French Language Past Papers
Subject: French Language-II
Time Allowed: 15 Minutes
Max Marks: 10
NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.
Q#1: Write the missing subject pronoun (je, tu, etc..)
1.________ mange du pain.
- ________ demandes de I’eau.
- ________ arrivez de lécole.
- ________ travaillent bien en classe.
- ________ désirons de la viande.
- ________ est dans le jardin.
- ________ sommes amis.
- ________ sjoue avec moi.
- ________ stes le professeur.
- ________ es. un élave.
Q#2: Write the following five numbers in French — in letters
7 49 23 16 11
Q#3: Write the correct form of the verb in brackets
- Tu (parier) en francais a la maison.
- Je (@tre) dans ma classe aujourd’hui.
- La petite fille (Jouer) dans le jardin.
- Vous (manger) votre pomme.
- Les garcons de cette école (travailler) bien.
- Nous (avoir) trois stylos et un crayon de couleur.
- Mes parents (étre) trés strictes.
- Vous (avoir) des chaussures bleues.
- Mon ami et moi (donner) des bonbons aux enfants.
- Je (regarder) les enfants.
Q#4: Fillin the blanks with the correct definite article: (le, la, I’, les)
- _____ s crayon
- _____ école
- _____ télévision
- _____ livre
- _____ enfant
- _____ amies
- _____ fille
- _____ table
- _____ stylos
- _____ gargon
Q#4: Fill in the blanks with the correct indefinite article: (un, une, des)
- _______ livres
- _______ enfants
- _______ chaise
- _______ ami
- _______ classe
- _______ pendule
- _______ professeurs
- _______ chat
- _______ stylo
- _______ garcons
Q#6: Write the DAY that comes AFTER:
- dimanche
- mercredi
- 3. jeudi
- lundi
- vendredi
Q#7: Write the MONTH that comes BEFORE:
- novembre
- mars
- juillet
- septembre
- octobre
Q#8: Multiple choice: Put in the correct greeting according to the situation:
- You are leaving your friend until the next day: ______________
- You are meeting your friend: ______________
- You are thanking someone: ______________
- You are asking someone how he/she is: ______________
- You are telling someone how you are feeling: ______________
Q#9: Translate any 10 of the following sentences:
- Tuesday 10 July
- The girl Is small.
- 3. The book is on the table.
- The chair is big.
- The students are in the class.
- She is a girl
- 7. This is a boy.
- The pen is red.
- The teacher is in the house.
- 10. Saturday 1st
- The book of the student.
- The clock of the class.