high-density polyethylene/carbon black composites using mathematical models
- Generalized k-core percolation on higher-order dependent networks
- Supercritical percolation on nonamenable graphs: Isoperimetry, analyticity, and exponential decay of the cluster size distribution
- Pore level characterization of Micro-CT images using percolation theory
- Hyperbolic Voronoi Percolation
- Percolation on feature-enriched interconnected systems
- Spreading of infections on network models: Percolation clusters and random trees
- Efficient Simulation of Percolation Lattices
- Concurrence percolation threshold of large-scale quantum networks
- The critical two-point function for long-range percolation on the hierarchical lattice
- Infection percolation: A dynamic network model of disease spreading
- Percolation-intercropping strategies to prevent dissemination of phytopathogens on plantations
- Exact Percolation Thresholds
- Isoperimetric lower bounds for critical exponents for long-range percolation
- Discontinuous percolation transitions in cluster merging processes
- Sharp phase transition for Gaussian percolation in all dimensions
- Percolation across households in mechanistic models of non-pharmaceutical interventions in SARS-CoV-2 disease dynamics
- On the derivation of mean-field percolation critical exponents from the triangle condition
- A Multi-Scale Network with Percolation Model to Describe the Spreading of Forest Fires
- Finiteness of the percolation threshold for inhomogeneous long-range models in one dimension
- Power-law bounds for critical long-range percolation below the upper-critical dimension
- Percolation and loop model
- Phase transition for level-set percolation of the membrane model in dimensions
- Percolation in networks with local homeostatic plasticity
- From one-way streets to percolation on random mixed graphs
- Property about two-dimensional percolation model
- Natural parametrization of percolation interface and pivotal points
- An upper bound on the two-arms exponent for critical percolation on Zd
- Maker-breaker percolation games II:: Escaping to infinity
- Upper bounds on the one-arm exponent for dependent percolation models
- Percolation on complex networks: Theory and application
- New bounds for the site percolation threshold of the hexagonal lattice
- “Hot-spotting” to improve vaccine allocation by harnessing digital contact tracing technology: An application of percolation theory
- Sharp hierarchical upper bounds on the critical two-point function for long-range percolation on
- … verification of the isotropic onset of percolation in 3D crack networks in polycrystalline materials with implications for the applicability of percolation theory to crustal …
- Time correlation exponents in last passage percolation
- Sharp phase transition for Cox percolation
- Generalised oriented site percolation
- An Application of Singular Traces to Crystals and Percolation
- Entanglement percolation and spheres in Zd
- Threshold behavior of bootstrap percolation
- Homology-changing percolation transitions on finite graphs
- Bootstrap percolation via automated conjecturing
- Comparison of limit shapes for Bernoulli first-passage percolation
- Kinetics and percolation: coke in heterogeneous catalysts
- Time correlation exponents in last passage percolation
- Sharp phase transition for Cox percolation
- Generalised oriented site percolation
- An Application of Singular Traces to Crystals and Percolation
- Entanglement percolation and spheres in Zd
- Threshold behavior of bootstrap percolation
- Homology-changing percolation transitions on finite graphs
- Bootstrap percolation via automated conjecturing
- Comparison of limit shapes for Bernoulli first-passage percolation
- Kinetics and percolation: coke in heterogeneous catalysts
- Invasiveness of Cancer Populations in a Two-dimensional Percolation cluster: a Stochastic Mathematical Approach
- Arithmetic oscillations of the chemical distance in long-range percolation on Zd
- Upper bounds on the percolation correlation length
- PercolationDF: A percolation-based medical diagnosis framework
- A particle digitization-based computational method for continuum percolation
- Shear-induced particle segregation in binary mixtures: Verification of a percolation theory
- Directed percolation in temporal networks
- Realistic agent-based simulation of infection dynamics and percolation
- Estimation of the last passage percolation constant in a charged complete directed acyclic graph via perfect simulation
- Weakly constrained-degree percolation on the hypercubic lattice
- An upper bound for the bond percolation threshold of the cubic lattice by a growth process approach
- Percolation on spatial anisotropic networks
- On the Running Time of Hypergraph Bootstrap Percolation
- Jamming and percolation in the random sequential adsorption of a binary mixture on the square lattice
- Biased random walk on supercritical percolation: anomalous fluctuations in the ballistic regime
- Oriented random walk on the Heisenberg group and percolation
- Continuum percolation and stochastic epidemic models on Poisson and Ginibre point processes
- Measurement of unsaturated meltwater percolation flux in seasonal snowpack using self-potential
- Percolation games
- Percolation in a triangle on a square lattice
- U-bootstrap percolation: critical probability, exponential decay and applications
- Household bubbles and COVID-19 transmission: insights from percolation theory
- Exact formula for bond percolation on cliques
- Fracture Critical Length Estimative Using Percolation Theory and Well Logging Data
- Site and bond percolation thresholds on regular lattices with compact extended-range neighborhoods in two and three dimensions
- Modeling of the content of the physics course based on the percolation coefficient
- Existence and properties of connections decay rate for high temperature percolation models
- Maximum running times for graph bootstrap percolation processes
- Anisotropic percolation in high dimensions: the non-oriented case
- Site and bond percolation on four-dimensional simple hypercubic lattices with extended neighborhoods
- Alignment percolation
- Bootstrap percolation, probabilistic cellular automata and sharpness
- Highlighting the impact of social relationships on the propagation of respiratory viruses using percolation theory
- Up-to-constants comparison of Liouville first passage percolation and Liouville quantum gravity
- Site percolation and isoperimetric inequalities for plane graphs
- The distance exponent for Liouville first passage percolation is positive
- Site percolation on pseudo-random graphs
- Graph distances in scale-free percolation: the logarithmic case
- Cumulative Merging Percolation: A long-range percolation process in networks
- Invasion percolation
- Sharpness of Bernoulli percolation via couplings
- Percolation of strongly correlated Gaussian fields II. Sharpness of the phase transition
- On the rate of convergence in quenched Voronoi percolation
- Complex Media and Percolation Theory
- Mean-field bounds for Poisson-Boolean percolation
- Deterministic bootstrap percolation on trees
- Percolation and the pandemic
- Machine learning for percolation utilizing auxiliary Ising variables
- Structure of Gibbs measures for planar FK-percolation and Potts models
- Near critical scaling relations for planar Bernoulli percolation without differential inequalities
- Directed percolation in random temporal network models with heterogeneities
- Chemical subdiffusivity of critical 2D percolation
- Spatial Networks and Percolation
- Network Robustness Based on Inverse Percolation
- Bootstrap percolation and cellular automata
- Percolation phase transition on planar spin systems
- Sharpness of phase transition for Voronoi percolation in hyperbolic space
- High-order bootstrap percolation in hypergraphs
- Geometric functionals of fractal percolation. II. Almost sure convergence and second moments
- Coalescence of geodesics and the BKS midpoint problem in planar first-passage percolation
- Percolation and connection times in multi-scale dynamic networks
- A note on the phase transition for independent alignment percolation
- Percolation and tortuosity in heart-like cells
- Quenched Invariance Principle for a Reflecting Diffusion in a Continuum Percolation Cluster
- Optimal corrector estimates on percolation cluster
- Soil water retention curve inflection point: Insight into soil structure from percolation theory
- Habitat percolation transition undermines sustainability in social-ecological agricultural systems
- Statistical analysis of the critical percolation of ITZ around polygonal aggregates in three-phase concrete materials
- High-dimensional percolation criticality and hints of mean-field-like caging of the random Lorentz gas
- Percolation networks inside 3D model of the mineralized collagen fibril
- Local stationarity in exponential last-passage percolation
- Random site percolation on honeycomb lattices with complex neighborhoods
- Locality of percolation for graphs with polynomial growth
- Supercritical Site Percolation on the Hypercube: Small Components are Small
- Arithmetic oscillations of the chemical distance in long-range percolation on
- Analyticity of Gaussian free field percolation observables
- No percolation at criticality on certain groups of intermediate growth
- Supercritical percolation on graphs of polynomial growth
- Insight into the diffusivity of particulate composites considering percolation of soft interphases around hard fillers: From spherical to polyhedral particles
- Site percolation simulation and percolation threshold
- Percolation thresholds on a triangular lattice for neighborhoods containing sites up to the fifth coordination zone
- Site percolation on square and simple cubic lattices with extended neighborhoods and their continuum limit
- Continuum Percolation in a Nonstabilizing Environment
- Radial percolation reveals that Cancer Stem Cells are trapped in the core of colonies
