Leadership Research Topics

Research Area/ Research Interest: Leadership

Research Paper Topics for: Masters and PhD Thesis and publication

  1. A systematic and critical review of leadership styles in contemporary hospitality: a roadmap and a call for future research
  2. Leadership, green innovation, and green creativity: A systematic review
  3. Global leadership effectiveness: A multilevel review and exploration of the construct domain
  4.  Presidential leadership: Politics and policy making
  5. Gerelateerde zoekopdrachten
  6. Evaluating the impact of a youth-led sexual violence prevention program: Youth leadership retreat outcomes
  7.  Support, develop, empower: The co-development of a youth leadership framework
  8.  A meta-analysis of leadership and workplace safety: Examining relative importance, contextual contingencies, and methodological moderators.
  9. Leadership Strategies In Overcoming Educational Problems
  10. Mastering digital transformation: The nexus between leadership, agility, and digital strategy
  11. The Influence of Transformational Leadership and work Discipline on the Work Performance of Education Service Employees
  12. The appropriate leadership styles in times of crisis: a study of women in senior leadership positions in corporate South Africa
  13. Elementary School Teachers Performance: How The Role of Transformational Leadership, Competency, and Self-Efficacy?
  14. An Inclusive Leadership Framework to Foster Employee Creativity in the Healthcare Sector: The Role of Psychological Safety and Polychronicity
  15. Reconciling identity leadership and leader identity: A dual-identity framework
  16.  Leadership and business model innovation in late internationalizing SMEs
  17. Impacts of leadership on corporate social responsibility management in multi-tier supply chains
  18. Hiring women into senior leadership positions is associated with a reduction in gender stereotypes in organizational language
  19.  Indonesia’s foreign policy under Suharto: Aspiring to international leadership
  20. Leadership during crisis: an examination of supervisory leadership behavior and gender during COVID-19
  21. Accelerating innovation efficiency through agile leadership: The CEO network effects in China
  22. Can leadership training improve organizational effectiveness? Evidence from a randomized field experiment on transformational and transactional leadership
  23.  Change the Way You Lead Change: Leadership Strategies that REALLY Work
  24. Meaningful leadership: how can Leaders contribute to meaningful Work?
  25.  Relevant HRH leadership during public health emergencies
  26. Reviving employees’ essence of hospitality through spiritual wellbeing, spiritual leadership, and emotional intelligence
  27. Leadership for a Digital World
  28. Building Academic Leadership Capacity Through Coaching
  29. The Homeschooling Head Performance: How The Role of Transformational Leadership, Motivation, and Self-Efficacy?
  30.  An approach to employees’ job performance through work environmental variables and leadership behaviours
  31. Polynomial regression analysis and response surface methodology in leadership research
  32. Female leadership and gender gap within firms: Evidence from an Italian board reform
  33. Impact of transformational leadership on green learning and green innovation in construction supply chains
  34. Innovation across cultures: Connecting leadership, identification, and creative behavior in organizations
  35. High-performance work practices, employee well-being, and supportive leadership: spillover mechanisms and boundary conditions between HRM and leadership …
  36. Green Transformational Leadership and Employees’ Taking Charge Behavior: The Mediating Role of Personal Initiative and the Moderating Role of Green …
  37. The Effect of Prophetic Leadership on Employee Work Motivation at The Islamic Higher Education
  38. Autonomy supportive and controlling leadership as antecedents of work design and employee well-being
  39. Exploring positive school leadership practices in Iranian primary schools
  40. Gender differences in experiences of leadership emergence among emergency medicine department chairs
  41. Novel Insights in the leadership in business and economics: a post-coronavirus update
  42. Green HRM, environmental awareness and green behaviors: The moderating role of servant leadership
  43. The dual influences of team cooperative and competitive orientations on the relationship between empowering leadership and team innovative behaviors
