Contemporary Sociological Theory Past Papers


Subject: Contemporary Sociological Theory

Time Allowed: 10 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I Encircle the correct option, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (10)

1. Individual/ Subjective culture is the capacity of the actor to .
a) Produce objects of art, knowledge of science or of philosophy ete.
b) Produce, absorb and control the elements of objective culture.
c) Produce multi-causal, multidirectional facts and values.
d) Produce the subjective reality of the actor.
2. Charles Horton Cooley is known for the idea .
a) Class conflict b) Looking Glass Self
c) Micro-macro Integration d) Social Solidarity
3. ‘Archeology of Knowledge’ is a key theoretical idea of .
a) Anthony Giddens. b) Alfred Schutz.
c) Antonio Gramsci d) Michel Foucault
4. Talcott Parson is known as
a) Structural-Functionalist b) Micro-Macro Structuralist.
¢) Agency-Structure Determinist d) Proponent of the Chicago School.
5. is also known as a radical sociologist.
a) Herbert Spencer. b) Talcott Parson
c) George Homans d) C.W.Mills
6. Conflict theory emerged as a .
a) critique of feminist theory. b) alternative to Anthony Giddens’s Structuration theory.
c) alternative to Structure-Functionalism d) Critique of Postmodernism
7. Ethnomethodology is known as .
a) Sociology of everyday life. b) Sociology of functioning of human mind.
c) Fusion of Marx and Weber. d) Analysis of the Postmodernism.
8. The Feminist theory looks at the world as .
a) With great contempt. b) From the vantage points of women.
c) From the vantage points of deep structures of the mind.
d) From the most Weberian point of view.
9. Talcott Parsons can primarily be defined as a Marxist sociologist.
a) True b) False
10. Post modernists embrace grand narratives.
a) True b) False


Subject: Contemporary Sociological Theory

Time Allowed: 2 Hours 45 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 50



Part-II Give short details of each of them, each answer carries equal marks. (20)

Q#1: AGIL by Talcott Parson

Q#2: Breaching Experiment

Q#3: Manifest function & Latent function

Q#4: Sociological Imagination


Part-III Give brief answers, each answer carries equal marks. (30)

Q#1: Explain Georg Simmel’s Theory of Philosophy of Money. Elaborate how money plays a role in defining different norms and individual behaviors within society?

Q#2: Write a brief note on Structural Transformation in Public Sphere by Jurgen Habermas.