- Mobility strategies based on percolation theory to avoid the spread of diseases: COVID-19
- A Size-Perimeter Discrete Growth Model for Percolation Clusters
- Continuum percolation in stochastic homogenization and the effective viscosity problem
- Surviving ends in Bernoulli percolation on graphs roughly isometric to a tree
- Boolean percolation on digraphs and random exchange processes
- The effective shear modulus of a random isotropic suspension of monodisperse rigid n-spheres: From the dilute limit to the percolation threshold
- Liouville dynamical percolation
- Bond Percolation in Small-World Graphs with Power-Law Distribution
- Supercritical percolation on finite transitive graphs I: Uniqueness of the giant component
- Developing a new algorithm for numerical modeling of discrete fracture network (DFN) for anisotropic rock and percolation properties
- Concurrence percolation in quantum networks
- An Investigation Of Percolation In Ecological Systems
- The percolation model of relative conductivities and phase permeabilities
- Fully-connected bond percolation on Z d
- Convergence of limit shapes for 2D near-critical first-passage percolation
- Numerical Estimation of Several Topological Quantities of the First Passage Percolation Model
- Rigidity Percolation in Disordered 3D Rod Systems
- Bernoulli Percolation Model
- Effects of the pore shape polydispersity on the percolation threshold and diffusivity of porous composites: Theoretical and numerical studies
- Construction and optimization of multi-parameter cement strength numerical model based on percolation
- Percolation-based health management of complex traffic systems
- Explicit Finite Difference Approximation Method for Solving the Riesz Space Fractional Percolation Equation
- Accurate spectral algorithm for two-dimensional variable-order fractional percolation equations
- Critical percolation on the kagome hypergraph
- Prediction of the nature of cracking and the paths of crack propagation in nanolayer surface systems based on the method of calculating percolation by nodes and …
- Percolation of Repulsive Particles on Graphs
- Percolation in metal-insulator composites of randomly packed spherocylindrical nanoparticles
- Identification of a current-carrying subset of a percolation cluster using a modified wall follower algorithm
- Percolation thresholds of randomly rotating patchy particles on Archimedean lattices
- Absence of weak disorder for directed polymers on supercritical percolation clusters
- Thermal conductivity and elastic modulus of 3D porous/fractured media considering percolation
- On the influence maximization problem and the percolation phase transition
- Chase-Escape percolation on the 2D square lattice
- Tumor Hypoxia Heterogeneity Affects Radiotherapy: Inverse-Percolation Shell-Model Monte Carlo Simulations
- High-dimensional near-critical percolation and the torus plateau
- On the Passage Time Geometry of theLast Passage Percolation Problem
- Exact finite-size scaling for the random-matrix representation of bond percolation on square lattice
- Comparative study on interconnectivity between three-dimensional and two-dimensional discrete fracture networks: A perspective based on percolation theory
- Fractal percolation and quasisymmetric mappings
- Notes on percolation analysis of sampled scalar fields
- The -dimensional bootstrap percolation models with threshold at least double exponential
- Barely supercritical percolation on Poissonian scale-free networks
- Gap at 1 for the percolation threshold of Cayley graphs
- On the Passage Time Geometry of the Last Passage Percolation Problem
- Long-range contact process and percolation on a random lattice
- A scaling limit on an isosceles triangle for critical percolation on the square lattice
- Leakage Effect—Percolation of the Virus
- Percolation implications in the rheology of polymer crystallization
- A branching random-walk model of disease outbreaks and the percolation backbone
- Percolation of hyperspheres in dimensions 3 to 5: from discrete to continuous
- Study on percolation mechanism of low permeability reservoir
- Phase transitions and percolation at criticality in enhanced random connection models
- Development of a Method for Determining the Main Parameters of the Percolation Process in Antistatic Composite Polymer Materials
- Percolation thresholds for robust network connectivity
- Percolation and Epidemic Processes in One-Dimensional Small-World Networks
- A percolation theory for designing corrosion-resistant alloys
- The critical probability for Voronoi percolation in the hyperbolic plane tends to 1/2
- Frozen percolation on the binary tree is nonendogenous
- A generation probability based percolation network alignment method
- Percolation on dense random graphs with given degrees
- Higher-dimensional stick percolation
- Exactly solvable percolation problems
- Percolation of Estimates for ∂ ¯ by the Method of Alternating Projections
- The longest edge in discrete and continuous long-range percolation
- Size distributions of the largest hole in the largest percolation cluster and backbone
- The annealed spectral sample of Voronoi percolation
- Percolation theory in the road map using network analysis
- Preparation of conductive polylactic acid/high density polyethylene/carbon black composites with low percolation threshold by locating the carbon black at the …
- The time constant for Bernoulli percolation is Lipschitz continuous strictly above pc
- Percolation of three fluids on a honeycomb lattice
- Bernoulli percolation on the Random Geometric Graph
- Variance bounds for Gaussian first passage percolation
- RSK in last passage percolation: a unified approach
- A variational formula for large deviations in First-passage percolation under tail estimates
- Percolation and related topics (M16)
- Continuum line-of-sight percolation on Poisson–Voronoi tessellations
- Universality class of epidemic percolation transitions driven by random walks
- Atmospheric blocking drives recent albedo change across the western Greenland ice sheet percolation zone
- Scale-free percolation in continuous space: quenched degree and clustering coefficient
- Higher-order percolation in simplicial complexes
- Maker-breaker percolation games II: Escaping to infinity
- Coexistence in competing first passage percolation with conversion
- Temporal correlation in last passage percolation with flat initial condition via Brownian comparison
- Euclidean and chemical distances in ellipses percolation
- A positivity phenomenon in Elser’s Gaussian-cluster percolation model
- First-order behavior of the time constant in Bernoulli first-passage percolation
- A Two-Dimensional Partitioning of Fracture–Matrix Flow in Fractured Reservoir Rock Using a Dual-Porosity Percolation Model
- One-point distribution of the geodesic in directed last passage percolation
- The asymptotic distribution of cluster sizes for supercritical percolation on random split trees
- Limiting shape for first-passage percolation models on random geometric graphs
- Maker–Breaker percolation games I: crossing grids
- Bidirectional bond percolation model for the spread of information in financial markets
- Asymptotic shapes for stationary first passage percolation on virtually nilpotent groups
- Monotonicity properties for Bernoulli percolation on layered graphs–a Markov chain approach
- Non-existence of non-trivial bi-infinite geodesics in Geometric Last Passage Percolation
- An Exact Algorithm to Detect the Percolation Transition in Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Cross-Linking Polymer Networks
- Existence and coexistence in first-passage percolation
- Percolation in the Gabriel graph
- Last Passage Percolation And Its Scaling Limit Behaviour
- Impact of pore distribution characteristics on percolation threshold based on site percolation theory
- Statistical Approach to Description of Percolation Processes in Composite Filaments Filled with Anisotropic Nonagglomerating Carbon Nanofiller
- Simple peeling of planar maps with application to site percolation
- The oriented swap process and last passage percolation
- Bootstrap percolation on random geometric graphs
- Critical percolation on scale-free random graphs: New universality class for the configuration model
- Percolation perspective on sites not visited by a random walk in two dimensions
- Analytical and numerical modelling of the programmable percolation route formation when planning two-phase operations
- The critical probability for Voronoi percolation in the hyperbolic plane tends to 1/2
- Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Computing Percolation Centrality
- Percolation on feature-enriched interconnected systems
- Anisotropic behavior in percolation of close-packed Janus disks
- Quantifying CO2 capillary heterogeneity trapping through macroscopic percolation simulation
- Universal behavior of site and bond percolation thresholds on regular lattices with compact extended-range neighborhoods in 2 and 3 dimensions
- Recellularization and integration of dense extracellular matrix by percolation of tissue microparticles
- Percolation associated to the Fokker-Planck equationto Modeling the ACE2 effect on the NCX exchanger: COVID-19 and the failing heart
- Integrating acoustic emission into a percolation model to evaluate crack distribution characteristics of heated granite subjected to rapid cooling
- Influence of effective pressure on percolation rate of coal
- Fractal dimension of discrete sets and percolation
- Non-simple conformal loop ensembles on Liouville quantum gravity and the law of CLE percolation interfaces
- Supervised and unsupervised learning of directed percolation
- Square percolation and the threshold for quadratic divergence in random right-angled Coxeter groups
- Correlation length critical exponent as a function of the percolation radius for one-dimensional chains in bond problems
- Critical polynomials in the nonplanar and continuum percolation models