  44. The relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership in school leaders: a systematic review
  45. An Interview with Paula Caligiuri, Pioneer in Global Leadership Effectiveness Research
  46. Community college presidential leadership: How presidents think and act to support the holistic needs of their students
  47. Relational Dynamics of Leadership: Problems and Prospects
  48. Effect of supervisors’ stress on subordinates’ unethical behavior: moderating role of managers’ despotic leadership
  49. The Role of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on SMEs Employee Performance
  50. Examining Linkage Between Transactional Leadership, Organizational Culture, Commitment and Compensation on Work Satisfaction and Performance
  51. The impact of authoritarian leadership on employee creativity: the joint moderating roles of benevolent leadership and power distance
  52. How to take employees on the digital transformation journey: An experimental study on complementary leadership behaviors in managing organizational change
  53. The role of basic psychological needs satisfaction in the relationship between transformational leadership and innovative work behavior
  54. Leading for multidimensional sport employee well-being: the role of servant leadership and teamwork
  55. Knowledge hide and seek: Role of ethical leadership, self-enhancement and job-involvement
  56.  Global public health leadership: The vital element in managing global health crises
  57.  Zooming into paternalistic leadership: evidence from high power distance culture
  58. The significance of nursing home managers’ leadership—longitudinal changes, characteristics and qualifications for perceived leadership, person‐centredness and …
  59. Does authentic leadership develop inclusive classrooms: a model examination?
  60.  Women and leadership: Real lives, Real lessons
  61. Leading teams over time through space: Computational experiments on leadership network archetypes
  62. The combined effects of destructive and constructive leadership on thriving at work and behavioral empowerment
  63. Effects of key leadership determinants on business sustainability in entrepreneurial enterprises
  64. Enacting distributed leadership in the republic of Ireland: Assessing primary school principals’ developmental needs using constructive developmental theory
  65. Exploring Value-driven Leadership: Perspectives From School Leaders
  66. Relational leadership in local governance: the engagement of mayors with citizens, public managers and politicians
  67. Place-based governance and leadership in decentralised school systems: evidence from England
  68. Principal leadership and teacher professional learning in Turkish schools: Examining the mediating effects of collective teacher efficacy and teacher trust
  69. The leadership roles of Mexico’s university presidents
  70.  Reimagining leadership through lessons from the life of Aurelia Erskine Brazeal
  71. Developing a model of instructional leadership in China
  72. Towards a healthy school climate: The mediating effect of transformational leadership on cultural intelligence and organisational health
  73. Leadership in the quality public service improvement
  74. Determination of Work Motivation, Leadership Style, Employee Competence on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance
  75.  Leadership in HRH: remembering the future?
  76. Diversity of engineering leadership program design
  77. The impact of organisational commitment and leadership style on job satisfaction of nurse practitioners in acute care practices
  78. How CEOs’ inclusive leadership fuels employees’ well-being: a three-level model
  79. Social media influence, trust, and conflict: An interview based study of leadership perceptions
  80. Transformational leadership and team performance in sports teams: A conditional indirect model
  81. Antecedents of employee thriving at work: The roles of formalization, ethical leadership, and interpersonal justice
  82. The effects of local government leadership turnover on entrepreneurial behavior
  83. Ethical leadership, trust in organization and their impacts on critical hotel employee outcomes
  84.  Satisfaction with HyFlex teaching and law-abiding leadership education in Hong Kong university students under COVID-19
  85. Influence of Cultural Values on Singapore School Leadership
  86.  Navigating the Ethically Complex and Controversial World of College Athletics: A Humanistic Leadership Approach to Student Athlete Well-Being
  87. Developing and recognising accomplished school leadership in Australia
