Health Tracker for Diabetic Patients Project in PHP or ASP.NET

Health Tracker for Diabetic Patients Project in PHP or ASP.NET.

Project Domain / Category

Web Application


The aim of this project is to develop a website named  “Health Tracker for Diabetic Patients” to collect, store and process information for diabetic patients. The users of this website are diabetic patients, which store the following information in the system:

  • Glucose Level (Fasting and Random) [Store the value along with time and way of checking level]
  • Medication [Medication name / dose and time]
  • Any sort of treatment that is carried out during the day
  • Food details that would intake by the patient during the whole day
  • Detail of exercises done by the patient during the whole day.

There must be a mechanism to register a user. The user is registered by System Admin. Only the registered users will be able to upload his/her details on the website. No user/admin would able to look in the details of patients. Only admin has the rights to see/alter some basic information of users e.g. in case of password loss, the admin would help the user to recover/reset system password.

Functional Requirements:

Following are the key functional requirements of proposed Project:

  1. Sign In and User Registration

There will be two categories of Website users:

  • Registered User
  • Administrator (Admin) [There’s maybe more than one administrator but it’s at least one]

Registered users will have the privilege to upload his / her information on the website. The administrator will be the user of the website having rights to user management. Admin will approve the registration requests from users and recover accounts for registered users.

There will be Sign In the interface for registered users and Sign Up interface for unregistered users to register on the website.

  1. Information Uploading / Posting

There will be an interactive interface(s) to upload information for registered users on the website. Information that is posted by the user are of following types;

  • Glucose Level (Fasting and Random) [Store the value along with time and way of checking level]
  • Medication [Medication name / dose and time]
  • Any sort of treatment that is carried out during the day
  • Food details that would intake by the patient during the whole day
  • Detail of exercises done by the patient during the whole day
  1. Generating Reports through Website

A most important part of the application to generate reports of the user’s data of each type and one comprehensive report that compares all parameters/information of the user.

Entities and their attributes are all on your choice but it would cover the system requirement as provided above. In case of any confusion, you are able to get guidance from your project supervisor.


HTML, PHP, MySQL, Xampp / wamp server, PHP Report Maker / PHP Reports / Any other supportive tool for Report generation

You can use any of the following PHP Frameworks For developing this Web Development Project
1. Laravel
2. Phalcon
3. Fat-Free Framework
4. CodeIgniter
5. Laminas Project
6. CakePHP
7. FuelPHP
8. Slim
9. PHPixie
10. Symfony
11. Yii