- Bootstrap percolation: merging operations for polytopes1
- Strict inequality for bond percolation on a dilute lattice with columnar disorder
- Universal fluctuations and ergodicity of generalized diffusivity on critical percolation clusters
- Percolation Centrality via Rademacher Complexity
- Giant component for the supercritical level-set percolation of the Gaussian free field on regular expander graphs
- Non-triviality in a totally asymmetric one-dimensional Boolean percolation model on a half-line
- Invasion percolation in short-range and long-range disorder background
- Introduction to site and bond percolation on the lattice $ mathbb {Z}^ 2 $
- Percolation behaviors of partially edge-coupled interdependent networks
- Duality and Outermost Boundaries in Generalized Percolation Lattices
- Percolation of temporal hierarchical mobility networks during COVID-19
- Bootstrap percolation in random geometric graphs
- Hidden invariance of last passage percolation and directed polymers
- Percolation of strongly correlated Gaussian fields I. Decay of subcritical connection probabilities
- Comparing the number of infected vertices in two symmetric sets for Bernoulli percolation (and other random partitions)
- Characteristic functional cores revealed by hyperbolic disc embedding and k-core percolation on resting-state fMRI
- Elastic Percolation Networks
- On the C1-Property of the Percolation Function of Random Interlacements and a Related Variational Problem
- Protected percolation: a new universality class pertaining to heavily-doped quantum critical systems
- Investigating the efficiency of dynamic vaccination by consolidating detecting errors and vaccine efficacy
- Optimal-order exit point bounds in exponential last-passage percolation via the coupling technique
- An efficient algorithm for solving elliptic problems on percolation clusters
- Universality in bootstrap percolation and kinetically constrained models1
- Non-Optimality of Invaded Geodesics in 2d Critical First-Passage Percolation
- Mathematical and Physical Modelling of the Effect of Relative Permeability Curves Reversing Behavior
- Graph distances of continuum long-range percolation
- Island and lake size distributions in gradient percolation
- Nearest-neighbor connectedness theory: A general approach to continuum percolation
- A sampling-guided unsupervised learning method to capture percolation in complex networks
- A hybrid percolation transition at a finite transition point in scale-free networks
- Multiscale genesis of a tiny giant for percolation on scale-free random graphs
- Percolation and first-passage percolation on oriented graphs
- Percolation of the two-dimensional model in the flow representation
- Postprocessing techniques for gradient percolation predictions on the square lattice
- Analysis of well testing results for single phase flow in reservoirs with percolation structure
- Direct observation of fractal-dimensional percolation in the 3D cluster dynamics of a ferroelectric supercrystal
- Multi-range percolation on oriented trees: critical curve and limit behavior
- Talagrand’s inequality in planar Gaussian field percolation
- Interlacing and scaling exponents for the geodesic watermelon in last passage percolation
- Python–a Tool for Percolation Analysis in Triangular Lattice
- Constrained percolation in two dimensions
- Percolation phase transition in weight-dependent random connection models
- Electromagnetic interference shielding films with enhanced absorption using double percolation of poly (methyl methacrylate) beads and CIP/MWCNT/TPU composite …
- Scale-free percolation mixing time
- Percolation phenomena in the polymer composites with conducting polymer fillers
- Dependence of percolation and flow properties of fracture networks on the morphology
- An upper bound for in range- bond percolation in two and three dimensions
- Epidemics, the Ising-model and percolation theory: a comprehensive review focused on Covid-19
- Bond Percolation
- Phase transitions for the Boolean model of continuum percolation for Cox point processes
- 3D percolation modeling for predicting the thermal conductivity of graphene-polymer composites
- Belief reliability analysis of traffic network: An uncertain percolation Semi-Markov model
- A corrosion mechanism of NbC/α-C: H films for metallic bipolar plates in proton exchange membrane fuel cell cathode based on percolation model
- Geometric percolation of hard-sphere dispersions in shear flow
- The Maker-Breaker percolation game on the square lattice
- Effects of critical correlations on quantum percolation in two dimensions
- Optimal bond percolation in networks by a fast-decycling framework
- Spectral dimension of simple random walk on a long-range percolation cluster
- Bernoulli Hyperplane Percolation
- The field theoretical ABC of epidemic dynamics
- Continuity and uniqueness of percolation critical parameters in finitary random interlacements
- Correlated percolation
- Polluted bootstrap percolation in three dimensions
- Transition between characters of classical groups, decomposition of Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns and last passage percolation
- Subcritical bootstrap percolation via Toom contours
- Invariant percolation properties in some continuum systems
- Geodesic rays and exponents in ergodic planar first passage percolation
- Percolation on coupled networks with multiple effective dependency links
- Downward Oxidant Transport Through Europa’s Ice Shell by Density-Driven Brine Percolation
- Scattering signatures of invasion percolation
- The sharp K4-percolation threshold on the Erdős–Rényi random graph
- Spectral dimension of simple random walk on a long-range percolation cluster
- Exact densities of loops in O (1) dense loop model and of clusters in critical percolation on a cylinder
- Exact percolation probabilities for a square lattice: Site percolation on torus
- A generalized Flory-Stockmayer kinetic theory of connectivity percolation and rigidity percolation of cytoskeletal networks
- SINR percolation for Cox point processes with random powers
- Quantitative homogenization on percolation clusters and interacting particle systems
- Reentrant Rigidity Percolation in Structurally Correlated Filamentous Networks
- Global structure of semi-infinite geodesics and competition interfaces in Brownian last-passage percolation
- Universality of the geodesic tree in last passage percolation
- Mathematical Modelling of Engineering Problems
- Fine-grained domain counting and percolation analysis in 2D lattice systems with linked-lists
- Can we infer the percolation status of 3D fractured media from 2D outcrops?
- K-selective percolation: A simple model leading to a rich repertoire of phase transitions
- 3d Percolation Modeling for Studying the Connectivity and Permeability of Sandstone with Different Pore Distribution Characteristics
- What are the limits of universality?
- Identification of multiple influential spreaders on networks by percolation under the SIR model
- Tuned dielectric and percolation behavior of cold-pressed polyvinyledene fluoride nanocomposites caused by Ni and BaTiO3 fillers
- Modeling of the stochastic dynamics of changes in node states and percolation transitions in social networks with self-organization and memory
- Elliptic percolation model for predicting the electrical conductivity of graphene–polymer composites
- Subadditive theorems and first passage percolation in time-dependent environments
- Epidemic spreading in an expanded parameter space: the supercritical scaling laws and subcritical metastable phases
- Propagation Analysis of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Light of the Percolation Theory
- Left-cut-percolation and induced-Sidorenko bigraphs
- Satellite image processing based on percolation for physicochemical analysis of soil cover of industrial waste facilities
- Empirical formula for site and bond percolation thresholds on Archimedean and 2-uniform lattices
- Connectivity, permeability and flow channelization in fractured karst reservoirs: A numerical investigation based on a two-dimensional discrete fracture-cave network …
- Fracture sealing and its impact on the percolation of
- Stochastic quorum percolation and noise focusing in neuronal networks
- Exact results for average cluster numbers in bond percolation on infinite-length lattice strips
- Soil water-balance-based approach for estimating percolation with lysimeter and in field with and without mulch under micro irrigation
- Novel percolation-based measure for fiber efficacy in fiber-reinforced concrete beams
- Exclusion Volumes of Convex Bodies in High Space Dimensions: Applications to Virial Coefficients and Continuum Percolation
- Generating functions for message-passing on weighted networks: directed bond percolation and SIR epidemics
- Closed-form solutions for the piezoresistivity properties of short-fiber reinforced composites with percolation-type behavior
- Number of paths in oriented percolation as zero temperature limit of directed polymer
- Invasion Percolation on Power-Law Branching Processes
- Characterization of nonlinear percolation in tight oil reservoirs based on flow experiments and dynamic resistance characteristics
- Regularity of the time constant for a supercritical Bernoulli percolation
- Estimating stress percolation patterns in hydraulic fractured Gondwana coal using Raman spectroscopy
- -independent percolation on
- Percolation Distribution in Small-World Quantum Networks
- Percolation for two-dimensional excursion clouds and the discrete Gaussian free field
- Brownian regularity for the Airy line ensemble, and multi-polymer watermelons in Brownian last passage percolation
- Exact percolation probabilities for a square lattice: Site percolation on a cylinder
- Convergence of the Environment Seen from Geodesics in Exponential Last-Passage Percolation
- K-clique percolation in free association networks. The mechanism behind the law ?