  88. Leadership for reducing medical errors via organizational culture: a literature review
  89. Breaking vicious cycles? A systems perspective on Southern leadership in climate and development research programmes
  90. Reacting to change within change: adaptive leadership and the Peruvian response to Venezuelan immigration
  91. Organizational capital, corporate leadership, and firm dynamics
  92. Proximity‐aware research leadership recommendation in research collaboration via deep neural networks
  93. Impact of digital leadership capability on innovation performance: The role of platform digitization capability
  94.  Describing of Ethnopedagogical Leadership Contribution to Towani Tolotang Community Based on Local Wisdom Values in Elementary Schools
  95. From Simple to Complex: The Relationship Between Educational Leaders’ Cognitive Complexity and Leadership-Style Profiles
  96. Habitus, social capital, leadership, and reflection: insights for early career nurse academics
  97. Testing the generalizability of the white leadership standard in the post-Obama era
  98. Promoting gender equity in school leadership appointments: A comparison of male and female headteachers’ instructional leadership practices in Ghana
  99.  When and why technology leadership enters the C-suite: An antecedents perspective on CIO presence
  100. How Transformational Leadership Motivates Employee Involvement: The Roles of Psychological Safety and Traditionality
  101. Islamic school leadership: advancing a framework for critical spirituality
  102. Mapping the field of educational leadership and management in the Arabian Gulf region: A systematic review of Arabic research literature
  103. How Does Environmentally Specific Servant Leadership Fuel Employees’ Low-Carbon Behavior? The Role of Environmental Self-Accountability and Power Distance …
  104. Women in procedural leadership roles in cardiology: The Women In Local Leadership (WILL) observational study
  105.  Mapping trends in educational-leadership research: A longitudinal examination of knowledge production, approaches and locations
  106. Building teacher capacity and leadership in elementary mathematics classrooms in Nova Scotia: Review of the certificate in elementary mathematics pedagogy
  107. Revolutionizing school HR strategies and practices to reflect talent centered education leadership
  108. From conventional to digital leadership: exploring digitalization of leadership and innovative work behavior
  109.  Transformational leadership, political skill, organizational culture, and employee performance: a case from tourism company in Indonesia
  110. The effects of leadership in Clean Development Mechanism low-carbon operations
  111. Typology of digital leadership roles tasked with integrating new technologies into teaching: Insights from metaphor analysis
  112. Hegemonic leadership is what states make of it: reading Kindleberger in Washington and Berlin
  113.  Fostering exploration and exploitation behavior in management teams to enhance organizational performance: the LearnOvation leadership development …
  114. Salary disparities based on gender in academic emergency medicine leadership
  115. Millennials and leadership: a systematic literature review
  116.  … on the intensity of innovation and organizational performance of public sector organizations in Vietnam: the moderating role of transformational leadership
  117. Walking Our Evidence-Based Talk: The Case of Leadership Development in Business Schools
  118.  … the effect of the Leadership and Organizational Change for Implementation (LOCI) intervention on implementation and transformational leadership, and …
  119. Managing knowledge to improve performance: The impact of leadership style and knowledge management on organizational performance with moderation effects via …
  120.  Pedagogical Leadership in Early Childhood Education: Conversations From Across the World
  121. Change Leadership and the Law School Curriculum
  122. Why and when proactive employees take charge at work: the role of servant leadership and prosocial motivation
  123. A community of practice model as a theoretical perspective for teacher leadership
  124. The Role of CSR for De-Carbonization of Hospitality Sector through Employees: A Leadership Perspective
  125. Shared Leadership and Team Performance: The Joint Effect of Team Dispositional Composition and Collective Identification
  126.  Technology leadership in Malaysian schools: The way forward to education 4.0–ICT utilization and digital transformation
