Leaders and Multileaders AutoCAD MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 24, 2024

1. What is the primary purpose of using leaders in AutoCAD?
A) To connect notes to specific objects
B) To create dimensions
C) To delete objects
D) To rotate text
Answer: A

2. How do you create a leader in AutoCAD?
A) By using the LEADER command
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding a text object
D) By rotating a dimension
Answer: A

3. Which command is used to create a multileader in AutoCAD?
Answer: A

4. What is the key difference between a leader and a multileader in AutoCAD?
A) Multileaders can have multiple segments and arrowheads
B) Leaders cannot have text
C) Leaders are only for dimensions
D) Multileaders cannot have text
Answer: A

5. How can you modify the appearance of leaders and multileaders in AutoCAD?
A) By using the Multileader Style Manager
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leaders
D) By rotating the leaders
Answer: A

6. What is the function of the ‘Arrowhead’ option in leader styles?
A) To specify the type of arrowhead used at the leader’s end
B) To determine the text height
C) To lock dimensions
D) To explode the leader
Answer: A

7. How do you add text to a leader in AutoCAD?
A) By specifying the text when creating the leader
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leader
D) By rotating the text
Answer: A

8. What command allows you to edit the text associated with a leader?
Answer: B

9. Which option can be adjusted to change the leader’s landing distance?
A) Leader Style settings
B) Text Height
C) Dimension Style
D) Layer Properties
Answer: A

10. How can you convert a regular leader into a multileader in AutoCAD?
A) By using the MLEADER command and selecting the leader
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leader
D) By rotating the leader
Answer: A

11. How do you control the scale of leaders and multileaders in AutoCAD?
A) By adjusting the Multileader Style settings
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leaders
D) By rotating the leaders
Answer: A

12. What does the ‘Content’ option in the Multileader Style Manager specify?
A) The type of content (text or block) to be used in multileaders
B) The height of the text
C) The color of the leader
D) The alignment of the leader
Answer: A

13. How can you create a leader with a curved segment in AutoCAD?
A) By using the LEADER command with the curved option
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leader
D) By rotating the leader
Answer: A

14. What is the purpose of the ‘Landing’ setting in leader styles?
A) To control the distance between the text and the arrowhead
B) To set the height of the text
C) To change the leader’s color
D) To determine the alignment of the leader
Answer: A

15. How can you change the arrowhead style of an existing leader?
A) By modifying the leader style settings
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leader
D) By rotating the text
Answer: A

16. What is the benefit of using multileaders over regular leaders?
A) Multileaders can have multiple lines of text and segments
B) Regular leaders cannot be modified
C) Multileaders are only for dimensions
D) Regular leaders have more customization options
Answer: A

17. How do you adjust the properties of a multileader after it has been created?
A) By using the Properties palette
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the multileader
D) By rotating the multileader
Answer: A

18. What command is used to create a leader with a predefined block instead of text?
A) LEADER with block option
Answer: B

19. Which setting allows you to control the spacing between multiple leaders?
A) Leader Style settings
B) Text Height
C) Dimension Style
D) Layer Properties
Answer: A

20. How can you quickly add a leader to an object in AutoCAD?
A) By selecting the object and using the LEADER command
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leader
D) By rotating the text
Answer: A

21. What does the ‘Multileader Style’ control in AutoCAD?
A) The overall appearance and behavior of multileaders
B) The color of the leader
C) The alignment of the leader
D) The height of the text
Answer: A

22. How can you change the text content of a multileader without creating a new one?
A) By using the MLEADEREDIT command
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the multileader
D) By rotating the leader
Answer: A

23. What is the function of the ‘Line Type’ setting in leader styles?
A) To specify the type of line used for the leader
B) To determine the text height
C) To lock dimensions
D) To explode the leader
Answer: A

24. How do you align a multileader to a specific angle?
A) By modifying the rotation angle in the Multileader Style
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the multileader
D) By rotating the text
Answer: A

25. What happens when you change the style of a multileader?
A) The multileader updates to reflect the new style settings
B) The multileader disappears
C) The text is locked
D) The leader cannot be modified
Answer: A