- The temporal fluctuation of the inverse participation ratio for localized field modes in three-dimensional percolation system
- Absence of WARM percolation in the very strong reinforcement regime
- Universality class for loopless invasion percolation models and a percolation avalanche burst model for hydraulic fracturing
- Heat percolation in many-body flat-band localizing systems
- On a class of probabilistic cellular automata with size- neighbourhood and their applications in percolation games
- The fluctuations of the giant cluster for percolation on random split trees
- A branching process with deletions and mergers that matches the threshold for hypercube percolation
- Random nanowire networks: Identification of a current-carrying subset of wires using a modified wall follower algorithm
- … of modified castor oil via photo-click chemistry for UV-curable waterborne polyurethane with enhanced water resistance and low conductive percolation threshold
- Pressure Transient Analysis in Vertically Fractured Multi-well System
- Foaming Effects on Conductivity Percolation Threshold in Conductive Polymer Composites
- Two-dimensional continuum percolation models with disks under the generalized Achlioptas process
- Percolation of Ion-Irradiation-Induced Disorder in Complex Oxide Interfaces
- Sharp phase transitions in percolation models
- Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms to Find 3-KCP Solution: Modularity, Clique Percolation, Spectral, Centrality, and Hierarchical Clustering
- Possible formation of a perfect fluid in pp, p–Pb, Xe–Xe and Pb–Pb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider energies: a color string percolation approach
- Epidemics with asymptomatic transmission: Subcritical phase from recursive contact tracing
- Prediction of the vertical scaling of soil organic carbon in temperate forest soils using percolation theory
- Developing the non-dimensional framework for water distribution formulation to evaluate sprinkler irrigation
- Phylogeny Numbers of Generalized Hamming Graphs
- Connectedness percolation in the random sequential adsorption packings of elongated particles
- Percolation on Lieb lattices
- Percolation for the Gaussian free field on the cable system: counterexamples
- The Modified random network (MRN) model within the configuron percolation theory (CPT) of glass transition
- Modeling the spread of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. passiflorae in simulated physical microenvironment
- Three-dimensional 2-critical bootstrap percolation: The stable sets approach
- Percolation of heterogeneous flows uncovers the bottlenecks of infrastructure networks
- Percolation and connection times in multi-scale dynamic networks
- What Are the Limits of Universality?: Supplementary Materials
- Geometry of geodesics through Busemann measures in directed last-passage percolation
- Artificial neural network investigation of injectability and percolation of highly filled β-Tricalcium phosphate suspensions
- Quantitative homogenization of the parabolic and elliptic Green’s functions on percolation clusters
- On the Robustness of Complex System With Percolation Theory Under Node Attack
- Thermoelectric improvement of the figure of merit of zinc phosphate glass composites by a likely tunnel percolation mechanism
- The Roles of Mediators In All-Solid-State Supercapacitors at Low-Temperature Application
- Uncertainty quantification of percolating electrical conductance for wavy carbon nanotube-filled polymer nanocomposites using Bayesian inference
- Liquid-dependent impedance induced by vapor condensation and percolation in nanoparticle film
- Epidemic spreading and digital contact tracing: Effects of heterogeneous mixing and quarantine failures
- Rate of Convergence of Critical Interfaces to SLE Curves
- Encoding Scheme For Infinite Set of Symbols: The Percolation Process
- Critical fluctuations in epidemic models explain COVID-19 post-lockdown dynamics
- Percolation model of electric properties of laser modified PbTe film
- Last passage percolation in an exponential environment with discontinuous rates
- Percolation threshold analyses can detect community assembly processes in simulated and natural tree communities
- Comparing methods and combining COVID-19 network models: The SIR model, percolation and beyond
- Critical exponents for a percolation model on transient graphs
- 3D-Printed thermoplastic polyurethane/graphene composite with porous segregated structure: Toward ultralow percolation threshold and great strain sensitivity
- Numerical study on percolation and dam slope’s stability of impermeable wall composed by clay and concrete for earth-rock dam
- … modulus of halloysite-nanotube-based samples assuming the distribution and networking of both nanoparticles and interphase zone after mechanical percolation
- Scaling Behavior of the Hirsch Index for Paper Citations, Failure Avalanches and Percolation Clusters
- Computing the Probability of Getting Infected: On the Counting Complexity of Bootstrap Percolation
- The elastic and directed percolation backbone
- Extended development of a bubble percolation method to predict boiling crisis of flow boiling
- Comparing Percolation and Alignment of Cellulose Nanocrystals for the Reinforcement of Polyurethane Nanocomposites
- Directed percolation and numerical stability of simulations of digital memcomputing machines
- A predictive model for fracture in human ribs based on in vitro acoustic emission data
- Bootstrap percolation and kinetically constrained models: two-dimensional universality and beyond
- On percolation in a generalized backbend process
- Using Practice Context Models to Knowledge Management in Proof-of-Concept Activities: A Contribution of Knowledge Networks and Percolation Theory
- Attaining low percolation threshold in conductive polypropylene/nitrile rubber thermoplastic vulcanizates using carbon nanotube
- Modelling flow and transport in variably saturated porous media: Applications from percolation theory and effective-medium approximation
- Modeling the integrity of course learning using percolation through intra-disciplinary connections
- Elongation and percolation of defect motifs in anisotropic packing problems
- Effective ion mobility in anion exchange ionomers: Relations with hydration, porosity, tortuosity, and percolation
- Multiscale modeling and numerical analyses of the electric conductivity of CNT/polymer nanocomposites taking into account the tunneling effect
- High-Voltage Wave Induced a Unique Structured Percolation Network with a Negative Gauge Factor
- Almost exponential decay for subcritical Constrained-degree percolation
- Near-critical avalanches in 2D frozen percolation and forest fires
- Time increasing rates of infiltration and reaction in porous media at the percolation thresholds
- Rhombohedral distortion and percolation phenomena in B-site substituted perovskite ferroelectrics with enhanced piezoelectric response
- Forest connectivity percolation thresholds for fire spread under different weather conditions
- Monotonicity of Markov chain transition probabilities via quasi-stationarity — an application to Bernoulli percolation on
- Conduction and diffusion in percolating systems
- Percolation analysis of the atmospheric structure
- On the Channel Percolation in Ferroelectric FET Towards Proper Analog States Engineering
- Percolation on random graphs with a fixed degree sequence
- Scaling electrical percolation networks based on renormalization group theory
- Percolation behaviors of finite components on complex networks
- New Gas Tracer Convection–Diffusion Model between Wells in Heavy Oil Reservoirs
- Python implementation in percolation analysis of hexagonal lattice
- Majority bootstrap percolation and paths in G (n, p)
- Sharp asymptotics for arm probabilities in critical planar percolation
- Investigation of the rupture of a synthetic tape within the framework of the percolation theory
- Large deviation principle for the cutsets and lower large deviation principle for the maximal flow in first passage percolation
- Modification of advanced Takayanagi model for the modulus of nanoclay/polymer systems comprising the effectual networks of both nanoclay and interphase section
- Characterization of vulnerability of road networks to random and nonrandom disruptions using network percolation approach
- Fractal percolation is unrectifiable
- Noise sensitivity without spectrum: a simple example
- Percolation transitions in pyrochlore: Radiation-damage and thermally induced structural reorganization
- Indirect influence in social networks as an induced percolation phenomenon
- Multiscale entropy and asynchronies of percolation-based price model and Chinese stock market
- Conductivity in the 2D Rayleigh Model for the Critical Concentration (Percolation Threshold)
- Mathematical Model of an Electric Hater Based on a Nano-modified Elastomer with the Effect of Temperature Self-regulation
- Bistability and time crystals in long-ranged directed percolation
- Research on Prediction Method of Drilling and Falling Recovery Law in Productivity Area
- Connectomic analysis of Alzheimer’s disease using percolation theory
- Percolation Bootstrap percolation and kinetically constrained models: Two-dimensional universality and beyond
- Momentum Signatures of Site Percolation in Disordered 2D Ferromagnets
- Criticality and covered area fraction in confetti and Voronoi percolation
- Closed-form solutions for the piezoresistivity properties of short-fiber reinforced composites with percolation-type behavior
- Application of percolation, critical-path, and effective-medium theories for calculation of two-phase relative permeability
- Percolation, Threshold, and Phase Change
- Nanorod-based transparent electrodes: Identification of a current-carrying subset of rods using a modified wall follower algorithm
- Cluster Percolation Causes Shear Thinning Behavior in Concentrated Solutions of Monoclonal Antibodies
- Machine learning the 2D percolation model
- Entanglement negativity at measurement-induced criticality
- Optimal resilience of modular interacting networks
- Bose–Einstein condensation for particles with repulsive short-range pair interactions in a Poisson random external potential in
- Flour Quality effects on percolation of gas bubbles in wheat flour doughs
- Tensile strength of carbon-nanotube-based nanocomposites by the effective characteristics of interphase area nearby the filler network
