Multiple choice of economics

Multiple choice of economics

1. _____________ criticized economics as a “dismal science”.

A. J.M Keynes
B. Lionel Robbins
C. Carlyle and Ruskin
D. Alfred Marshall

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2. ________________is not a a part of Macro economics.

A. price
B. employment
C. national income
D. investment

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3. Lionel Robbins wrote a book in ______________, entitled “Nature and significance of Economic Science”.

A. 1936
B. 1998
C. 1931

D. 1776

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4. It is hard to predict the operation of these laws.

A. Laws of physical science
B. moral laws
C. economic laws
D. laws of the nature

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5. Wants are unlimited for _______________.

A. rich person
B. poor person
c. all person
d. none of them

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6. __________________ introduced subject of economics.

A. David Ricardo
B. J.S Mill
C. Adam Smith
D. Lionel Robbins

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7. _______________ was the founder of classical schools of thought.

A. Adam smith
B. Malthus
C. Keynes
D. Marshall

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8. ______________ was the exponent of Neo-Classical school of thoughts.

A. Adam smith
B. J.M Keynes
C. Alfred Marshall
D. Smuelson

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9. __________________ type of problems are brought under discussion in Micro economics.

A. Consumer’s behaviour
B. Public finance
C. International trade
D. Balance of payment

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10. “All other things remain constant” termed as _______________.

A. Assumption
B. Variables
C. Exceptions
D. Limitations

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11. _____________________ was exponent of Macro economics in recent times.

A. Adam Smith
B. J.M Keynes
C. Marshall
D. Malthus

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12. Price theory is also known as?

A. positive economics
B. Macro economics
C. Applied Economics
D. Micro economics

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