Important Companion of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH – [General Knowledge]

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: January 22, 2025

CompanionNickname (Kuniyah)Key Facts
Abu Bakr al-SiddiqAs-SiddiqThe first Caliph of Islam, close friend of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), known for his truthfulness.
Umar ibn al-KhattabAl-FarooqThe second Caliph of Islam, known for his justice and reforms, instrumental in spreading Islam.
Uthman ibn AffanDhun-NuraynThe third Caliph, known for compiling the Quran into one book, member of the Umayyad clan.
Ali ibn Abi TalibMurtazaThe fourth Caliph, cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), famous for bravery and knowledge.
Aisha bint Abu BakrUmm al-Mu’mininThe wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), scholar, and narrator of many hadiths.
Abu HurairahAbu HurairahKnown for narrating the most hadiths, was one of the Prophet’s closest companions.
Bilal ibn RabahMu’adhdhin of the ProphetFirst muezzin (caller to prayer) in Islam, former slave who embraced Islam and became a key figure.
Hamzah ibn Abdul MuttalibAsadullah (Lion of Allah)The uncle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), known for his bravery and martyrdom in the Battle of Uhud.
Zayd ibn HarithahHibb al-Rasul (Beloved of the Prophet)Adopted son of the Prophet, known for his loyalty and martyrdom in the Battle of Mu’tah.
Abu TalibAbu TalibThe uncle of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who supported him during early years of Islam despite not converting.
Khalid ibn al-WalidSaifullah (Sword of Allah)Known for his military brilliance, never defeated in battle, and played a key role in early Muslim conquests.