- Advancing Evolutionary Computational Space Value Theory [CSVT] for Arbitration Efficiency in Multivalent Percolation Theory
- A model can describe large networks
- Selected problems in probability theory
- Probabilistic and geometric methods in last passage percolation
- Percolation with Plasticity Materials and Their Neuromorphic Applications
- Time-time covariance for last passage percolation in half-space
- Carbon dioxide storage in deltaic saline aquifers: invasion percolation and compositional simulation
- Study on unsteady seepage characteristics and production decline of tight channel sandstone gas reservoirs
- Planar random-cluster model: fractal properties of the critical phase
- Equivalent hydraulic conductivity, connectivity and percolation in 2D and 3D random binary media
- Nonequilibrium dark space phase transition
- Mathematical Model and Application of Spontaneous and Forced Imbibition in Shale Porous Media-Considered Forced Pressure and Osmosis
- Morphological, thermal, and mechanical properties of cellulose nanocrystal reinforced poly (lactic acid) and poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate): A comparative …
- On the exponential growth rates of lattice animals and interfaces II: new asymptotic bounds
- Beyond Hammersley’s Last-Passage Percolation: a discussion on possible local and global constraints
- Effects of disorder on Harris-criterion violating percolation
- Percolation-Based Dynamic Perimeter Control for Urban Road Networks
- KPZ limit theorems
- In and Out of Equilibrium 3: Celebrating Vladas Sidoravicius
- Interdependent transport via percolation backbones in spatial networks
- A percolation-like process of within-organization collective corruption: a computational approach
- Precise manipulation of the charge percolation networks of flow-electrode capacitive deionization using a pulsed magnetic field
- Percolation transitions in growing networks under achlioptas processes: Analytic solutions
- Random fractals and their intersection with winning sets
- Non-triviality of the phase transition for percolation on finite transitive graphs
- Advancement of the Power-Law Model and Its Percolation Exponent for the Electrical Conductivity of a Graphene-Containing System as a Component in the …
- Spins, percolation and height functions
- Permeability Change in Macro-Fractured Granite Using Water Including Clay
- Scalable morphological accessibility of complex microstructures
- Sharpness of the phase transition for the orthant model
- Higher-order percolation processes on multiplex hypergraphs
- Degassing and gas percolation in basaltic magmas
- … of Composite Electrode on Performance of Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Using a Three-Dimensional Multi-Scale Mathematical Model
- Hybrid Approach for Community Detection using K-Core andClique Percolation
- Porous GNP/PDMS composites with significantly reduced percolation threshold of conductive filler for stretchable strain sensors
- Minimum lethal sets in grids and tori under 3-neighbour bootstrap percolation
- Percolation may explain efficiency, robustness, and economy of the brain
- Critical properties of various sizes of cluster in the Ising percolation transition
- Height function delocalisation on cubic planar graphs
- Percolation effects in the Fortuin-Kasteleyn Ising model on the complete graph
- Preparation and characterization of carbon fibre powder (CFP)-polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) composite films showing percolation threshold behaviour
- Basic Law of Percolation
- On monotonicity and couplings of random currents and the loop-O (1)-model
- The Interplay between the Theories of Mode Coupling and of Percolation Transition in Attractive Colloidal Systems
- Double percolation and segregated structures formed in polymer alloy with excellent electrical conductivity
- Effective mathematical modelling of health passes during a pandemic
- Statistics of percolating clusters in a model of photosynthetic bacteria
- Revisiting finite size effect of percolation in degree correlated networks
- On the monotonicity of the critical time in the Constrained-degree percolation model
- Economical conductive graphite-filled polymer composites via adjustable segregated structures: Construction, low percolation threshold, and positive temperature …
- 2WH40-Bachelor Final Project-Topology-dependent First Passage Percolation on Spatial Scale-free Networks
- Thermal percolation and electrical insulation in composite materials with partially metallic coated fillers
- Percolation transition for random forests in
- Finite-energy infinite clusters without anchored expansion
- Digital herd immunity and COVID-19
- Geometric Upper Critical Dimensions of the Ising Model
- Standard and inverse site percolation of straight rigid rods on triangular lattices: Isotropic and perfectly oriented deposition and removal
- Level-set percolation of the Gaussian free field on regular graphs III: giant component on expanders
- Percolation of rigid fractal carbon black aggregates
- Characterization of the Amount of Swept and Unswept Fractions Between Two Wells in the Presence of Reservoir Anisotropy
- Computational Science 101-Towards a Computationally Informed Citizenry
- Effective mathematical modelling of health passes during a pandemic
- First passage percolation in hostile environment is not monotone
- The Brownian loop soup stress-energy tensor
- Geodesics in first-passage percolation cross any pattern
- Evaluation of grain boundaries as percolation pathways in quartz-rich continental crust using Atomic Force Microscopy
- Segregated carbon nanotube networks in CNT-polymer nanocomposites for higher electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity, and lower percolation threshold
- Jamming as a random first-order percolation transition
- Influence percolation method for overlapping community detection
- Negative correlation of adjacent Busemann increments
- Size dependent percolation threshold and microwave absorption properties in nano carbon black/silicon rubber composites
- An X-ray micro-tomographic study of the pore space, permeability and percolation threshold of young sea ice
- Integration of general physics experiments with mathematical simulation
- Tracking the Progression & Influence of Beta-Amyloid Plaques Using Percolation Centrality and Collective Influence Algorithm: A Study using PET images
- Artificial fast-adapting mechanoreceptor based on carbon nanotube percolating network
- Advanced Models for Modulus and Strength of Carbon-Nanotube-Filled Polymer Systems Assuming the Networks of Carbon Nanotubes and Interphase Section
- Study of the Influence of Clay Minerals on the Mechanical and Percolation Properties of Weakly Cemented Rocks
- Transfer learning of phase transitions in percolation and directed percolation
- Numerical models of pressure-driven fluid percolation in rock salt: nucleation and propagation of flow pathways under variable stress conditions
- Accelerated Information Dissemination on Networks with Local and Global Edges
- Federated Clique Percolation for Overlapping Community Detection on Attributed Networks
- Electrical percolation characteristics and other electrical transport properties of amorphous Se85-xTe15Sbx thin films
- Belief Reliability Analysis of Traffic Network: An Uncertain Percolation CML Model
- Effects of irrigation strategies and soil properties on the characteristics of deep percolation and crop water requirements for a variable rate irrigation system
- Fermat distances, percolation, and multimanifold clustering
- Emergent networks in fractional percolation
- Many-body localization as a percolation phenomenon
- Percolation threshold and effective properties of CNTs-reinforced two-phase composite materials
- Busemann process and semi-infinite geodesics in Brownian last-passage percolation
- Pattern Analysis in Oral Cancer Images using Fractal Dimension
- Molecular hints of two-step transition to convective flow via streamline percolation
- Recursive contact tracing in Reed–Frost epidemic models
- -selective percolation
- Hydrogen bonding and percolation in propan-2-ol–water liquid mixtures: X-ray diffraction experiments and computer simulations
- Effective fronts of polygon shapes in two dimensions
- Electrical percolation threshold and size effects in polyvinylpyrrolidone-oxidized single-wall carbon nanohorn nanocomposite: The impact for relative humidity resistive …
- Diffusive scaling limit of the Busemann process in Last Passage Percolation
- Local limit theorems for a directed random walk on the backbone of a supercritical oriented percolation cluster
- Mathematical modelling and analysis of vegetable oil extraction processes in ‘Crown Model’plant
- Mixing times for the TASEP in the maximal current phase
- The variance of the graph distance in the infinite cluster of percolation is sublinear
- Percolation in Random Graphs of Unbounded Rank
- Permeability of concrete considering the synergetic effect of crack’s shape-and size-polydispersities on the percolation
- External field and critical exponents in controlling dynamics on complex networks
- RMF accessibility percolation on oriented graphs
- Divergence of non-random fluctuation for Euclidean first-passage percolation
- Robust decoding in monitored dynamics of open quantum systems with Z_2 symmetry
- Solving a percolation inverse problem with a divide-and-concur algorithm
- Characterisation of organic matter and its transformation processes in on-site wastewater effluent percolating through soil using fluorescence spectroscopic methods …
- Research on risk propagation method of multimodal transport network under uncertainty
- Managing in a Post-COVID-19 World: A stakeholder network perspective
- Giant component in the configuration model under geometric constraints
- Advancing Evolutionary Computational Space Value Theory [CSVT] for Quantum Indeterminacy Arbitration Efficiency in Multivalent Percolation Theory
- Scaling Theory of Percolation Clusters
- The bunkbed conjecture holds in the limit
- Thermoplastic polyurethane/multiwalled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites: effect of nanoparticle content, shear, and thermal processing
- Electrical conductivity of interphase zone in polymer nanocomposites by carbon nanotubes properties and interphase depth
