Middleware in ASP.NET Core MCQs

What is the primary role of middleware in ASP.NET Core?
a. To handle HTTP requests and responses in the request pipeline
b. To define data models
c. To manage database connections
d. To configure authentication settings

Answer: a. To handle HTTP requests and responses in the request pipeline

How is middleware added to the request pipeline in ASP.NET Core?
a. By calling methods like app.UseMiddleware<T>() in the Configure() method of the Startup class
b. By configuring middleware in web.config
c. By defining middleware in the ConfigureServices() method
d. By using attributes on controllers

Answer: a. By calling methods like app.UseMiddleware<T>() in the Configure() method of the Startup class

What is the purpose of the Invoke() method in custom middleware?
a. To process HTTP requests and responses
b. To configure routing settings
c. To handle user authentication
d. To manage static file serving

Answer: a. To process HTTP requests and responses

How do you create custom middleware in ASP.NET Core?
a. By creating a class with an Invoke or InvokeAsync method and using app.UseMiddleware<T>()
b. By defining middleware in web.config
c. By configuring middleware in the Startup constructor
d. By using attributes on controllers

Answer: a. By creating a class with an Invoke or InvokeAsync method and using app.UseMiddleware<T>()

What is the difference between Invoke() and InvokeAsync() methods in middleware?
a. InvokeAsync() is asynchronous and supports async/await operations, while Invoke() is synchronous
b. Invoke() is asynchronous, while InvokeAsync() is synchronous
c. Both methods are synchronous
d. Both methods are asynchronous

Answer: a. InvokeAsync() is asynchronous and supports async/await operations, while Invoke() is synchronous

What is the role of the next parameter in the middleware’s Invoke() or InvokeAsync() method?
a. To call the next middleware component in the pipeline
b. To manage configuration settings
c. To handle authentication
d. To manage error handling

Answer: a. To call the next middleware component in the pipeline

How can middleware be ordered in the request pipeline?
a. By the order in which UseXXX() methods are called in the Configure() method
b. By configuring order in web.config
c. By defining order in the Startup constructor
d. By using attributes on middleware classes

Answer: a. By the order in which UseXXX() methods are called in the Configure() method

What does the UseStaticFiles() method do in ASP.NET Core?
a. Enables the serving of static files from the wwwroot directory
b. Configures authentication middleware
c. Manages HTTP request routing
d. Handles exception handling

Answer: a. Enables the serving of static files from the wwwroot directory

What method is used to configure exception handling middleware in ASP.NET Core?
a. UseExceptionHandler()
b. UseStaticFiles()
c. UseRouting()
d. UseEndpoints()

Answer: a. UseExceptionHandler()

What is the purpose of the UseHttpsRedirection() middleware?
a. To redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS
b. To handle user authentication
c. To manage static file serving
d. To configure routing

Answer: a. To redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS

How do you enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) in an ASP.NET Core application?
a. By using the UseCors() method and configuring CORS policies
b. By defining CORS settings in web.config
c. By configuring CORS in the Startup constructor
d. By using attributes on controllers

Answer: a. By using the UseCors() method and configuring CORS policies

What is the purpose of the UseAuthorization() middleware?
a. To handle authorization and enforce security policies
b. To manage static file serving
c. To configure exception handling
d. To set up routing for requests

Answer: a. To handle authorization and enforce security policies

How can you add a custom header to the HTTP response using middleware?
a. By modifying the HttpContext.Response.Headers in the Invoke() or InvokeAsync() method
b. By configuring headers in web.config
c. By using attributes on controllers
d. By setting headers in the ConfigureServices() method

Answer: a. By modifying the HttpContext.Response.Headers in the Invoke() or InvokeAsync() method

What is the role of the UseRouting() method in the middleware pipeline?
a. To set up routing middleware that handles request routing
b. To configure static file serving
c. To enable HTTPS redirection
d. To manage CORS policies

