Subject: Elementary Statistics-I
Time Allowed: 15 Minutes
Max Marks: 10
NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.
Part-I Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting are not allowed. (10)
The common measure of variability is
a) Standard Deviation b) Mean
c} Geometric Mean d) None of the above
2. The sample variance for a sample of (n) measurements is equal to the sum of the squared distances from the mean
a) Divided by (n) b) Divided by (n-1)}
c) Divided by (n+1) d) Both a and b
3. For quantitative data, ________ is often preferred over the mode as a measure of center because the value that occurs most frequently may not necessarily be located near the center of the data set.
a) Mean b) Median
c) Both a and b d) None of the above
Skewness tells us about the ________ of a frequency distribution.
a) Centre b) Shape
c) Both a and b d) None of the above
5. Variance is interpreted in the ________ of the data.
a) Same units. b) Squared units
c) Different units d) None of the above
6. Mean deviation is referred as total amount by which values deviate from ________
a) Standard deviation b) Variance
c) Mean d) None of the above
7. Median cannot be calculated in case of ________
a) Ordinal data b) Nominal data
c) Ratio data d) Interval data
8. The class interval is to the difference between class boundaries
a) Sum b) Equal
c) Unequal d) None of the above
9. An appropriate scale for graphical presentation must be consistent with ________
a) Size of data b) Diagram
c) Aggregate frequency d) None of the above
10. The number of bedroom in a house is a ________ variable
a) Discrete b) Continuous
c) Both a and b d) None of the above
Subject: Elementary Statistics-I
Time Allowed: 2 Hours 45 Minutes
Max Marks: 50
Part-II Give Short Answers, Each question carries equal marks. (20)
Q#1: Data and Experiment ‘
Q#2: Population and Sample
Q#3: Interval and Ratio scale of measurement
Q#4: Absolute and Relative Dispersion
Q#5: Index Numbers
Part-III Give Long Answers, Each question carries equal marks. (30)
Q#3. Following table shows frequency distribution for number of minutes per week spent watching TV by students. With reference to this table determines.
i. The percentage of students with viewing times is at least 600 minutes but less than 900 minutes.
2. The number of students with viewing times is at most 600 minutes.
iii. Display data in suitable diagram.
Q#4: a) Compute the mean, median, and mode for the following 10 incomes:
$10,000 $8,000 $7,000 $5,000 $7,000 $1,000,000 $9,000
$11,000 $8,000 $11,000
Which measure of central tendency is most meaningful in this case and why?
b) Explain time series, cross sectional and pooled data with examples.
Q#5. A graduate student in Economics was asked to grade 40 final exams, selected at random from several large sections of an introductory course. The resulting scores are found below.
77 68 86 84 95 98 87 71
84 92 96 83 62 83 81 85
91 74 61 52 83 73 85 78
50 81 37 60 85 100 79 81
75 92 80 75 78 71 64 65
To get information out of the data, she needed to summarize the data. So, present frequency distribution of the data. Also calculate grouped mean, variance, Karl Pearson’s coefficient of skewness and standard deviation.