Gen Immunology Past Papers Exam Questions

Guess Paper 1: Gen ImmunologyFall – 2020 Past Papers

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Total Marks:    70, Passing Marks (35)

Q.1: A. Choose the correct one. (07)
i. The antibody that mediates allergic reaction is
a. IgM, b. IgG, c. IgA, d. IgE.
ii. Small chemical groups on the antigen molecule that can react with antibody:
a. Epitope b. Paratope c. isotope d. Allotope.
iii. Antigen can be
a. Proteins b. carbohydrates c. Nucleic Acids d. All of these.
iv. Which of the following is hapten
a. Cyanide, b. Paracetamol c. Penicillin d. None of these
v. Complement system is involved in
a. Specific defence b. Non-specific defence, c. both a and b d. None of these
vi. Vaccination is an example of
a. Naturally acquired active immunity, b. Artificial acquired immunity
c. Naturally acquired passive immunity d. Artificially acquired passive immunity
vii. Which of the following is the site of T-cell Maturation?
a. Bone marrow, b. Thymus, c. Spleen d. Appendix
B. Mark “T” for true and “F” for false statements. (07)
i. The ratio of T cells to B cells is 1:3.
ii. B cells differentiates to form plasma cell memory cells.
iii. Antibodies are opsonins.
iv. Ca is required for activation of C1.
v. Natural killer cells are included in acquired immunity.
vi. Temperature rising chemicals are called pyrogens.
vii. Complement system consist of 30 serum proteins.
Q.2: a. Define complement system? (02)
b. Explain the classical pathway of complement system? (08)
c. What are the functions of complement system? (04)

Q.3: a. Explain humoral immunity and cellular immunity? (04)
b. Differentiate between specific and non-specific immunity? (04)
c. What is immunopathology and what are its consequences? (06)

Q.4: a. Define inflammatory responses and write down theitsadvantage in the defense against infection? (04)
b. What are the main cells involved in acquired immunity? (02)
c. Describe the surface receptors of T-cells, B-Cells, macrophages and neutrophils. Also give their
functions? (08)

Q.5: a. Define antigen and what are alloantigen and heterophile antigens? (04)
b. Discuss the ABO and Rh blood group system? (06)
c. What are the universal donor and universal recipient blood groups and why are they called so? (04)

Q.6: a. Define immunoglobins? (02)
b. Explain the structure of a typical immunoglobin? (06)
c. Give the different classes of immunoglobins and also explain role of each immunoglobin type? (08)

Q.7: a. Differentiate between innate and acquired immunity? (04)
b. What is MHC and discuss its role in tissue transplantation? (06)
c. What is the difference between the antigens presented by MHC class-I and MHC class-II
receptors? (04)

Q.8: a. What is immunization? (02)
b. Name the cells which take part in both innate and acquired immunity and also discuss the
mechanisms? (06)
c. what are the function of memory cells (B-cells and T-cells)? (04)