MCQs – Periodic Classification Of Elements And Periodicity Of Properties

Set of Important MCQs on Periodic Classification Of Elements And Periodicity Of Properties in inorganic Chemistry for the preparation of tests.

In Mendeleev’s periodic table, elements are arranged in the increasing order of their

  1. Numbers of neutrons
  2. Atomic number
  3. Atomic weight
  4. Atomic volume

Question’s Answer: Atomic weight

The law of triads was proposed by

  1. Dobereiner
  2. Newlands
  3. Lothar Meyer
  4. Chancourtois

Question’s Answer: Dobereiner

Lothar Meyer plotted a graph showing variation of

  1. Atomic volume with increase in atomic number
  2. Atomic volume with increase in atomic weight
  3. Atomic radii with increase in atomic weight
  4. Atomic weight with increase in atomic number

Question’s Answer: Atomic volume with increase in atomic weight

Elements in the same vertical group of the periodic table have same

  1. Number of electrons
  2. Atomic number
  3. Number of valence elections
  4. Atomic number

Question’s Answer :Number of valence elections

The elements having low ionization energy are

  1. Non metals
  2. Metalloids
  3. Metals
  4. None of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Metals

What is the number of elements in each of the long periods of periodic table?

  1. 32
  2. 18
  3. 8
  4. 36

Question’s Answer: 18

The amount of energy released by absorbing one electron inn the valence shell is

  1. Ionization energy
  2. Electronegativity
  3. Electron affinity
  4. Lattice energy

Question’s Answer: Electron affinity

Which block of the periodic table contains maximum number of metals?

  1. s-Block
  2. p-Block
  3. d-Block
  4. f-Block

Question’s Answer: d-Block

The element having electronic configuration [Kr] 4d10, 4f14, 5s2, 5p6, 5d1, 6s2 belongs to

  1. s-Block
  2. p-Block
  3. d-Block
  4. f-Block

Question’s Answer: f-Block

Which group contains elements that exist as monoatomic molecules?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 14
  4. 18

Question’s Answer: 18

An element with atomic number 20 is placed in which period of the periodic table?

  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 1

Question’s Answer: 4

The decrease in atomic radius is small when we travel from left to right in transition elements. This is due to

  1. Intervening electrons
  2. Valence electrons
  3. Nuclear charge
  4. Number of shells

Question’s Answer: Intervening electrons

In the modern periodic table, the period indicates the value of

  1. Atomic number
  2. Atomic mass
  3. Principal quantum number
  4. Azimuthal quantum number.

Question’s Answer: Principal quantum number

Which of the mentioned elements is more metallic?

  1. P
  2. As
  3. Sb
  4. Bi

Question’s Answer: Bi

What is the highest electronegative element in the periodic table?

  1. Chlorine
  2. Fluorine
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Oxygen

Question’s Answer: Fluorine

Which of the mentioned does not exhibit the periodicity in properties of an element?

  1. Atomic radius
  2. Ionization energy
  3. N/P ratio
  4. Electron affinity

Question’s Answer: N/P ratio

Which of the mentioned elements has properties like that of P?

  1. Se
  2. Ge
  3. Sb
  4. Te

Question’s Answer: Sb

The most electronegative element of the third period is

  1. F
  2. P
  3. Br
  4. CI

Question’s Answer: CI

Which one of the following groups consists entirely of non-metals?

  1. IIA
  2. IVA
  3. VIA
  4. VIIA

Question’s Answer :VIIA

Which of the mentioned ions has the highest value of ionic radius?

  1. Li+
  2. B3+
  3. F
  4. Br

Question’s Answer: Br

The element radium belongs to which of the following?

  1. Actinide series
  2. Lanthanide series
  3. Alkaline-earth metals.
  4. Chalcogens

Question’s Answer: Alkaline-earth metals

Which of the mentioned elements does not form any compound?

