How to describe voice in writing?

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024

Examples of describing voice in writing?

attractive Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were attractive Eyes .
bonny Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were bonny Eyes .
comely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were comely Eyes .
fine-looking Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were fine-looking Eyes .
good-looking Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were good-looking Eyes .
gorgeous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were gorgeous Eyes .
handsome Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were handsome Eyes .
hot Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were hot Eyes .
lovely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lovely Eyes .
pretty Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pretty Eyes .
ravishing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were ravishing Eyes .
shapely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were shapely Eyes .
sightly Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sightly Eyes .
stunning Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were stunning Eyes .
amazing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were amazing Eyes .
astonishing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were astonishing Eyes .
exciting Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were exciting Eyes .
hair-raising Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were hair-raising Eyes .
heart-stopping Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were heart-stopping Eyes .
impressive Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were impressive Eyes .
magnificent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were magnificent Eyes .
stunning Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were stunning Eyes .
thrilling Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were thrilling Eyes .
awe-inspiring Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were awe-inspiring Eyes .
drop-dead Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were drop-dead Eyes .
heart-stirring Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were heart-stirring Eyes .
moving Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were moving Eyes .
overwhelming Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were overwhelming Eyes .
spine-tingling Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were spine-tingling Eyes .
bright Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were bright Eyes .
brilliant Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were brilliant Eyes .
flashy Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were flashy Eyes .
glittering Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were glittering Eyes .
ravishing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were ravishing Eyes .
sensational Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sensational Eyes .
sparkling Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sparkling Eyes .
splendid Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were splendid Eyes .
stunning Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were stunning Eyes .
beaming Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beaming Eyes .
glaring Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were glaring Eyes .
shining Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were shining Eyes .
resplendent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were resplendent Eyes .
good-looking Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were good-looking Eyes .
winsome Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were winsome Eyes .
a ten Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were a ten Eyes .
attractive Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were attractive Eyes .
beauteous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beauteous Eyes .
becoming Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were becoming Eyes .
blooming Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were blooming Eyes .
buxom Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were buxom Eyes .
fair Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were fair Eyes .
fine Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were fine Eyes .
gorgeous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were gorgeous Eyes .
graceful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were graceful Eyes .
handsome Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were handsome Eyes .
nice Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were nice Eyes .
pleasing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pleasing Eyes .
pretty Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pretty Eyes .
pulchritudinous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pulchritudinous Eyes .
stunning Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were stunning Eyes .
wholesome Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were wholesome Eyes .
angelic Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were angelic Eyes .
celestial Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were celestial Eyes .
eternal Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were eternal Eyes .
heavenly Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were heavenly Eyes .
holy Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were holy Eyes .
mystical Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were mystical Eyes .
religious Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were religious Eyes .
sacred Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sacred Eyes .
spiritual Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were spiritual Eyes .
supernatural Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were supernatural Eyes .
transcendent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were transcendent Eyes .
wonderful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were wonderful Eyes .
almighty Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were almighty Eyes .
anointed Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were anointed Eyes .
consecrated Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were consecrated Eyes .
exalted Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were exalted Eyes .
hallowed Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were hallowed Eyes .
sanctified Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sanctified Eyes .
superlative Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were superlative Eyes .
admirable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were admirable Eyes .
all-powerful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were all-powerful Eyes .
ambrosial Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were ambrosial Eyes .
beatific Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beatific Eyes .
beautiful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beautiful Eyes .
blissful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were blissful Eyes .
deific Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were deific Eyes .
deistic Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were deistic Eyes .
excellent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were excellent Eyes .
glorious Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were glorious Eyes .
godlike Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were godlike Eyes .
godly Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were godly Eyes .
immaculate Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were immaculate Eyes .
magnificent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were magnificent Eyes .
marvelous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were marvelous Eyes .
omnipotent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were omnipotent Eyes .
omnipresent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were omnipresent Eyes .
omniscient Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were omniscient Eyes .
rapturous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were rapturous Eyes .
sacramental Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sacramental Eyes .
sacrosanct Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sacrosanct Eyes .
splendid Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were splendid Eyes .
superhuman Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were superhuman Eyes .
supreme Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were supreme Eyes .
