Management of common comorbidities MCQs – Anesthesia

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 13, 2024

1. What is the most important consideration when managing a hypertensive patient undergoing anesthesia?

  • A) Ensure tight blood pressure control during the entire surgery
  • B) Avoid anesthetic agents that increase heart rate
  • C) Prevent significant blood pressure fluctuations
  • D) Allow for moderate hypotension to reduce bleeding

Answer: C

2. Which medication is commonly used to manage perioperative hypertension?

  • A) Epinephrine
  • B) Labetalol
  • C) Atropine
  • D) Propofol

Answer: B

3. In patients with ischemic heart disease, which of the following is the best method to minimize myocardial oxygen demand during anesthesia?

  • A) Increase heart rate
  • B) Increase preload
  • C) Maintain normotension and avoid tachycardia
  • D) Use high-dose opioids

Answer: C

4. Which is the preferred anesthetic approach for a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?

  • A) Regional anesthesia
  • B) General anesthesia with volatile agents
  • C) Total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA)
  • D) Spinal anesthesia

Answer: A

5. What is the key risk when providing anesthesia to a patient with diabetes?

  • A) Hypoglycemia during surgery
  • B) Hypertension
  • C) Hyperkalemia
  • D) Dehydration

Answer: A

6. For patients with asthma, which of the following anesthetic agents is least likely to cause bronchospasm?

  • A) Desflurane
  • B) Sevoflurane
  • C) Isoflurane
  • D) Nitrous oxide

Answer: B

7. In managing a patient with chronic kidney disease, what is the main anesthetic concern?

  • A) Hypovolemia
  • B) Electrolyte imbalance, especially hyperkalemia
  • C) Respiratory depression
  • D) Anemia

Answer: B

8. Which of the following is a concern when providing anesthesia to a patient with liver cirrhosis?

  • A) Hypothermia
  • B) Coagulopathy and altered drug metabolism
  • C) Hypertension
  • D) Hyperthyroidism

Answer: B

9. For a patient on long-term corticosteroids undergoing surgery, which of the following should be administered perioperatively?

  • A) Dexamethasone
  • B) Hydrocortisone
  • C) Methylprednisolone
  • D) No additional steroids are needed

Answer: B

10. In patients with heart failure, how should anesthetics be managed?

  • A) Minimize preload and afterload
  • B) Increase preload to maintain cardiac output
  • C) Use inhalational agents to improve myocardial contractility
  • D) Avoid vasopressors at all costs

Answer: A

11. What is the major concern for anesthesia in patients with obesity?

  • A) Hypertension
  • B) Airway management and ventilation difficulties
  • C) Hypoglycemia
  • D) Hypokalemia

Answer: B

12. For a patient with a history of stroke, what is the primary anesthetic concern?

  • A) Hypertension
  • B) Cerebral perfusion pressure maintenance
  • C) Hyperglycemia
  • D) Increased risk of bleeding

Answer: B

13. What is the preferred anesthetic for patients with myasthenia gravis?

  • A) General anesthesia with muscle relaxants
  • B) Local anesthesia
  • C) Avoid muscle relaxants and use TIVA
  • D) Spinal anesthesia

Answer: C

14. Which of the following is most critical in managing a patient with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) during anesthesia?

  • A) Avoiding opioid use
  • B) Maintaining muscle relaxation
  • C) Monitoring oxygen saturation closely and avoiding sedatives
  • D) Use of volatile anesthetics

Answer: C

15. In a diabetic patient undergoing surgery, which of the following should be avoided to prevent hyperglycemia?

  • A) Steroids
  • B) Insulin
  • C) IV fluids
  • D) Opioids

Answer: A

16. Which anesthetic agent is contraindicated in patients with malignant hyperthermia susceptibility?

  • A) Propofol
  • B) Sevoflurane
  • C) Succinylcholine
  • D) Nitrous oxide

Answer: C

17. In patients with renal impairment, which of the following should be monitored closely during anesthesia?

  • A) Blood sugar levels
  • B) Fluid balance and electrolytes
  • C) Blood pressure
  • D) Oxygen saturation