- Extraction of sweeteners from Stevia rebaudiana by semicontinuous percolation of untreated leaves and leaves pretreated with ethanol
- A compartmental model for cyber-epidemics
- Contrasting melt percolation and melt-rock reactions in the Parece Vela back-arc oceanic lithosphere, Philippine Sea: A mineralogical perspective
- On the Restriction of Laplace–Beltrami Eigenfunctions and Cantor-Type Sets
- Effects of confinement and vaccination on an epidemic outburst: A statistical mechanics approach
- Mémoire
- Analysis of mechanical, thermal, electrical and EMI shielding properties of graphite/carbon fiber reinforced polypropylene composites prepared via a twin screw …
- Some rigorous results on the phase transition of finitary random interlacements
- Bias induced drift and trapping on random combs and the Bethe lattice: Fluctuation regime and first order phase transitions
- Modeling epidemic interventions with probability generating functions
- Ferromagnetic percolation transition in a multiorbital flat band assisted by Hund’s coupling
- The Disordered Heterogeneous Universe: Galaxy Distribution and Clustering Across Length Scales
- Percolation and Reynolds flow in elastic contacts of isotropic and anisotropic, randomly rough surfaces
- Simulation study on liquid percolation in diffusion layer of in-vitro diagnostic chips
- Coupling derivation of optimal-order central moment bounds in exponential last-passage percolation
- First passage percolation on hyperbolic groups
- Distances in 1/| x− y| 2d percolation models for all dimensions
- Numerical study of triple-phase boundary length in high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell
- Embedding-aided network dismantling
- Social percolation revisited: From 2d lattices to adaptive networks
- Electromigration-induced formation of percolating adsorbate islands during condensation from the gaseous phase: a computational study
- Application of Percolation Theory to Statistical Topographies
- Modeling of Effective Electrical Conductivity and Percolation Behavior in Conductive-Polymer Nanocomposites Reinforced with Spherical Carbon Black
- An explicit Dobrushin uniqueness region for Gibbs point processes with repulsive interactions
- Coastlines and percolation in a model for hierarchical random deposition
- Mass transfer principles in column percolation tests: Initial conditions and tailing in heterogeneous materials
- Epidemiological theory of virus variants
- Quantum percolation of monopole paths and the response of quantum spin ice
- The effective stress coefficient of coal: a theoretical and experimental investigation
- Derivation and Solution of Space-Time Fractional Reaction-Convection-Diffusion Equation in Comb-Like Model
- Percolation probability and critical exponents for site percolation on the UIPT
- Expansion in supercritical random subgraphs of the hypercube and its consequences
- Percolation Processes on Dynamically Grown Graphs
- Directional percolating pathways in demixing blends on a wetting substrate
- Numerical Modeling as an Effective tool for Artificial Groundwater Recharge Assessment
- Studying and Visualizing Contagion on Graphs
- Cylinders’ percolation: decoupling and applications
- The wired arboreal gas on regular trees
- Doubly Stochastic Yule Cascades (Part I): The explosion problem in the time-reversible case
- Inferring the Type of Phase Transitions Undergone in Epileptic Seizures Using Random Graph Hidden Markov Models for Percolation in Noisy Dynamic Networks
- Markov chains and physical fields A mathematical introduction (preliminary version)
- Scaling limit of dynamical percolation on critical Erdős–Rényi random graphs
- Scaling behavior of information entropy in explosive percolation transitions
- Infinite order phase transition in the slow bond TASEP
- Switchover phenomenon induced by epidemic seeding on geometric networks
- “SPOCU”: scaled polynomial constant unit activation function
- Behavior of the distance exponent for 1/| x− y| 2d long-range percolation
- Characteristic core voxels in normal individuals revealed by hyperbolic disc embedding and k-core percolation on resting state fMRI
- On Natural Measures of Several Random Fractals Induced from SLE and CLE
- Increasing electrical conductivity of PMMA-MWCNT composites by gas phase iodination
- Percolation threshold of the thermal, electrical and optical properties of carbonyl-iron microcomposites
- Correlated rigidity percolation in fractal lattices
- Subcritical Connectivity and Some Exact Tail Exponents in High Dimensional Percolation
- Analytical-geometrical percolation network model for piezoresistivity of hybrid CNT–CB polymer nanocomposites using Monte Carlo simulations
- Fractal geometry of Airy processes coupled via the Airy sheet
- Percolation theory applied in modelling of Fe2O3 reduction during chemical looping combustion
- First-passage percolation on random simple triangulations
- Plasma etching behavior of yttrium-aluminum oxide composite ceramics
- Percolating transition from weak to strong turbulence in wind-induced water surface waves
- Geodesic length and shifted weights in first-passage percolation
- Numerical approximation to the scaling law describing the geometrical tortuosity in porous media
- First passage percolation in the mean field limit
- Three-dimensional reconstruction from experimental two-dimensional images: Application to irradiated metallic fuel
- Numerically efficient computation of the survival signature for the reliability analysis of large networks
- On the applicability of connectivity metrics to rough fractures under normal stress
- On K 2 , t -Bootstrap Percolation
- Use of mathematical modeling and its inverse analysis for precise assessment of pesticide dissipation in a paddy environment
- Avalanches in strong imbibition
- Minimization of deep percolation by a parabolic simulation model in a blocked end furrow irrigation method
- … relaxation of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate/TX-100/toluene microemulsions: Structure transition, percolation mechanism, interfacial polarization and …
- A new method for the mathematical modelling of water movement in a surface irrigation system: method and application
- Near-critical 2D percolation with heavy-tailed impurities, forest fires and frozen percolation
- On the -Hull Number of Kneser Graphs
- Are natural fractures pervasive?
- Discontinuous transitions of social distancing in the SIR model
- Behavior of the distance exponent for long-range percolation
- Improved CPD model coupled with lattice vacancy evolution
- Simple holistic solution to Archie’s-law puzzle in porous media
- Spatial correlations in geographical spreading of COVID-19 in the United States
- Comprehensive correction method of airtight coring saturation based on core classification
- Lattice Models (M24)
- Phase behavior and percolation in mixed patchy colloids
- Thin and efficient EMI shielding materials from binary thermoplastic blend nanocomposites
- Fractional Diffusion with Geometric Constraints: Application to Signal Decay in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- On the CFT describing the spin clusters in 2d Potts model
- The interplay between subcritical fluctuations and import: understanding COVID-19 epidemiology dynamics
- Critical exponents and universal excess cluster number of percolation in four and five dimensions
- Salt-in-ionic-liquid electrolytes: Ion network formation and negative effective charges of alkali metal cations
- Epidemic spreading in a social network with facial masks wearing individuals
- Strain-sensing behavior of flexible polypropylene/poly (ethylene-co-octene)/multiwalled carbon nanotube nanocomposites under cyclic tensile deformation
- Cell Resistance and Antimicrobial Resistance with Waning Vaccination
- Percolations on a plane
- Test investigation of percolation through municipal solid waste (MSW) with a triple function physical model
- Mathematical modeling of electrical conductivity of anisotropic nanocomposite with periodic structure
- Giant component of the soft random geometric graph
- Studying the dynamics of urban traffic flows using percolation: a new methodology for real-time urban and transportation planning
- GO Nikolaenko, OS Vodoriz, cand. phys.-math. Sciences
- Network Properties for Robust Multilayer Infrastructure Systems: A Percolation Theory Review
- Upper tail bounds for stationary KPZ models
- Persistence of a pandemic in the presence of susceptibility and infectivity distributions in a population: Mathematical model
- Central limit theorems for SIR epidemics and percolation on configuration model random graphs
- Poisson-Voronoi percolation in the hyperbolic plane with small intensities
- Test investigation of percolation through municipal solid waste (MSW) with a triple function physical model
- Mathematical modeling of electrical conductivity of anisotropic nanocomposite with periodic structure
- Giant component of the soft random geometric graph
- Studying the dynamics of urban traffic flows using percolation: a new methodology for real-time urban and transportation planning
- GO Nikolaenko, OS Vodoriz, cand. phys.-math. Sciences
- Network Properties for Robust Multilayer Infrastructure Systems: A Percolation Theory Review
- Upper tail bounds for stationary KPZ models
- Persistence of a pandemic in the presence of susceptibility and infectivity distributions in a population: Mathematical model
- Central limit theorems for SIR epidemics and percolation on configuration model random graphs
- Poisson-Voronoi percolation in the hyperbolic plane with small intensities
- Temperature-dependent rheological behavior of nanofluids rich in carbon-based nanoparticles
- Explosion and non-explosion for the continuous-time frog model
- The coupling of uniform spanning trees and quantitative Russo-Seymour-Welsh for random walk on random graphs
- Nonhomogeneous Euclidean first-passage percolation and distance learning
- Percolation Threshold in Polymer Nanocomposites
- The Intrinsic Fragility of the Liquid–Vapor Interface: A Stress Network Perspective
- Functionalized graphene nanoplatelets/poly (lactic acid)/chitosan nanocomposites: Mechanical, biodegradability, and electrical conductivity properties
- Strict Inequality for the Chemical Distance Exponent in Two-Dimensional Critical Percolation
- Impact of US vaccination strategy on COVID-19 wave dynamics
- Hybrid modelling of saturated water flow in percolating and non-percolating macroporous soil media
