Database Design Process Solved MCQs Questions Answers

Database Design Process Solved MCQs Questions Answers

Let us see the Database design process Solved MCQs Questions Answers.

1. A preliminary investigation of the required database is called?
A. feasibility studies
B. data flow diagram
C. all of these
D. feasibility study
Ans: D
2. The possible inputs for the database are collected by?
A. data analysis
B. decision tree
C. decision table
D. feasibility study
Ans: A
3. What are the cost factors that are taken into consideration?
A. project planning
B. dataflow Diagram
C. Requirement analysis
D. feasibility study
Ans: C
4. Which tools are involved in the data analysis?
A. decision tree
B. requirement analysis
C. Data Flow Diagram
D.A and C both
Ans: D
5. The process of identifying the object and relationships between them is called?
A.E-R diagram
B. data modeling
C. data flow diagram
D. both A&B
Ans: B
6. Graphically representations of the relationship between the entities are?
A. use case
B. flow chart
C.E-R diagram
D. none of these
Ans: A
7. The ingredient of data modeling is?
A. relationship
B. attributes
C. classes
D.A&B both
Ans: D
8. The entity is represented in the E-R diagram
A. rectangular box
B. Circle
C. diamond
D. filled diamond
Ans: A
9. The attribute is represented in the E-R diagram by
A. circle
B. diamond
C. oval
D. none of these
Ans: C
10. The diamond shape is represented in an E-R diagram
A. entity
B. Classes
C. relationship
D. attributes
Ans: C
11. In the ERD model the entity related to itself is referring to?
A. one-to-one relationship
B. many-to-many relationship
C. recursive relationship
D. man-to-one relationship
Ans: C
12. The entity and their relationship in an E-R diagram is represented by
A. oval symbol
B. filled diamond
C. diamond symbol
D. triangle symbol
Ans: A
13. Which one represents an entity?
A. Teacher
B. table
C. Chair
D. all of these
Ans: D
14. That one is not related to an entity?
A. action
B. teacher
C. person
D. object
Ans: A
15. Person, Parts, chair, table, teacher are example of?
A. an entity
B. attributes
C. class
D. none of these
Ans: A
16. Objects and their attribute are defined by?
A. attribute
B. classes
C. entity
D. relationship
Ans: A
17. Students name their roll number, address, father name are an example of?
A. Entities
B. attribute
C. occurrences
D. none of these
Ans: B
18. The associate /link entities with one another are represented in?
A. relationship
B. identifier
C. attributes
D. Classes
Ans: A
19. Which one is not the type of relationship?
D.none of these
20. The example of a one-to-one relationship is?
A. teacher and student
B. country-capital
C. Moon and sun and bitch
Ans: B
21. Which one of the following is an example of one to many relationships? and bitch
B. Country-capital
C. father and son
D. none of these
Ans: C
22. The definition of the nature of Relationship is?
A. Class
B. Cardinality
C. Modality
D. both B and C
Ans: C
23. The representation of an optional relationship is
A. <
B. !
C. O
D. <>
Ans: O
24. In which option is related to Modality
A. hybrid
B. optional
C. mandatory
D. A & B both
Ans: D
25: The mapping of a conceptual database involves in the database development process by:
A. spiral Model
B. Agile model
C. Network Model
D. implementation model
Ans: C
26. The major objective of the Database designs is?
A. to map conceptual database model to an implementation model
B .to draw use case diagram
C. to design integration model
D. to design the database model
Ans: A
27. What are the Activities are performed in logical design process?
A. represent object
B. represents class
C. represents relationship
D. None of these
Ans: C
28. The relationship of merging is also called?
A. view E-R model
B. view data model
C. view integration
D. view ERD
Ans: C
29. The database organizing on secondary storage is related to?
A. logical design
B. normalization
C. physical design
D. specialization
Ans: C
30. This component is not the type of physical database design?
A. generalization
B. specialization
C. normalization
D. integrity constraints
Ans: C
31. In physical database design, the size of the database is estimated in?
A. indexes
B. normalization
C. data volume &usage analysis
D. integrity constraints
Ans: C
32. The component of physical database design is related to the network through which the database is shared among different users are?
A. data distribution strategy
B. normalization
C. data volume and usage analysis
D. indexes
Ans: A
33. Which one is not related to the data basic distribution strategy?
A. replicated
B. centralized
C. partitioned
D. duplicated
Ans: D
34. Which one is related to the data basic distribution strategy?
A. centralized
B. partitioned
C. replicated
D. all of these
Ans: D
35. What strategies the data is located at a single point?
A. duplicated
B. Centralized
C. partitioned
D. replicated
Ans: A
36. On which technique for physically arranging the record of a file on secondary storage is?
A. File organization
B. centralization
C. normalization
D. data distribution
Ans: A
37. The creation of indexes maybe?
A. primary key
B. candidate key
C. alternate key
D. all of these
Ans: A
38. The——component of the physical database design refers to the correctness and consistency of data?
A. data distribution strategy
B. normalization
C. relationship
D. integrity constraints
Ans: D
39. The integrity constraints components of physical database design is another form of?
A. Data distribution
B. data protection
C. Normalization
D. specialization
Ans: B
40. Which kind of fragment is stored at only one site in hybrid distribution?
A. Noncritical fragment
B. large ferment
C. critical fragment
D. none of these
Ans: A