26. How can you create leaders with custom arrow styles?
A) By editing the leader style settings
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leader
D) By rotating the leader
Answer: A

27. What is the role of the ‘Text Style’ in multileaders?
A) To determine the font and size of the text
B) To control the arrowhead style
C) To set the height of the leader
D) To change the color of the leader
Answer: A

28. How can you quickly copy a leader to another location?
A) By using the COPY command
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leader
D) By rotating the text
Answer: A

29. Which command allows you to remove a leader from an object without deleting it?
Answer: B

30. How do you adjust the text height in a multileader style?
A) By editing the Multileader Style settings
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the multileader
D) By rotating the text
Answer: A

31. What is the function of the ‘Leader Format’ in AutoCAD?
A) To control the appearance and layout of leaders
B) To delete the leader
C) To lock the dimensions
D) To explode the leader
Answer: A

32. How can you add a leader to an annotation object?
A) By using the LEADER command with the annotation selected
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leader
D) By rotating the text
Answer: A

33. What does the ‘Use Arrowhead’ option control in leader styles?
A) Whether to use an arrowhead at the end of the leader
B) The height of the text
C) The color of the leader
D) The alignment of the leader
Answer: A

34. How can you align multiple leaders to a single point?
A) By using the ALIGN command on the leaders
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leaders
D) By rotating the leaders
Answer: A

35. What is the purpose of the ‘MLeader’ command in AutoCAD?
A) To create multileaders with specific styles and settings
B) To delete leaders
C) To lock dimensions
D) To explode dimensions
Answer: A

36. How do you create a leader that automatically follows an object?
A) By using the LEADER command with the object selected
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leader
D) By rotating the text
Answer: A

37. How can you control the visibility of leaders in AutoCAD?
A) By adjusting the layer properties where leaders are placed
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leader
D) By rotating the text
Answer: A

38. What does the ‘Text Alignment’ option do in multileader styles?
A) It controls how text is positioned relative to the leader
B) It sets the height of the text
C) It determines the color of the leader
D) It locks dimensions
Answer: A

39. How can you change the arrowhead type of an existing multileader?
A) By editing the multileader style settings
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the multileader
D) By rotating the text
Answer: A

40. What is the effect of using the ‘Landing’ option in multileader settings?
A) It creates space between the text and the arrowhead
B) It sets the height of the text
C) It determines the color of the leader
D) It locks the dimensions
Answer: A

41. How can you create a leader with a specific angle in AutoCAD?
A) By using the LEADER command and specifying the angle
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leader
D) By rotating the text
Answer: A

42. What is the purpose of the ‘Leader Object’ option in AutoCAD?
A) To specify whether a leader should be a line or an arc
B) To set the height of the text
C) To change the color of the leader
D) To lock dimensions
Answer: A

43. How can you ensure consistency in leader styles across multiple drawings?
A) By creating and using a standard Multileader Style
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leaders
D) By rotating the text
Answer: A

44. What does the ‘Leader Arrow Size’ setting control?
A) The size of the arrowhead on the leader
B) The height of the text
C) The distance between leaders
D) The alignment of the leader
Answer: A

45. How can you create a multileader that includes a block instead of text?
A) By selecting the block option while creating the multileader
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the multileader
D) By rotating the leader
Answer: A

46. How can you align multileaders to a specific base point?
A) By using the ALIGN command
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leaders
D) By rotating the text
Answer: A

47. What is the primary use of leaders in technical drawings?
A) To link annotations to specific features or objects
B) To create dimensions
C) To delete objects
D) To rotate text
Answer: A

48. How do you create a multileader that follows the cursor as you place it?
A) By using the MLEADER command and selecting the object
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the multileader
D) By rotating the leader
Answer: A

49. What does the ‘Vertical Alignment’ option in multileader styles control?
A) The positioning of text relative to the leader line
B) The size of the arrowhead
C) The distance between leaders
D) The alignment of the leader
Answer: A

50. How can you delete a leader without affecting its associated text?
A) By using the LEADERDELETE command
B) By using the TRIM command
C) By exploding the leader
D) By rotating the text
Answer: A