- Dual percolations of electrical conductivity and electromagnetic interference shielding in progressively agglomerated CNT/polymer nanocomposites
- Numerical simulation of electrical conductivity on the graphite-quartz model and its geophysical application
- Impact of hydro-chemical conditions on structural and hydro-mechanical properties of chalk samples during dissolution experiments
- Fluctuations of transverse increments in two-dimensional first passage percolation
- Critical points of the random cluster model with Newman–Ziff sampling
- Laws of gas diffusion in coal particles: a study based on experiment and numerical simulation
- Adaptation of the Chemical Percolation Devolatilization Model for Low Temperature Pyrolysis in a Fluidized Bed Reactor
- Extremal problems about bootstrap percolation on graphs
- A Novel Method for Evaluation of the Spontaneous Imbibition Process in Tight Reservoir Rocks: Mathematical Model and Experimental Verification
- Non–isothermal two–phase hydrogen transport in rock salt during cycling in underground caverns
- Connectivity in Pixel-Based Facies Models
- Roughness of geodesics in Liouville quantum gravity
- Expansion in Supercritical Random Subgraphs of Expanders and its Consequences
- A non-absorbing SIR stochastic lattice gas model on hybrid lattices
- The tail of the length of an excursion in a trap of random size
- Compensated non-linear root water uptake model and identification of soil hydraulic and root water uptake parameters*
- On existence of ground states in the spin boson model
- Evidence of Volatile-Induced Melting in the Northeast Asian Upper Mantle
- The Shape of Shortest Paths
- Representation of the universe as a dendrogramic hologram endowed with relational interpretation
- Broadband microwave absorption performance and theoretical dielectric properties model of hollow porous carbon spheres/expanded polypropylene composite …
- Interplay between percolation and glassiness in the random Lorentz gas
- SYMMETRY AND INTERPOLATION OF ESTIMATES FOR THE COMPLEX GREEN OPERATOR (Topology of pseudoconvex domains and analysis of reproducing …
- Development and application of three-dimensional discrete fracture network modeling approach for fluid flow in fractured rock masses
- Electrical conductivity of porous binary powder mixtures
- Phase connectivity in pore-network models for capillary-driven flow
- Using Basin Modelling to Understand Injected CO2 Migration and Trapping Mechanisms: A Case Study from the Sleipner CO2 Storage Operation
- Effect of Pore-Scale Heterogeneity on Scale-Dependent Permeability: Pore-Network Simulation and Finite-Size Scaling Analysis
- Critical pore radius and transport properties of disordered hard-and overlapping-sphere models
- Brownian absolute continuity of the KPZ fixed point with arbitrary initial condition
- Small deviation estimates and small ball probabilities for geodesics in last passage percolation
- Community structure and fractality in complex networks
- Anomalous metals: from” failed superconductor” to” failed insulator”
- Modeling Cancer Evolution as an Interacting Particle System
- Experimental evidence of mosaic structure in strongly supercooled molecular liquids
- Fate of articulation points and bredges in percolation
- Sharpness of the phase transition for the corrupted compass model on transitive graphs
- Cellulose nanocrystal-mediated assembly of graphene oxide in natural rubber nanocomposites with high electrical conductivity
- Modeling of the Electrotransport Process in PP-Based and PLA-Based Composite Fibers Filled with Carbon Nanofibers
- The Second Generalization of the Hausdorff Dimension Theorem for Random Fractals
- Beyond big data–new techniques for forecasting elections using stochastic models with self-organisation and memory
- A mathematical programming approach to overlapping community detection
- Effect of the agglomerate geometry on the effective electrical conductivity of a porous electrode
- Investigation and modeling of the electrical conductivity of graphene nanoplatelets-loaded doped-polypyrrole
- The localization of quantum random walks on Sierpinski gaskets
- Influence of fractal and lacunar characteristic of a nanostructured substrate on SERS enhancement
- Improving heat extraction performance of enhanced geothermal systems: Insights from critical fracture network parameter and multi-objective optimization method
- Determining effective permeability at reservoir scale: Application of critical path analysis
- The roles of conduit redundancy and connectivity in xylem hydraulic functions
- Molecular weight effect of PS latex particles on optical and electrical percolations of PS latex/MWCNT nanocomposite films
- Influence of Porosity on Ultra-High Vacuum Gas-Tightness in Cold-Sprayed Aluminum Coatings
- Determining effective permeability at reservoir scale: Numerical simulations and theoretical modeling
- Schramm-Loewner evolutions (L16)
- Protection from COVID-19: the efficacy of face masks
- Degree dependent transmission probabilities in epidemic processes
- Percolating sets in bootstrap percolation on the Hamming graphs and triangular graphs
- Geometric percolation of colloidal particles
- A Social-Physics Approach to Modeling and Analyzing Epidemics
- Mean conservation of nodal volume and connectivity measures for gaussian ensembles
- Simulating Infiltration as a Sequence of Pinning and De-pinning Processes
- Weak components of the directed configuration model
- HatchFrac: A fast open-source DFN modeling software
- Network processes on clique-networks with high average degree: the limited effect of higher-order structure
- The chemical distance in random interlacements in the low-intensity regime
- Percolation Theory Prediction of Green Strength in Composites
- Phase boundary near a magnetic percolation transition
- Impact of surface roughness on evaporation in 2D micromodels
- First-passage percolation in random planar maps and Tutte’s bijection
- When the geodesic becomes rigid in the directed landscape
- Betweenness centrality in dense spatial networks
- Numerical Simulation and Sensitivity Evaluation of Fracture Flooding in a Class III Reservoir
- Design of PLGA-Based Drug Delivery Systems Using a Physically-Based Sustained Release Model
- Measurement-induced criticality and entanglement clusters: A study of one-dimensional and two-dimensional Clifford circuits
- Random walk on the random connection model
- Elastic wave velocity changes due to the fracture aperture and density, and direct correlation with permeability: an energetic approach to mated rock fractures
- Thermal Percolation Threshold and Synergistic Effects in Graphene Enhanced Thermal Interface Materials
- Non-monotone cellular automata: Order prevails over chaos
- Thermal Percolation Threshold and Synergistic Effects in Graphene Enhanced Thermal Interface Materials
- A geometric perspective on the scaling limits of critical Ising and models
- Seminario de Probabilidad: Probabilidad contemporánea
- A model for permeability evolution during volcanic welding
- A random connection model for pore network modeling
- Local and collective transitions in sparsely-interacting ecological communities
- Avoided points of two-dimensional random walks
- Millimeter-Scale Percolated Polyethylene/Graphene Composites for 5G Electromagnetic Shielding
- Permeability evolution of two-dimensional fracture networks during shear under constant normal stiffness boundary conditions
- Peaks of cylindric plane partitions
- Generalized k-cores of networks under attack with limited knowledge
- Mathematical Problems of Managing the Risks of Complex Systems under Targeted Attacks with Known Structures
- Transverse size of interacting directed lattice animals studied by Yang–Lee approach
- Expansion, long cycles, and complete minors in supercritical random subgraphs of the hypercube
- The spread of infectious diseases from a physics perspective
- Dimensional transmutation from non-Hermiticity
- An elementary approach to component sizes in some critical random graphs
- Refined universality for critical KCM: lower bounds
- Non-uniqueness times for the maximizer of the KPZ fixed point
- From nucleation to percolation: the effect of system size when disorder and stress localization compete
- Thermosuperrepellency of a hot substrate caused by vapour percolation
- Data science and machine learning: Mathematical and statistical methods by Dirk P. Kroese, Zdravko Botev, Thomas Taimre, Radislav Vaisman Boca …
- On (non-) monotonicity and phase diagram of finitary random interlacement
- Estimation of relative transport properties in porous transport layers using pore-scale and pore-network simulations
- Rigidity percolation uncovers a structural basis for embryonic tissue phase transitions
- A practical solution model for transient pressure behavior of multistage fractured horizontal wells with finite conductivity in tight oil reservoirs
- Communicating macropores in PHEMA-based hydrogels for cell seeding: Probabilistic open pore simulation and direct micro-CT proof
- Micromorphology and fractal evaluation of Dinizia excelsa Ducke wood under three different cut conditions by atomic force microscopy
- Circling in on Convective Self-Aggregation
- on Statistics, Applied Mathematics, and Computing Science (CSAMCS 2021)
- Effects of Seepage on Gas Loss through Shale Desorption during Shale Core Removal
- Asymptotics for the critical level and a strong invariance principle for high intensity shot noise fields
- Importance of microstructure in carbonate rocks: Laboratory and 3D-imaging petrophysical characterization
- Areas of planar loops, coarsening and the TTbar deformation
- Detachment transition in a model of convexification of clusters of discs
- High-dimensional Monochromatic Random Waves approximate the Bargmann-Fock field
- Effect of nanofiller morphology on the electrical conductivity of polymer nanocomposites
- Population Growth on a 1D Lattice with Dynamic Disorder: Asymptotic Shape and Critical Behaviour
- A discussion on hydrogen migration in rock salt for tight underground storage with an insight into a laboratory setup
- Coupling between internal and external mass transfer during stage-1 evaporation in capillary porous media: Interfacial resistance approach
- Simulation study of random sequential deposition of binary mixtures of lattice animals on a three-dimensional cubic lattice
- Mimicry of a Conceptual Hydrological Model (HBV): What’s in a Name?