  127.  Gender and leadership in conflict settings
  128. Customer Satisfaction Analysis on E-Commerce Sites: Quo Vadis The Role of Brand Leadership?
  129. Training Surgery Residents to be Leaders: Construction of a Resident Leadership Curriculum
  130.  Can servant leadership prevent hotel employee depression during the COVID-19 pandemic? A mediating and multigroup analysis
  131. Why do people speak about products online? The role of opinion leadership
  132. Having the right tools: The leadership frames of university presidents
  133.  Compassionate Leadership for School Belonging
  134. Politics or performance? Leadership accountability in UN peacekeeping
  135. Development of Youth leadership Through Community-Based Participatory Action Research During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Korean American …
  137. Inclusive leadership, matured age HRM practices and older worker wellbeing
  138. Doing more with less: Racial diversity in nonprofit leadership and organizational resilience
  139. How and when does humble leadership enhance newcomer well-being
  140. Impact of critical success factors and supportive leadership on sustainable success of renewable energy projects: Empirical evidence from Pakistan
  141. Ethical leadership for better sustainable performance: Role employee values, behavior and ethical climate
  142. How to Support the Nursing Informatics Leadership Pipeline: Recommendations for Nurse Leaders and Professional Organizations
  143. Relationship between Principal Leadership Style and Student Achievement: A Comparative Study between Germany and China
  144. Knowledge hiding in organizational crisis: The moderating role of leadership
  145. Leadership selection: Can changing the default break the glass ceiling?
  146.  The Relationships among Authentic Leadership, Social Exchange Relationships, and Trust in Organizations during COVID-19 Pandemic
  147. Revisiting Extraversion and Leadership Emergence: A Social Network Churn Perspective
  148.  Systemically oriented leadership: Leading multi-school organisations in England
  149. The effects of transformational leadership on employee creativity in Vietnam telecommunications enterprises
  150. Performance management in the Vietnam public sector: The role of institution, traditional culture and leadership
  151.  Relationships among knowledge-oriented leadership, customer knowledge management, innovation quality and firm performance in SMEs
  152. Leadership and supply chain management: a systematic literature review
  153. Leadership and information dissemination: challenges and opportunities in COVID-19
  154. The effects of leadership curricula with and without implicit bias training on graduate medical education: a multicenter randomized trial
  155.  Innovative Leadership Management in Early Children Education
  156. The role of ICT for school leadership and management activities: an international comparison
  157. Crisis Leadership During and After the COVID Pandemic: Astute Nurse Leaders Make the Difference
  158. Impact of Authentic Leadership, Sustainable Leadership on Sustainable Growth with Mediating Role of Organizational Learning
  159.  Socioeconomic achievement gaps and the role of school leadership: Addressing within-and between-school inequality in student achievement
  160. The mediating effect of moral courage in the relationship between virtuous leadership and moral voice
  161. Accountability and quality assurance for leadership and governance in Dubai-based educational marketplace
  162.  Fostering leadership, community service, and international engagement in teacher education, University of Windsor
  163. Temporal leadership, attentiveness, and safety behaviors: the moderating roles of abusive supervision and safety consciousness
  164. How servant leadership affects organizational citizenship behavior: the mediating roles of perceived procedural justice and trust
  165. The gender differences in innovative mentality, leadership styles and organizational innovative behavior: the case the “40 Under 40” and their impact on …
  166. At the end of the world, turn left: examining toxic leadership, team silence and success in mega construction projects
  167.  Challenges of adapting to organizational culture: Internationalization through inclusive leadership and mutuality
  168. A dynamic system of job performance with goals and leadership changes as shocks
  169. The influence of organisational justice and ethical leadership on employees’ innovation behaviour
  170. The Conservative Party Leadership Election of 2019: An Analysis of the Voting Motivations of Conservative Parliamentarians
  171. How to influence the professional discretion of street-level bureaucrats: transformational leadership, organizational learning, and professionalization strategies in the …
  172.  Rooted in place: Regional innovation, assets, and the politics of electric vehicle leadership in California, Norway, and Québec
  173. Authoritarian and benevolent leadership: the role of follower homophily, power distance orientation and employability
  174. The impact of transformational leadership on nurse faculty satisfaction and burnout during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A moderated mediated analysis