Answer: B

18. For a patient with chronic alcoholism, what is the major concern during anesthesia?

  • A) Hypotension
  • B) Delirium tremens and altered drug metabolism
  • C) Hypoglycemia
  • D) Bradycardia

Answer: B

19. In patients with thyroid disorders, what is the primary anesthetic concern?

  • A) Hyperglycemia
  • B) Hypothermia
  • C) Cardiovascular instability
  • D) Hypertension

Answer: C

20. What is the primary anesthetic concern for a patient with Parkinson’s disease?

  • A) Bradycardia
  • B) Exacerbation of muscle rigidity
  • C) Increased risk of aspiration
  • D) Hypertension

Answer: B

21. Which medication is best avoided in patients with pheochromocytoma during anesthesia?

  • A) Epinephrine
  • B) Atropine
  • C) Labetalol
  • D) Ketamine

Answer: A

22. In patients with chronic heart failure, which of the following is the primary goal of anesthetic management?

  • A) Increase cardiac preload
  • B) Avoid significant fluid shifts
  • C) Use high-dose inhalational agents
  • D) Maintain tachycardia

Answer: B

23. Which is the preferred anesthetic agent for a patient with liver failure?

  • A) Isoflurane
  • B) Propofol
  • C) Sevoflurane
  • D) Halothane

Answer: B

24. Which anesthetic complication is most common in diabetic patients?

  • A) Hypotension
  • B) Hypoglycemia
  • C) Hyperkalemia
  • D) Respiratory depression

Answer: B

25. Which anesthetic technique is most beneficial for a patient with a history of GERD?

  • A) General anesthesia with muscle relaxation
  • B) Use of rapid-sequence induction to prevent aspiration
  • C) Regional anesthesia
  • D) Avoid using muscle relaxants

Answer: B

26. What is the primary anesthetic concern for a patient with severe aortic stenosis?

  • A) Tachycardia
  • B) Hypotension
  • C) Fluid overload
  • D) Hypertension

Answer: B

27. Which of the following is an absolute contraindication to spinal anesthesia?

  • A) Hypertension
  • B) Severe hypovolemia
  • C) Asthma
  • D) Diabetes

Answer: B

28. In patients with morbid obesity, which of the following is the most appropriate induction technique?

  • A) Rapid-sequence induction
  • B) Inhalation induction
  • C) Use of sedatives
  • D) Avoid pre-oxygenation

Answer: A

29. What is the best method to prevent perioperative myocardial ischemia in a patient with coronary artery disease?

  • A) Use of high-dose inhalation agents
  • B) Avoid tachycardia and maintain normotension
  • C) Increase oxygen concentration
  • D) Avoid premedication

Answer: B

30. In a patient with chronic renal failure, what should be avoided during anesthesia?

  • A) Use of volatile anesthetics
  • B) High doses of potassium-containing fluids
  • C) Opioid use
  • D) Nitrous oxide

Answer: B

Topic-wise Anesthesia MCQs

  1. Anesthesiology MCQs
  2. Anesthesia Basics:
  3. Anesthesia Agents MCQs:
  4. Airway Management:
  5. Anesthesia Monitoring MCQs – Anesthesia:
  6. Regional Anesthesia MCQs :
  7. Patient Assessment and Optimization:
  8. Anesthesia Delivery Systems MCQs:
  9. Pediatric Anesthesia MCQs :
  10. Obstetric Anesthesia MCQs – Anesthesia:
  11. Anesthesia Complications and Emergencies MCQs:
  12. Post-Anesthesia Care MCQs:
  13. Geriatric Anesthesia:
  14. Ethics and Professionalism in Anesthesia MCQs:
  15. Simulation and Skills Training MCQs :