  1. Neon
  2. Krypton
  3. Xenon
  4. All of them form no compound

Question’s Answer: Neon

Lithium and magnesium exhibit diagonal relationship because they have similar

  1. Ionic radii
  2. Atomic radii
  3. Polarizing power
  4. Atomic volume

Question’s Answer: Polarizing power

The element whose electronic configuration is 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d10, 4s2 is a

  1. Metal
  2. Non-metal
  3. Noble gas
  4. Metalloid

Question’s Answer: Metal

Which period of the periodic table is the longest?

  1. Fourth
  2. Seventh
  3. Sixth
  4. Fifth

Question’s Answer: Sixth

All are periodic properties excluding ____.

  1. Ionization energy
  2. Electronegativity
  3. Dipole moment
  4. Electron affinity

Question’s Answer: Dipole moment

Which of the mentioned is a chalcogen?

  1. Sulphur
  2. Tellurium
  3. Selenium
  4. All are chalcogens

Question’s Answer: All are chalcogens

Which of the mentioned sets of elements does not belong to same group?

  1. Cl, Br, I, At
  2. C, Si, Ga, Sn
  3. N, P, As, Sb
  4. He, Ne, Ar, Kr

Question’s Answer: C, Si, Ga, Sn

Electronegativity of elements while moving across a period from left to right

  1. Decreases
  2. Remains unchanged
  3. Increases
  4. None of A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Increases

Due to _______  Atomic radii decrease from left to right in the periodic tale.

  1. Variation in shielding effect
  2. Increase in the nuclear charge
  3. Decrease in the nuclear charge
  4. All A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Increase in the nuclear charge

Atomic radii increase down the group. This is due to

  1. Increase in the number of shell
  2. Decrease in shielding effect
  3. Increase in nuclear charge
  4. All A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: Increase in the number of shell

Which of the mentioned factors affect ionization energy?

  1. Shielding effect
  2. Nuclear charge
  3. Atomic radius
  4. All A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: All A, B, and C

Which of the mentioned elements have highest value of electron affinity?

  1. O
  2. Se
  3. S
  4. Te

Question’s Answer: S

What is the correct order of ionization energy?

  1. Cu<Ag<Au
  2. Cu>Ag>Au
  3. Au>Cu<Ag
  4. Cu<Ag>Au

Question’s Answer: Cu<Ag<Au

Which of the mentioned elements metalloid?

  1. As
  2. C
  3. Pb
  4. Mg

Question’s Answer: As

Which of the mentioned remains unchanged on descending a group in the periodic table?

  1. Metallic character
  2. Density
  3. Valence electrons
  4. Atomic size

Question’s Answer: Valence electrons

Which of the mentioned has greatest size?

  1. Fe2+
  2. Cl
  3. F
  4. Na+

Question’s Answer: Fe2+

In the long form of periodic table, elements are arranged according to which order?

  1. Increasing atomic number
  2. Decreasing atomic number
  3. Increasing atomic mass
  4. Decreasing atomic mass = 10.

Question’s Answer: Increasing atomic number

Which of the mentioned is most basic oxides?

  1. MgO
  2. Al2O3
  3. Fe2O3
  4. Na2O

Question’s Answer: Na2O

The electron affinity of members of oxygen family is

  1. S>Se>0
  2. Se>S>O
  3. O>Se S
  4. O>S>Se

Question’s Answer: S>Se>0

Be2+ is isoelectronic with

  1. Mg2+
  2. Na+
  3. H+
  4. Li+

Question’s Answer: Li+

In graph of atomic volume versus atomic weight. the elements corresponding to peaks in the curve belong to

  1. Group 18
  2. Group 1

C Group 4

  1. Group 14

Question’s Answer: Group 1

What is the correct order of ionic radii for the following ions?

  1. S2- <P3- <CI <K+
  2. Cl >S2- >P3- >K+
  3. P3- >S2- >CI >K+
  4. K+ >Cl >S2- >P3-

Question’s Answer: P3- >S2- >CI >K+

Atomic volumes of C. N, O and F are in which order?