- SPIRE, Surface Projection Image Recognition Environment for bicontinuous phases: application for plastid cubic membranes
- Diffusion dynamics in branched spherical structure
- Random spanning forests and hyperbolic symmetry
- The Lightning Model
- Model for dispersion rheology
- Multiple phase transitions in ER edge-coupled interdependent networks
- High-Performance Conductive Polymer Composites by Incorporation of Polyaniline-Wrapped Halloysite Nanotubes and Silver Microflakes
- Immunization of networks with limited knowledge and temporary immunity
- Electrical conductivity of nanorod-based transparent electrodes: Comparison of mean-field approaches
- Probability and Statistics
- Mechanics of Oil and Gas Flow in Porous Media
- Structural and Dynamical Properties of Liquid Water Increase Turbulent Flows
- Investigating complexity in networks of percolating tin nanoparticles.
- The Effect of Agglomeration on the Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Polymer Matrix Nanocomposites Reinforced with Carbon Nanotubes
- Interface shapes in microfluidic porous media: conditions allowing steady, simultaneous two-phase flow
- Nonbacktracking eigenvalues under node removal: X-centrality and targeted immunization
- On Moments of Multiplicative Coalescents
- Statistical topology of the streamlines of a 2D flow
- Structural origins of cartilage shear mechanics
- Physically based summer temperature reconstruction from melt layers in ice cores
- Locality of Random Digraphs on Expanders
- Fundamentals of cellulose lightweight materials: Bio-based assemblies with tailored properties
- Variable-order Mittag-Leffler fractional operator and application to mobile-immobile advection-dispersion model
- Time-Domain Reflectometry Measurements and Modeling of Firn Meltwater Infiltration at DYE-2, Greenland
- Correlation bound for a one-dimensional continuous long-range Ising model
- On the expected Betti numbers of the nodal set of random fields
- Upper Tail Large Deviations in First Passage Percolation
- Cascading failures in anisotropic interdependent networks of spatial modular structures
- Cluster modeling of the short-range correlation of acoustically emitted scattering signals
- A Compactness Theorem for functions on Poisson point clouds
- Last passage isometries for the directed landscape
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- An elementary approach to component sizes in critical random graphs
- Improving patient survival by direct targeting of chimeric protein-protein interaction networks
- Wettability and Lenormand’s diagram
- Joint scaling limit of site percolation on random triangulations in the metric and peanosphere sense
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- Impact of fracture geometry and topology on the connectivity and flow properties of stochastic fracture networks
- Discrete Double Bubble solution is at most ceiling +2 of the continuous solution
- metallic nanowire networks: silver nanowire network stability enhancement using metal oxide coatings, Percolation onset of nano-object network
- Identification of dominant hydrological mechanisms using Bayesian inference, multiple statistical hypothesis testing, and flexible models
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- Boundedness of the nodal domains of additive Gaussian fields
- On delocalization in the six-vertex model
- Percolation Theory of Oil-Gas Two Phases (Dissolved Gas Drive)
- Hydrodynamic approach to the processing of core sample tests considering microstructural changes
- Subcritical monotone cellular automata
- Percolation in Dual-Medium
- High-rate storage codes on triangle-free graphs
- Numerical simulation of solid flow and segregation in a blast furnace by coupling granular rheology and transport equation
- Quenched invariance principle for a class of random conductance models with long-range jumps
- Low-cost manganese dioxide semi-solid electrode for flow batteries
- A Mathematical Model for Control of Drainage in an Irrigation System
- Coarse-grained model of the glass transition in network-forming oxides
- Special Issue “Fluid Dynamics, Multi-Phase Flow, and Thermal Recovery Methods”
- Interacting color strings as the origin of the liquid behavior of the quark-gluon plasma
- Micromechanical model of linear viscoelastic particle-reinforced composites with interphase
- Machine learning predictions of COVID-19 second wave end-times in Indian states
- A resilience-oriented evaluation and identification of critical thresholds for traffic congestion diffusion
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- X-ray imaging of immiscible fluid fingering patterns in a natural high porosity rock
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- Organic compound gas detector based on polylactic acid/poly (styrene-co-acrylonitrile)/multi-walled carbon nanotube blend composite with co-continuous …
- A Central Limit Theorem for Diffusion in Sparse Random Graphs
- Multi-scale modeling for frequency-dependent dielectric responses of non-uniform porous carbon fiber/mullite composites
- 100 years of the (critical) Ising model on the hypercubic lattice
- Intermolecular Potential Model Hamiltonians for Gas–Liquid Coexistence
- On dimensions of visible parts of self-similar sets with finite rotation groups
- The physics of higher-order interactions in complex systems
- Non-existence of bi-infinite polymers
- Activating Lattice Oxygen at the Twisted Surface in a Mesoporous CeO2 Single Crystal for Efficient and Durable Catalytic CO Oxidation
- Connection intervals in multi-scale dynamic networks
- Geodesics in Random Growth Models
- Homotopy types of random cubical complexes
- HESS Opinions: Chemical transport modeling in subsurface hydrological systems–space, time, and the “holy grail” of “upscaling”
- New ordering methods to construct contagious sets and induced degenerate subgraphs
- Quantum transport in fractal networks
- Delocalization of Uniform Graph Homomorphisms from Z 2 to Z
- Relationship between microstructure evolution and properties enhancement of carbon nanotubes-filled polybutylene terephthalate/polypropylene blends induced by …
- Introduction to the Liouville quantum gravity metric
- Discrete fracture network (DFN) modelling of a high-level radioactive waste repository host rock and the effects on its hydrogeological behaviour
- Factors influencing the persistence of a fire-sensitive Artemisia species in a fire-dependent ecosystem
- Fractal and knot-free chromosomes facilitate nucleoplasmic transport
- Release mechanisms and practical percolation threshold for long-acting biodegradable implants: An image to simulation study
- Nonvanishing optimal noise in cellular automaton model of self-propelled particles
- Evaluating soil water routing approaches in watershed-scale, ecohydrologic modelling
- CycFlowDec: a Python module for decomposing flow networks using simple cycles
- Examining the contribution of factors affecting the electrical behavior of poly (methyl methacrylate)/graphene nanoplatelets composites
- Multiscale statistical physics of the pan-viral interactome unravels the systemic nature of SARS-CoV-2 infections
- Superconcentration in surface growth
- Relating chemical composition, structure, and rheology in alkali-activated aluminosilicate gels
- Majority vote in social networks: Make random friends or be stubborn to overpower elites
- Networks, flexibility and mobility in
- Electromagnetic interference shielding response of multiwall carbon nanotube/polypropylene nanocomposites prepared via melt processing technique
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- Local Limit of Random Discrete Surface with (Or Without!) a Statistical Physics Model (Invited Talk)
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- Electromagnetic interference shielding response of multiwall carbon nanotube/polypropylene nanocomposites prepared via melt processing technique
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- … analysis between the experimental and numeric methods on viscosity of zirconium oxide nanofluid: Developing optimal artificial neural network and new mathematical …
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