theistic Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were theistic Eyes .
transcendental Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were transcendental Eyes .
transmundane Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were transmundane Eyes .
unearthly Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were unearthly Eyes .
alluring Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were alluring Eyes .
beguiling Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beguiling Eyes .
captivating Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were captivating Eyes .
charming Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were charming Eyes .
endearing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were endearing Eyes .
intriguing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were intriguing Eyes .
lovely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lovely Eyes .
pleasant Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pleasant Eyes .
ravishing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were ravishing Eyes .
winsome Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were winsome Eyes .
appealing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were appealing Eyes .
bewitching Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were bewitching Eyes .
enthralling Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were enthralling Eyes .
entrancing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were entrancing Eyes .
exciting Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were exciting Eyes .
pleasing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pleasing Eyes .
attractive Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were attractive Eyes .
delectable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were delectable Eyes .
glamorous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were glamorous Eyes .
seductive Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were seductive Eyes .
siren Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were siren Eyes .
sirenic Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sirenic Eyes .
admirable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were admirable Eyes .
charming Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were charming Eyes .
delicate Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were delicate Eyes .
delicious Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were delicious Eyes .
elegant Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were elegant Eyes .
ethereal Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were ethereal Eyes .
impeccable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were impeccable Eyes .
lovely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lovely Eyes .
meticulous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were meticulous Eyes .
perfect Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were perfect Eyes .
polished Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were polished Eyes .
precise Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were precise Eyes .
rare Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were rare Eyes .
refined Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were refined Eyes .
splendid Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were splendid Eyes .
striking Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were striking Eyes .
subtle Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were subtle Eyes .
superb Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were superb Eyes .
attractive Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were attractive Eyes .
choice Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were choice Eyes .
comely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were comely Eyes .
consummate Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were consummate Eyes .
cultivated Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were cultivated Eyes .
dainty Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were dainty Eyes .
discerning Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were discerning Eyes .
discriminating Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were discriminating Eyes .
errorless Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were errorless Eyes .
fastidious Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were fastidious Eyes .
fine Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were fine Eyes .
flawless Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were flawless Eyes .
incomparable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were incomparable Eyes .
irreproachable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were irreproachable Eyes .
matchless Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were matchless Eyes .
outstanding Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were outstanding Eyes .
peerless Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were peerless Eyes .
pleasing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pleasing Eyes .
precious Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were precious Eyes .
recherché Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were recherché Eyes .
select Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were select Eyes .
selective Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were selective Eyes .
superior Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were superior Eyes .
superlative Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were superlative Eyes .
enchanting Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were enchanting Eyes .
captivating Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were captivating Eyes .
charming Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were charming Eyes .
enticing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were enticing Eyes .
fascinating Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were fascinating Eyes .
intriguing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were intriguing Eyes .
luring Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were luring Eyes .
pleasing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pleasing Eyes .
taking Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were taking Eyes .
tempting Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were tempting Eyes .
beautiful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beautiful Eyes .
cute Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were cute Eyes .
sweet Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sweet Eyes .
winsome Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were winsome Eyes .
attractive Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were attractive Eyes .
bright Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were bright Eyes .
brilliant Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were brilliant Eyes .
colorful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were colorful Eyes .
dazzling Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were dazzling Eyes .
delightful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were delightful Eyes .
elegant Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were elegant Eyes .
exquisite Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were exquisite Eyes .
glorious Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were glorious Eyes .
good-looking Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were good-looking Eyes .
handsome Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were handsome Eyes .
impressive Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were impressive Eyes .
lavish Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lavish Eyes .
lovely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lovely Eyes .
luxurious Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were luxurious Eyes .
opulent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were opulent Eyes .
pleasing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pleasing Eyes .
ravishing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were ravishing Eyes .
splendid Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were splendid Eyes .
stunning Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were stunning Eyes .
sublime Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sublime Eyes .
sumptuous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sumptuous Eyes .
superb Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were superb Eyes .
beaut Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beaut Eyes .
centerfold Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were centerfold Eyes .
dream Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were dream Eyes .
drop-dead Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were drop-dead Eyes .
easy on the eyes Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were easy on the eyes Eyes .
enjoyable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were enjoyable Eyes .