  1. F>O>N>C
  2. C>N>0>F
  3. C>N>F>O
  4. N>C>O>F

Question’s Answer: F>O>N>C

The tons Se3+, Ca2+ and K+ have game electronic configuration as that of

  1. Neon
  2. Krypton
  3. Argon
  4. Xenon.

Question’s Answer: Argon

Which of the mentioned ions is smallest in size?

  1. Br
  2. CI
  3. F
  4. I

Question’s Answer: F

The electron affinity order of the halogens is

  1. F>Cl>Br>l
  2. F>Cl<Br<l
  3. F>C<Br>l
  4. F<Cl>Br>I

Question’s Answer: F<Cl>Br>I

Which of the mentioned is a periodic property?

  1. Ionization energy
  2. Metallic character
  3. Atomic volume
  4. All A, B, and C

Question’s Answer: All A, B, and C

Who proposed the Law of octaves?

  1. Lothar Meyer
  2. D.I. Mendeleev
  3. J.W. Dobereiner
  4. J.A.R. Newlands

Question’s Answer: J.A.R. Newlands

According to _______ , The atomic mass of the middle element is the average of the atomic masses of other two elements.

  1. Dobereiner
  2. A.E. de Chancourtois
  3. Newlands
  4. Lothar Meyer

Question’s Answer: Dobereiner

Which of the mentioned is strong reducing agent in aqueous solution?

  1. Na
  2. Li
  3. K
  4. Cs

Question’s Answer: Li

Which of the mentioned oxides is most acidic?

  1. N₂O3
  2. CO
  3. BeO
  4. CO2

Question’s Answer: N₂O3

Which of the mentioned elements would have the lowest first ionization energy (IE)?

  1. Mg
  2. Ca
  3. Li
  4. Rb

Question’s Answer: Rb

Which of the mentioned atoms is largest in- the periodic table?

  1. Cs
  2. Ca
  3. Ba
  4. Fe

Question’s Answer: Cs

Which of the mentioned has highest electron affinity?

  1. Na
  2. O
  3. O
  4. F

Question’s Answer: F

The one with largest size is

  1. CI+
  2. CI
  3. CI
  4. Cl3+

Question’s Answer: CI

Which of the mentioned iso-electronic species has the highest IE?

  1. Ne
  2. F
  3. Na
  4. O2-

Question’s Answer: Na

Which of the mentioned iso-electronic ions would require least energy for the removal of electron?

  1. CI
  2. Ca2+
  3. K+
  4. Ar

Question’s Answer: CI

The ionization energy of N is more than that of oxygen because

  1. Nitrogen atom is smaller in size than oxygen atom
  2. Nitrogen has half-filled p-orbitals
  3. Nitrogen contains less number of electrons
  4. Nitrogen is less electronegative

Question’s Answer: Nitrogen has half-filled p-orbitals

Highest ionization potential is shown by

  1. Alkali metals
  2. Halogens
  3. Inert gases
  4. Transition metals

Question’s Answer: Inert gases

Which is the element with highest electron affinity among halogens?

  1. F
  2. CI
  3. Br
  4. I

Question’s Answer: CI

Which is the more  dense element in the periodic table?

  1. O8
  2. K
  3. Cr
  4. Ba

Question’s Answer: O8

The element with the highest ionization potential is

  1. Boron
  2. Carbon
  3. Oxygen
  4. Nitrogen

Question’s Answer: Nitrogen

Which of the mentioned metals exhibits more than one oxidation state?

  1. Na
  2. Fe
  3. Mg
  4. Al

Question’s Answer: Fe

Which of the mentioned has least electron affinity?

  1. Argon
  2. Oxygen
  3. Boron
  4. Nitrogen

Question’s Answer: Argon

Which is the most abundant element on the earth?

  1. Hydrogen
  2. Silicon
  3. Oxygen
  4. Nitrogen

Question’s Answer: Oxygen

Which of the mentioned generally increases on going from top to bottom in a group?