  175. Beyond the tipping point: the curvilinear relationships of transformational leadership, leader–member exchange, and emotional exhaustion in the French police
  176. Information Technology Adoption and Knowledge Sharing Intention: The Mediating Role of Leadership Style
  177. Qualitative study of a Korean elite university soccer team from a vertical leadership and shared leadership perspective
  178. Impact of environmentally specific transformational leadership on organizational citizenship behavior for the environment: the role of moral reflectiveness and leader …
  179.  Divergent effects of transformational leadership on safety compliance: A dual-path moderated mediation model
  180. Tools Detecting and/or Measuring Ethical Leadership: A Systematic Literature Review
  181. Sustaining e-caring leadership in a post-pandemic world
  182. Image Repair Using Social Identity Leadership: An Exploratory Analysis of the National Football League’s Response to the National Anthem Protests
  183.  Integrating Leadership and Power: A Micro Process Model
  184. Leadership and Collaboration in School Settings for d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Multilingual Learners
  185. Contested leadership and the governance of COVID-19 in Brazil: The role of local government and community activism
  186. Resilient Leadership: A Phenomenological Exploration Into How Black Women in Higher Education Leadership Navigate Cultural Adversity
  187. Did Career Development, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Leadership Reinforce Teachers Performance? Answer From Elementary Schools in Tangerang
  188. The effect of authentic leadership and organizational climate on the volunteering behavior of college students: A moderated mediation model
  189. Corporate responsibility and place leadership in rural digitalization: the case of Hidden Champions
  190. The Crucial Role of Black, Latinx, and Indigenous Leadership in Harm Reduction and Addiction Treatment
  191. The impact of green transformational leadership, green HRM, green innovation and organizational support on the sustainable business performance: evidence from …
  192. The future of leadership in Saudi Arabia: the nexus of shared leadership, project team process, and performance
  193. Global Virtual Team Leadership Scale (GVTLS) Development in Multinational Companies
  194. Mediating power? Delegation, pooling and leadership selection at international organisations
  195. Linking between Brand Leadership, Customer Satisfaction, and Repurchase Intention in the E-commerce Industry
  196. Servus or Pater? How Paradoxical Intent Can Qualify Leadership: Inductions from the Kingdom of Bhutan
  197. An explicit investigation of occupational stress and safety behavior on the relationships between supportive leadership and safety compliance in sewerage industry
  198. Atopic Dermatitis and Food Allergy: Best Practices and Knowledge Gaps—A Work Group Report from the AAAAI Allergic Skin Diseases Committee and Leadership …
  199. Teachers, fixed-term contracts and school leadership: toeing the line and jumping through hoops
  201. French leadership: exploring organizational leadership in French contexts
  202. Academic Leadership is a Full-Contact Sport: Reflections from a Law School Dean
  203. Building a Literacy Culture Based on Local Wisdom through Women’s Leadership
  204. Pursuing Consultant Performance: The Roles of Sustainable Leadership Styles, Sustainable Human Resource Management Practices, and Consultant Job …
  205. Effects of leadership and reward systems on employees’ motivation and job satisfaction: an application to the Portuguese textile industry
  206. The effect of supplier performance and transformational supply chain leadership style on supply chain performance in manufacturing companies
  207.  Muhammad (s): 11 Leadership Qualities
  208. Identity leadership and social identification within sport teams over a season: A social network analysis
  209. Linking leadership styles to communication competency and work engagement: evidence from the hotel industry
  210. Physical Activity Leadership Development Through a Physical Education Teacher Education Service-Learning Course
  211. Exploring how authoritarian leadership affects commitment: the mediating roles of trust in the school principal and silence
  212.  Describing and measuring leadership within school teams by applying a social network perspective
  213. Factors influencing instructional leadership capacity in Baku, Azerbaijan
  214. Global Leadership Effectiveness: First Steps and Future Directions
  215. Life-history calibration of social hierarchies: Childhood adversity predicts leadership preference through relational social investment
  216. Democratic leadership in a study of school based professional leadership culture: policy implications
  217. The role of leadership–member exchange relationships in the implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards by Greek public hospitals
  218. Beyond the lean manager: Insights on how to develop corporate lean leadership
  219. Servant leadership behavior: Effects on leaders’ work–family relationship
  220. Building trustworthiness: Leadership self-portraits