Move, Copy, and Rotate AutoCAD MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 24, 2024

What is the primary function of the MOVE command in AutoCAD?
A) To change the color of an object
B) To relocate an object to a new position
C) To stretch an object
D) To delete an object
Answer: B

How do you initiate the MOVE command?
A) Type “MOVE” in the command line
B) Right-click and select MOVE
C) Select an object and press the Enter key
D) All of the above
Answer: D

What happens when you specify a base point during the MOVE command?
A) It rotates the object
B) It allows for precise placement
C) It scales the object
D) It deletes the object
Answer: B

How do you create a copy of an object using the COPY command?
A) Select the object, define a base point, and specify a second point
B) Just drag the object while holding the Ctrl key
C) Type “COPY” and press Enter
D) All of the above
Answer: A

What does the ROTATE command do in AutoCAD?
A) It changes the size of an object
B) It turns an object around a specified point
C) It moves an object to a new location
D) It mirrors an object
Answer: B

What is required to perform the ROTATE command?
A) Selection of the object and definition of a rotation angle
B) A selected base point
C) Specification of the scale factor
D) Both A and B
Answer: D

Which option allows you to copy an object using the keyboard?
A) Ctrl + C
B) Ctrl + V
C) Ctrl + D
D) Alt + C
Answer: A

What does holding the Ctrl key do while using the MOVE command?
A) It cancels the command
B) It allows you to create a copy of the selected object
C) It changes the object’s color
D) It selects multiple objects
Answer: B

How can you constrain the direction of movement when using the MOVE command?
A) By specifying a distance
B) By holding the Shift key
C) By using object snaps
D) By selecting a base point
Answer: C

What is the effect of using the COPY command with multiple objects selected?
A) It copies only the first object
B) It creates a single copy of all selected objects
C) It deletes the original objects
D) It scales the selected objects
Answer: B

When using the ROTATE command, what defines the angle of rotation?
A) The distance from the base point
B) The relative position of the cursor
C) The direction of the selected object
D) A specified angle
Answer: D

Which command would you use to create a rotated copy of an object?
Answer: C

What is the primary purpose of the MOVE command in a drawing?
A) To create multiple copies
B) To adjust the position of an object
C) To change the shape of an object
D) To delete an object
Answer: B

What happens if you do not specify a base point in the MOVE command?
A) The command will not work
B) The object will be moved randomly
C) The command defaults to the object’s center
D) The command will copy the object instead
Answer: C

How do you use the ARRAY command in conjunction with the COPY command?
A) To create a linear or polar pattern of copied objects
B) To create a rotated copy
C) To stretch the copied objects
D) To break the objects apart
Answer: A

How can you undo the last MOVE or COPY action in AutoCAD?
A) By typing “UNDO” in the command line
B) By pressing Ctrl + Z
C) By right-clicking and selecting Undo
D) All of the above
Answer: D

What should you do to keep the original object stationary while creating a copy?
A) Use the MOVE command
B) Hold down the Ctrl key during the COPY command
C) Use the ROTATE command
D) Use the TRIM command
Answer: B

How does the ROTATE command affect the object’s orientation?
A) It does not change the orientation
B) It flips the object
C) It rotates the object around a specified point by a defined angle
D) It creates a copy of the object in the rotated position
Answer: C

What is a common use case for the MOVE command?
A) To adjust the layout of a floor plan
B) To delete excess lines
C) To fill in hatching
D) To create new layers
Answer: A

Which command would you use to copy an object to multiple locations?
Answer: C

How can you ensure precise rotation using the ROTATE command?
A) By estimating the angle
B) By using a reference object
C) By entering a specific angle in the command line
D) By holding down the Shift key
Answer: C

What does the COPY command allow you to do with an object?
A) Resize it
B) Create duplicates of the object at specified locations
C) Rotate it
D) Change its color
Answer: B

What happens if you rotate an object without specifying a base point?
A) The object will rotate around the origin
B) The rotation will not occur
C) The object will move randomly
D) The command will fail
Answer: A

When using the MOVE command, what is the first action you take?
A) Specify the destination point
B) Select the object to move
C) Type “MOVE”
D) Define the base point
Answer: B

What command is useful for adjusting the position of elements in a layout?
Answer: B

What is the result of using the COPY command on a block?
A) It merges the block with the original
B) It creates an identical block in a new location
C) It alters the block’s properties
D) It only copies the block’s dimensions
Answer: B

Which of the following can be achieved with the ROTATE command?
A) Changing the color of an object
B) Flipping the object upside down
C) Adjusting the angle of an object
D) Moving an object to a new position
Answer: C

How do you select multiple objects for the MOVE command?
A) Hold down the Ctrl key and click each object
B) Click and drag a selection box around the objects
C) Type “ALL” in the command line
D) Both A and B
Answer: D

How does the MOVE command affect the coordinates of an object?
A) It changes the original coordinates
B) It maintains the original coordinates
C) It sets the coordinates to zero
D) It deletes the object
Answer: A

What is a recommended way to rotate an object by 90 degrees?
A) Type “90” when prompted for the angle
B) Drag the object to the desired angle
C) Rotate the object manually
D) Use the MOVE command
Answer: A

What will happen if you use the COPY command without specifying a second point?
A) The command will be canceled
B) The object will copy to the same location
C) It will create an undefined copy
D) It will prompt for the second point again
Answer: B

How can you adjust the base point for rotation?
A) By selecting the center of the object
B) By typing coordinates in the command line
C) By clicking a point in the drawing
D) All of the above
Answer: D

What command would you use to create a copy of an object at an angle?
Answer: B

How do you effectively manage the rotation of several objects simultaneously?
A) By selecting all objects and using the ROTATE command
B) By rotating each object individually
C) By copying objects first
D) By using the MOVE command
Answer: A

Which command allows you to both move and copy objects in one action?
Answer: C

What occurs when you cancel the MOVE command mid-operation?
A) The object remains in the original position
B) The object moves to a random location
C) The object is deleted
D) The object is copied instead
Answer: A

What should you do before executing the MOVE command?
A) Define the destination point
B) Select the object you want to move
C) Change the object’s layer
D) Use the TRIM command
Answer: B

What is the function of the base point in the MOVE command?
A) It determines where the object will rotate
B) It is the reference point for moving the object
C) It sets the color of the object
D) It defines the scale of the object
Answer: B

How can you rotate an object around a specific corner?
A) Use the corner as the base point in the ROTATE command
B) Change the object’s color
C) Use the MOVE command first
D) Use the TRIM command
Answer: A

What can be achieved by using the COPY command multiple times?
A) Creating a single object
B) Making a series of duplicates
C) Modifying the original object
D) Deleting excess objects
Answer: B

How does using the ROTATE command with a negative angle affect the object?
A) It rotates the object clockwise
B) It rotates the object counterclockwise
C) It does not affect the object
D) It flips the object
Answer: A

Which of the following options is not a valid command for moving objects?
Answer: D

What should you remember when using the MOVE command in a busy drawing?
A) To always move the objects in the same layer
B) To carefully select the base point
C) To delete unnecessary objects first
D) To use the TRIM command afterward
Answer: B

What is the purpose of the OFFSET command?
A) To create copies at specified distances
B) To move an object to a new location
C) To rotate an object
D) To change the color of an object
Answer: A