Engineering Geology MCQs

Engineering Geology MCQs

What is the lower limit of the particle size allowed in the sedimentation analysis?

(A).  0.04 mm

(B).  0.074 mm

(C).  0.0002 mm

(D).  0.0004 mm

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

On which law the sedimentation analysis is based?

(A).  Rankine’s

(B).  Cullman’s

(C).  Stoke

(D).  None of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

In a formula, f=105√(300 ɳ/(g-1)Vw), factor ɳ is depending on what?

(A).  Temperature

(B).  Velocity

(C).  Pressure

(D).  Specific gravity

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

With respect to sedimentation analysis, what is the wrong assumption?

(A).  The Soil particles are always spherical

(B).  The Particles settle independently of other particles do not have an effect on the velocity of the settlement

(C).  The settlement is not affected by the walls of the jar, in which the suspension is kept

(D).  The Soil particles have the different specific gravity

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

How do we express the Viscosity of water/liquid (ɳ)?

(A).  KN-s/m2

(B).  Ns/m2

(C).  KN-s/m3

(D).  Ns/m

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

To keep in a liquid medium (water) what should be the soil fraction micron size, in sedimentation analysis?

(A).  57

(B).  83

(C).  75

(D).  70

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

Due to what, the hydraulic structure should not be made on previous soil?

(A).  At the upstream of a structure the higher water level

(B).  The Compressibility of soil is low

(C).  Above the soil the excessive water pressure

(D).  None of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

The disadvantage of the shear box test is?

(A).  On drainage of the soil, no control

(B).  For the coarse-grained soil we can’ use the test

(C).  The soil’s Stress condition is complex

(D).  Shear box test is the more complex test

(E).  None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

What is a direct shear test called?

(A).  Stress test

(B).  Simple shear test

(C).  Strain controlled shear box test

(D).  All of the mentioned

(E).  None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

The undermining of sub-soil is because of what?

(A).  Seepage

(B).  Piping

(C).  Excessive water pressure

(D).  Uplift pressure

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

What is similar to Khosla’s theory?

(A).  Darcy’s theory

(B).  Terzaghi’s theory

(C).  Haigh theory

(D).  Bligh’s theory

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

What is the pressure called at the exit gradient, at which upward force is equal to the submerged weight of the soil?

(A).  Floatation gradient

(B).  Bursting gradient

(C).  Critical gradient

(D).  All of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

What is the depth of the groove cut by the Casagrande tool to determine the liquid limit?

(A).  11.0 mm

(B).  10 mm

(C).  2 mm

(D).  8 mm

(E).  None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

Because of what, the flocculated structure of compacted dry soil breaks?

(A).  Dry density

(B).  Low water content

(C).  Low strains

(D).  High strains

(E).  None of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

The coulomb’s strength equation is____

(A).  S = c + σ tan φ

(B).  C = s + c tan φ

(C).  S = c + tan φ

(D).  S = tan φ

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

What is the curve called obtained by plotting normal and shear stress?

(A).  Strength envelope

(B).  Coulomb envelope

(C).  Mohr’s envelope

(D).  Stress envelope

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

Curve with the flat portion, what does the particle size distribution curve represent?

(A).  The Intermediate size particles are missing

(B).  The Intermediate size particle is present

(C).  The Smaller size particles are present

(D).  The Large size particles are present

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

The finest particle of soil sample’s settlement time is 15hr20min49sec.what is the height of the water tank? If we take D=0.01 mm, γ=0.905D2.

(A).  12 m

(B).  7 m

(C).  5 m

(D).  4 m

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

D10 is representing a size, how much of the particles are finer than this size?

(A).  10%

(B).  60%

(C).  20%

(D).  100%

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

How the shape of the particle size curve is represented?

(A).  Effective size

(B).  Co-efficient of curvature

(C).  Uniform coefficient

(D).  Effective diameter

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

About what the particle-size distribution curve gives us the idea?

(A).  Properties of soil

(B).  Type of soil

(C).  All of the mentioned

(D).  None of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

The Khosla’s theory is used to calculate___________

(A).  None of the mentioned

(B).  Seepage pressure

(C).  Uplift pressure and exit gradient

(D).  All of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: c

What is a base parabola?

(A).  ¼ of top flow line

(B).  middle flow line

(C).  bottom flow line

(D).  top flow line

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

Base parabola doesn’t cut the d/s slope with no filter dam in the earth.

(A).  True

(B).  False

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

What is the focus of an earth dam with no filter called?

(A).  the lowest point of d/s slope

(B).  the highest point of d/s slope

(C).  high flood level

(D).  medium flood level

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: a

The line within a dam section is called phreatic, there are ______ in dam under that line.

(A).  no hydrostatic pressure

(B).  negative hydrostatic pressures

(C).  neutral hydrostatic pressures

(D).  positive hydrostatic pressures

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

What is the phreatic line?

(A).  pressure line

(B).  discharge line

(C).  velocity line

(D).  seepage line

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: d

The soil sample is graded well, if _____

(A).  If it has the same size of most number of its particles

(B).  Good representation of all sizes of the particles

(C).  Excess of certain particles

(D).  None of the mentioned

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

What is a phreatic line?

(A).  The unsaturated zone and the saturated zone is separated by the middle flow line

(B).  The unsaturated zone and saturated zone is separated by the top flow line

(C).  The unsaturated zone and the saturated zone is separated by the bottom flow line

(D).  The saturated zone and partially saturated zone is separated by the bottom flow line

(E).  none of these

Multiple Choice Question Answer: b

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