Answer: a. To set up routing middleware that handles request routing

How do you handle global exception handling in ASP.NET Core?
a. By using the UseExceptionHandler() middleware
b. By configuring exception handling in web.config
c. By defining exception handling logic in the controller
d. By using attributes on actions

Answer: a. By using the UseExceptionHandler() middleware

What is the purpose of the UseEndpoints() method in ASP.NET Core?
a. To map requests to endpoint handlers such as controllers and Razor pages
b. To handle static file serving
c. To configure authentication middleware
d. To manage request routing

Answer: a. To map requests to endpoint handlers such as controllers and Razor pages

How does ASP.NET Core support dependency injection in middleware?
a. By allowing middleware classes to be registered and resolved from the service container
b. By defining dependencies in web.config
c. By using attributes on middleware classes
d. By configuring services in the Startup constructor

Answer: a. By allowing middleware classes to be registered and resolved from the service container

What does the UseAuthentication() middleware do?
a. Enables authentication middleware for handling user authentication
b. Manages static file serving
c. Configures routing for requests
d. Handles global exception handling

Answer: a. Enables authentication middleware for handling user authentication

How do you create a middleware component that logs request and response information?
a. By implementing custom middleware that logs data in the Invoke() or InvokeAsync() method
b. By configuring logging settings in web.config
c. By using attributes on controllers
d. By defining logging in the Startup constructor

Answer: a. By implementing custom middleware that logs data in the Invoke() or InvokeAsync() method

What is the purpose of the UseEndpoints() method in ASP.NET Core middleware?
a. To configure the endpoint routing and map requests to endpoint handlers
b. To handle static file serving
c. To set up exception handling
d. To configure authentication middleware

Answer: a. To configure the endpoint routing and map requests to endpoint handlers

How do you add a custom middleware to the pipeline that executes code before and after the next middleware?
a. By implementing both pre-processing and post-processing logic in the Invoke() or InvokeAsync() method
b. By using the Configure() method in the Startup class
c. By configuring middleware in web.config
d. By defining middleware in the Startup constructor

Answer: a. By implementing both pre-processing and post-processing logic in the Invoke() or InvokeAsync() method

What is the primary purpose of the UseDeveloperExceptionPage() middleware?
a. To display detailed error information during development
b. To handle static file serving
c. To configure global authentication settings
d. To manage request routing

Answer: a. To display detailed error information during development

How do you handle different environments (development, production) in ASP.NET Core middleware?
a. By using environment-specific middleware configurations and settings
b. By defining environment settings in web.config
c. By using attributes on controllers
d. By setting environment variables in the code

Answer: a. By using environment-specific middleware configurations and settings

What is the role of the UseRequestLocalization() middleware?
a. To configure request localization and manage culture settings
b. To handle static file serving
c. To manage authentication and authorization
d. To configure routing for requests

Answer: a. To configure request localization and manage culture settings

How do you configure middleware to handle requests for a specific path in ASP.NET Core?
a. By using the Map() method to branch the request pipeline based on paths
b. By configuring paths in web.config
c. By using attributes on controllers
d. By setting paths in the Startup constructor

Answer: a. By using the Map() method to branch the request pipeline based on paths

What does the UseAuthorization() middleware ensure?
a. That authorization policies are applied to incoming requests
b. That requests are routed correctly
c. That static files are served
d. That authentication is managed

Answer: a. That authorization policies are applied to incoming requests

How do you implement custom exception handling in middleware?
a. By using the UseExceptionHandler() method and providing a custom error handling logic
b. By configuring error handling in web.config
c. By using the [ExceptionHandler] attribute on controllers
d. By defining error handling in the Startup constructor

Answer: a. By using the UseExceptionHandler() method and providing a custom error handling logic

What is the purpose of the UseStatusCodePages() middleware?
a. To generate and return status code pages for HTTP errors
b. To handle static file serving
c. To manage authentication
d. To configure routing