  1. Electronegativity
  2. Metallic character
  3. Oxidizing behavior
  4. Reducing behavior

Question’s Answer: Metallic character

Which of the mentioned elements is strongest oxidizing agent?

  1. CI
  2. I
  3. Br
  4. F

Question’s Answer: F

Be has diagonal relationship with

  1. Li
  2. Al
  3. Na
  4. B

Question’s Answer: Al

Which of the mentioned elements has highest ionization energy?

  1. Ar
  2. Si
  3. CI
  4. Na

Question’s Answer: Ar

The first ionization energy of Mg is lower than _____ .

  1. Na
  2. Ca
  3. Al
  4. Be

Question’s Answer: Be

In a period, the element with highest electron affinity belongs to which group?

  1. Group 17
  2. Group 3
  3. Group 1
  4. Group 10

Question’s Answer: Group 17

Which of the mentioned element is most electropositive?

  1. B
  2. Be
  3. Li
  4. C

Question’s Answer: Li

Which of the mentioned ions does not have the electronic configuration same as that of neon?

  1. Ca2+
  2. O2-
  3. Na+
  4. F

Question’s Answer: Ca2+

Which of the mentioned represents the correct order of ionic radii?

  1. Rb+ > Na+ > K+ > Li+
  2. Li+ > Na+ > K+ > Rb+
  3. Li+ = Na+ = K+ = Rb+
  4. Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Rb+

Question’s Answer: Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Rb+

What is the strongest reducing agent in the periodic table?

  1. Na
  2. K
  3. Li
  4. Rb

Question’s Answer: Li

The magnitude of electron affinity depends on

  1. Electronic configuration
  2. Nuclear charge
  3. Atomic size
  4. All A, B, and C.

Question’s Answer: All A, B, and C

What is the correct order of electron affinities of Si, P and CI?

  1. P > Si > Cl
  2. CI > P > Si
  3. Cl > Si >P
  4. Si > P> CI

Question’s Answer: Cl > Si >P

Which of the mentioned elements has highest density?

  1. Ni
  2. Re
  3. Ir
  4. Co

Question’s Answer: Ir

Electron affinities of halogen are in the order

  1. F>Cl>Br>I
  2. Cl>Br>F>I
  3. Cl>Br>l>F
  4. Cl>F>Br>l

Question’s Answer: Cl>F>Br>l

Which of the mentioned has largest ionic radius?

  1. Li+
  2. K+
  3. Mg++
  4. Na+

Question’s Answer: K+

Ca ion is isoelectronic with which of the following?

  1. Ar
  2. Na
  3. Mg
  4. Kr

Question’s Answer: Ar

Which of the mentioned group shows highest ionization potential?

  1. Alkali metals
  2. Inert gases
  3. Halogens
  4. Transition metals

Question’s Answer: Inert gases

Which of the mentioned is most electronegative?

  1. Tin
  2. Silicon
  3. Lead
  4. Carbon

Question’s Answer: Carbon

Which is the element having highest electron affinity among halogens?

  1. F
  2. Br
  3. Cl
  4. I

Question’s Answer: Cl

Which of the mentioned is the heaviest element?

  1. U
  2. Zn
  3. Hg
  4. Au

Question’s Answer: U

Which of the mentioned elements is not artificial?

  1. Rutherfodium
  2. Bohrium
  3. Lanthanum
  4. Hassium

Question’s Answer: Lanthanum

Ionization potential depends on

  1. Effective nuclear charge
  2. Atomic size
  3. Stability of configuration
  4. All A, B, and C

Question’s Answer:All A, B, and C

Which of the mentioned elements has highest heat of atomization?

  1. Silver
  2. Tungsten
  3. Gold
  4. Mercury

Question’s Answer: Tungsten

Which of the mentioned is a bridge element?

  1. K
  2. C
  3. Be
  4. P

Question’s Answer: Be

Which one of the following periodic groups consists entirely of metals?

  1. VIIA
  2. 111A
  3. IIA
  4. 0

Question’s Answer: IIA

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