fine Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were fine Eyes .
flamboyant Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were flamboyant Eyes .
foxy Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were foxy Eyes .
gaudy Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were gaudy Eyes .
glittering Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were glittering Eyes .
grand Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were grand Eyes .
imposing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were imposing Eyes .
knockout Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were knockout Eyes .
lulu Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lulu Eyes .
luxuriant Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were luxuriant Eyes .
ostentatious Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were ostentatious Eyes .
plush Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were plush Eyes .
pulchritudinous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pulchritudinous Eyes .
resplendent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were resplendent Eyes .
showy Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were showy Eyes .
splendiferous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were splendiferous Eyes .
attractive Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were attractive Eyes .
beautiful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beautiful Eyes .
clean-cut Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were clean-cut Eyes .
dapper Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were dapper Eyes .
elegant Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were elegant Eyes .
good-looking Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were good-looking Eyes .
graceful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were graceful Eyes .
lovely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lovely Eyes .
personable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were personable Eyes .
smart Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were smart Eyes .
smooth Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were smooth Eyes .
stately Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were stately Eyes .
stylish Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were stylish Eyes .
suave Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were suave Eyes .
aristocratic Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were aristocratic Eyes .
august Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were august Eyes .
becoming Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were becoming Eyes .
comely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were comely Eyes .
fine Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were fine Eyes .
impressive Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were impressive Eyes .
majestic Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were majestic Eyes .
noble Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were noble Eyes .
pulchritudinous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pulchritudinous Eyes .
robust Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were robust Eyes .
sharp Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sharp Eyes .
spruce Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were spruce Eyes .
strong Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were strong Eyes .
virile Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were virile Eyes .
well-dressed Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were well-dressed Eyes .
well-proportioned Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were well-proportioned Eyes .
angelic Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were angelic Eyes .
blissful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were blissful Eyes .
celestial Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were celestial Eyes .
delectable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were delectable Eyes .
delicious Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were delicious Eyes .
divine Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were divine Eyes .
glorious Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were glorious Eyes .
holy Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were holy Eyes .
lovely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lovely Eyes .
luscious Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were luscious Eyes .
ravishing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were ravishing Eyes .
sublime Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sublime Eyes .
supernatural Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were supernatural Eyes .
wonderful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were wonderful Eyes .
adorable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were adorable Eyes .
alluring Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were alluring Eyes .
ambrosial Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were ambrosial Eyes .
beatific Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beatific Eyes .
beautiful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beautiful Eyes .
blessed Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were blessed Eyes .
cherubic Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were cherubic Eyes .
darling Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were darling Eyes .
delightful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were delightful Eyes .
empyrean Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were empyrean Eyes .
enjoyable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were enjoyable Eyes .
entrancing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were entrancing Eyes .
excellent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were excellent Eyes .
exquisite Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were exquisite Eyes .
extraterrestrial Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were extraterrestrial Eyes .
godlike Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were godlike Eyes .
immortal Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were immortal Eyes .
lush Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lush Eyes .
paradisaical Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were paradisaical Eyes .
rapturous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were rapturous Eyes .
scrumptious Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were scrumptious Eyes .
seraphic Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were seraphic Eyes .
superhuman Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were superhuman Eyes .
supernal Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were supernal Eyes .
sweet Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sweet Eyes .
yummy Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were yummy Eyes .
lustrous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lustrous Eyes .
pearly Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pearly Eyes .
shimmering Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were shimmering Eyes .
irised Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were irised Eyes .
many-colored Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were many-colored Eyes .
nacreous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were nacreous Eyes .
opalescent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were opalescent Eyes .
opaline Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were opaline Eyes .
polychromatic Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were polychromatic Eyes .
prismatic Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were prismatic Eyes .
rainbowlike Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were rainbowlike Eyes .
alluring Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were alluring Eyes .
beautiful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beautiful Eyes .
captivating Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were captivating Eyes .
charming Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were charming Eyes .
delicate Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were delicate Eyes .
delicious Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were delicious Eyes .
delightful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were delightful Eyes .
enchanting Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were enchanting Eyes .
engaging Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were engaging Eyes .
exquisite Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were exquisite Eyes .
gorgeous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were gorgeous Eyes .