Answer: a. To generate and return status code pages for HTTP errors

How do you add a middleware component that only executes for requests to a specific path?
a. By using the MapWhen() method to conditionally execute middleware based on the request path
b. By configuring paths in web.config
c. By using attributes on controllers
d. By defining paths in the Startup constructor

Answer: a. By using the MapWhen() method to conditionally execute middleware based on the request path

What is the role of the UseResponseCaching() middleware?
a. To enable response caching for improved performance
b. To configure authentication settings
c. To handle static file serving
d. To manage request routing

Answer: a. To enable response caching for improved performance

How do you ensure that a middleware component runs for every request in the pipeline?
a. By placing the middleware component early in the request pipeline
b. By configuring middleware in web.config
c. By using attributes on controllers
d. By defining middleware in the Startup constructor

Answer: a. By placing the middleware component early in the request pipeline

What is the purpose of the UseSession() middleware?
a. To enable session state management
b. To handle static file serving
c. To configure request routing
d. To manage authentication

Answer: a. To enable session state management

How do you configure middleware to handle both incoming and outgoing HTTP requests?
a. By implementing logic in both the request and response handling parts of the Invoke() or InvokeAsync() method
b. By configuring middleware in web.config
c. By using attributes on controllers
d. By defining middleware in the Startup constructor

Answer: a. By implementing logic in both the request and response handling parts of the Invoke() or InvokeAsync() method

What method is used to set up routing for API endpoints in ASP.NET Core?
a. UseEndpoints()
b. UseStaticFiles()
c. UseCors()
d. UseAuthentication()

Answer: a. UseEndpoints()

How do you handle authentication and authorization together in ASP.NET Core middleware?
a. By using UseAuthentication() followed by UseAuthorization() in the request pipeline
b. By defining settings in web.config
c. By using attributes on controllers
d. By configuring authentication in the Startup constructor

Answer: a. By using UseAuthentication() followed by UseAuthorization() in the request pipeline

What does the UseResponseCompression() middleware do?
a. Enables response compression to reduce the size of HTTP responses
b. Handles authentication
c. Configures routing for requests
d. Manages static file serving

Answer: a. Enables response compression to reduce the size of HTTP responses

How do you enable middleware for handling static file requests?
a. By using the UseStaticFiles() method in the request pipeline
b. By configuring static file settings in web.config
c. By defining static file handlers in the Startup constructor
d. By using attributes on controllers

Answer: a. By using the UseStaticFiles() method in the request pipeline

What is the purpose of the UseCookiePolicy() middleware?
a. To manage cookie policies and handle cookie consent
b. To configure routing for requests
c. To handle static file serving
d. To manage session state

Answer: a. To manage cookie policies and handle cookie consent

How can you create a middleware that conditionally handles requests based on request headers?
a. By implementing conditional logic in the Invoke() or InvokeAsync() method to check request headers
b. By configuring headers in web.config
c. By using attributes on controllers
d. By defining header handling in the Startup constructor

Answer: a. By implementing conditional logic in the Invoke() or InvokeAsync() method to check request headers

What is the purpose of the UseCookieAuthentication() method in middleware?
a. To enable cookie-based authentication
b. To configure response compression
c. To handle static file serving
d. To manage request routing

Answer: a. To enable cookie-based authentication

How does the UseAuthentication() middleware fit into the request pipeline?
a. It processes authentication information and sets user identity
b. It manages static file serving
c. It configures routing for requests
d. It handles error pages

Answer: a. It processes authentication information and sets user identity

What is the purpose of the UseSecurityHeaders() middleware?
a. To configure and enforce HTTP security headers
b. To manage static file serving
c. To handle authentication
d. To configure routing for requests

Answer: a. To configure and enforce HTTP security headers

How can you log request and response information using middleware?
a. By implementing logging logic in the Invoke() or InvokeAsync() method of custom middleware
b. By configuring logging in web.config
c. By using attributes on controllers
d. By setting up logging in the Startup constructor

Answer: a. By implementing logging logic in the Invoke() or InvokeAsync() method of custom middleware