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Comparison between Cloning and Genetic Engineering

Let me share with you a comparison between Cloning and Genetic Engineering.

Aspect            Cloning           Genetic Engineering
Introduction A process of production of genetically identical copy of an organism. A process of modification of an organism’s DNA to introduce specific traits.
Types ·        Reproductive cloning

·        Therapeutic cloning

·        Gene cloning

·        Genetic modification

Techniques ·        Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)

·        Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)

·        Recombinant DNA technology

·        CRISPR

Purpose ·        Replicating organisms with desired traits.

·        Creating tissues or cells for medical applications.

·        Introducing new traits or modifying existing ones.

·        Improving crop yields

·        Creating disease-resistant organisms

Genetic diversity ·        Limited genetic diversity ·        Can introduce new genetic material, preserving or enhancing genetic diversity.
Ethical concerns ·        Questions about the potential for cloning humans.  

·        Considerations about environmental impact and biodiversity.

Applications ·        Production of Dolly the sheep

·        Cloning of animals

·        Pest resistance crops

·        Production of insulin through genetically modified bacteria.

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