graceful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were graceful Eyes .
handsome Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were handsome Eyes .
pleasant Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pleasant Eyes .
pleasing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pleasing Eyes .
pretty Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pretty Eyes .
splendid Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were splendid Eyes .
stunning Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were stunning Eyes .
sweet Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sweet Eyes .
dainty Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were dainty Eyes .
fair Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were fair Eyes .
knockout Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were knockout Eyes .
winning Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were winning Eyes .
admirable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were admirable Eyes .
adorable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were adorable Eyes .
attractive Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were attractive Eyes .
beauteous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beauteous Eyes .
bewitching Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were bewitching Eyes .
comely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were comely Eyes .
delectable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were delectable Eyes .
enjoyable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were enjoyable Eyes .
good-looking Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were good-looking Eyes .
gratifying Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were gratifying Eyes .
lovesome Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lovesome Eyes .
pulchritudinous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pulchritudinous Eyes .
rare Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were rare Eyes .
scrumptious Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were scrumptious Eyes .
bright Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were bright Eyes .
effulgent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were effulgent Eyes .
fluorescent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were fluorescent Eyes .
luminous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were luminous Eyes .
phosphorescent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were phosphorescent Eyes .
radiant Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were radiant Eyes .
alluring Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were alluring Eyes .
captivating Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were captivating Eyes .
dazzling Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were dazzling Eyes .
enchanting Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were enchanting Eyes .
enticing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were enticing Eyes .
gorgeous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were gorgeous Eyes .
lovely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lovely Eyes .
seductive Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were seductive Eyes .
stunning Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were stunning Eyes .
appealing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were appealing Eyes .
bewitching Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were bewitching Eyes .
charming Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were charming Eyes .
inviting Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were inviting Eyes .
luring Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were luring Eyes .
pleasing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pleasing Eyes .
tantalizing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were tantalizing Eyes .
adorable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were adorable Eyes .
beautiful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beautiful Eyes .
glamorous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were glamorous Eyes .
good-looking Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were good-looking Eyes .
brilliant Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were brilliant Eyes .
dazzling Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were dazzling Eyes .
devastating Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were devastating Eyes .
gorgeous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were gorgeous Eyes .
great Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were great Eyes .
impressive Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were impressive Eyes .
lovely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lovely Eyes .
ravishing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were ravishing Eyes .
remarkable Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were remarkable Eyes .
sensational Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were sensational Eyes .
smashing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were smashing Eyes .
spectacular Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were spectacular Eyes .
striking Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were striking Eyes .
wonderful Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were wonderful Eyes .
fair Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were fair Eyes .
fine Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were fine Eyes .
top Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were top Eyes .
beauteous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beauteous Eyes .
bonny Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were bonny Eyes .
comely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were comely Eyes .
drop-dead Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were drop-dead Eyes .
excellent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were excellent Eyes .
famous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were famous Eyes .
first-class Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were first-class Eyes .
first-rate Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were first-rate Eyes .
handsome Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were handsome Eyes .
heavenly Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were heavenly Eyes .
number one Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were number one Eyes .
out of this world Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were out of this world Eyes .
pretty Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were pretty Eyes .
royal Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were royal Eyes .
beauteous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were beauteous Eyes .
breathtaking Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were breathtaking Eyes .
comely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were comely Eyes .
dazzling Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were dazzling Eyes .
divine Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were divine Eyes .
enchanting Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were enchanting Eyes .
exquisite Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were exquisite Eyes .
fetching Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were fetching Eyes .
gorgeous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were gorgeous Eyes .
handsome Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were handsome Eyes .
heavenly Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were heavenly Eyes .
incredible Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were incredible Eyes .
iridescent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were iridescent Eyes .
lovely Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lovely Eyes .
luminescent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were luminescent Eyes .
luminous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were luminous Eyes .
lustrous Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were lustrous Eyes .
magnetic Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were magnetic Eyes .
magnificent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were magnificent Eyes .
opalescent Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were opalescent Eyes .
radiant Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were radiant Eyes .
ravishing Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were ravishing Eyes .
striking Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were striking Eyes .
stunning Eyes : The poet describes that her eyes were stunning Eyes .

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