Database Concepts Past Papers Exam Questions
Guess Paper 1: Data Communication Fall – 2020 Past Papers
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q.1 Give short answers [14 Marks]
1. What is advantage of Concurrency
2. How we can determine Degree of relationship
3. Give example of Logical Schema
4. What is difference in Functional and Transitive Dependency
5. How Referential Constraints are implemented.
6. What are disadvantages of Data Redundancy
7. Describe statement of BCNF
Q.2. (a) Define with help of example: Database, Table, Row, Field, Record.
(b) Explain Database development cycle with help of example 7+7
Q.3. (a) Define Primary Key, Foreign Key and Referential Integrity Constraint.
(b) Define these relationship types: One-to-One, One-to-many, Many-to-many
Q.4 Perform given tasks on Case study of College Teaching System
(a) Find the entity, Attribute and primary key, also draw Entity diagram
(b) Draw E-R diagram for each relation, also mention the cardinality.
Case study: College Teaching System
In a college we have students, department, teachers and courses. A student has name registration No and address. A teacher has name NIC and qualification. A department is known by its name e.g. CSIT, and have a HOD name , Num of students and Floor No. A course is identified by its Code. Course also have name and level of degree. A student must enroll(roll no and Semester as relationship attribute) in any one department. A department can have many students. The teacher is assigned class(time and day as attribute) in more than one department. A department has many teachers. A student can study up-to 5 courses by a teacher in given classroom number.
Q.5 (a) Define: Normalization, Insertion anomaly, Update Anomaly, functional and transitive dependency
(b) How a table can be converted from 1st NF to 3rd NF, Explain with example.
Q.6. (a) Describe Joins and Types of joins.
(b) Let there is a table Student (Reg No, Name, Marks) Write SQL queries for following:
1. Display records of all students.
2. Display record of students whose marks are equal to 50.
3. Display Maximum Marks.
4. Display the number of Records in Student.
Q.7. Write note on any two
(a) SQL Functions (b) Concurrency Control Techniques (c) Advance Normal Forms
Guess Paper 2 Data Communication Spring – 2020 Past Papers
Time Allowed: 3 hours
Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
Q.1 Fill in the Blanks [14 Marks]
a) Information can be defined as: _____________________________.
b) The ________ constraint is used to make sure no cell is empty for a field.
c) The phases of database development life cycle are _________________.
d) The 2nd normal form states _____________________________________.
e) _________ type of SQl statements create, modify, and remove database objects such as tables, indexes, and users.
f) E-R diagram shows _____________ between the _________________.
g) To select all records from a table books, the query is _________________.
Q.2. (a) Explain the basic characteristics of Database Management System.
(b) Define: Database, Table, Row, Field, Record. With help of example
(7+ 7)
Q.3. (A) Define and give example: Primary Key, Foreign Key, Composite Key and candidate Key
(B) Find Primary Key and Foreign Key in these given Relations
1) Singer(artist_no,art_name)
2) Songs(song_no,lyrics,artist_no,album_no)
4) Label(label_no,company_name,director_name,company_address)
Where Singer contains the details of singers, Songs contain details of songs, Albums contain s details of albums and Label contains details of recording company. (7+7)
Q.4. (a) Explain ER diagram with example
(b) Define these relationship types: One-to-One, One-to-many, Many-to-many (7+7)
Q.5 Write a detailed note on Analysis and Design phases of database development life cycle . (14)
Q.6 (a) Explain the normalization?
(b) Identify the anomalies in the given database schema and suggest changes to normalize the schema.
A-G are Field Names, A and B are primary Keys, Arrows shows the Functional Dependency (7+7)
Q.7. Define and Give example of each of following Clauses of SQL.
Q.8. Write note on any two
(a) Logical Database Design (7)
(b) Concurrency Control (7)
(c) Crash Recovery (7)