Gerontology Past Papers Exam Questions

Guess Paper 1:Gerontology Fall – 2020 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1 Define the following terms:- (14)
1 Gerontology
2 Geriatrics
3 Dementia
4 Palliative care
5 Parkinsonism
6 Alzheimer’s
7 Delirium

Q.2 Discuss in detail age related changes in musculoskeletal system. (14)

Q.3 Define ageing. Discuss various theories and mechanisms of aging. (14)

Q.4 Old age people have special nutritional needs. Discuss nutritional needs of senior citizens. (14)

Q.5 What is meant by age related Primary Health Care? Explain in detail. (14)

Q.6 Alzheimer is a crippling disease. Explain different stages of it. (14)

Q.7 Briefly describe various health problems of old age people.
How these can be controlled? (14)

Q.8 Write note on:-
a. Eye and ear problems of old age. (7)
b. Falls and fractures. (7)

Guess Paper 2: Gerontology Spring – 2020 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1: Objective question.
Part A: State whether TRUE or FALSE: (10)
1: World International Old Day is celebrated every year on 1st October. T/F
2: The passive total care of patients whose disease is not responsive to treatment is known as Palliative
care. T/F
3: Osteoporosis common due to iron loss in old age .T/F
4: Geriatricians are primary care physicians who are board-certified in either Family Practice or Internal
Medicine. T/F
5: IADL is an abbreviation of Instrumental Activities of Domestic Living. T/F
Part B: Encircle the correct answer: (10)
1. In Levels of “Old” , old age refers to
(a) 75-82 years (c) 65-74 years
(b) 75-84 years (d) All of the above
2. ____ Copper intake is adequate for older persons
(a) 1.3 – 2.0 mg/day (c) 1.5 – 2.5 g/day
(b) 1.3 – 2.5 g/day (d) 1.3 – 1.5 mg/day (e) None of the above
3. In Complete bed rest, elderly patients can lose.
(a) 5 to 6% of muscle mass each day (b) 4 to 5% of muscle mass each day
(c) 7 to 8% of muscle mass each day (d) 8 to 10% of muscle mass each day
(e) 8 to 9% of muscle mass each day
4. For the oldest patients and those with complex conditions, care is usually best managed by a
(a) Geriatrician (b) Nurse
(c) Social worker (d) Consultant pharmacist
5. Prevalence of Dementia is 10% in
(a) 65-74 years (b) Over 84 years
(c) Both of the above (d) None of the above

Q2. Write down 07 age related diseases of old age and recommend preventive strategies to minimize its prevalence.

Q3. Briefly explain age friendly Primary Health Care?

Q4. What are the different stages of Alzheimer Disease, explain each stage in detail.

Q5. Describe Psychosocial Changes in old age, after separation/death of spouse?

Q6. What is the affect of old age on sleeping pattern? Explain the relevant points.

Q7. What will you advise to earth quack victims suffering from childhood trauma, during their old age?

Q8. What are the social sufferings in government employees after retirement? Give at least 10 examples.

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