Broadcasting messages to clients MCQs ASP.NET

What method is used to broadcast a message to all connected clients in a SignalR Hub?
A. Clients.All.SendAsync()
B. SendToAllClients()
C. BroadcastMessage()
D. PushToAll()
Answer: A

How can you send a message to a specific group of clients in SignalR?
A. By using Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync()
B. By calling SendToGroup(groupName)
C. By using BroadcastToGroup(groupName)
D. By invoking PushToGroup(groupName)
Answer: A

Which SignalR method allows you to broadcast a message to all clients except the sender?
A. Clients.AllExcept(callerId).SendAsync()
B. SendToAllButCaller()
C. BroadcastToOthers()
D. PushToAllExcept()
Answer: A

What is the correct method to send a message to all connected clients from within a Hub method?
A. Clients.All.SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendMessageToAll(methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToClients(methodName, args)
D. PushToAllClients(methodName, args)
Answer: A

How can you broadcast a message to all clients in a specific group?
A. By using Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. By calling SendToGroup(groupName, methodName, args)
C. By using BroadcastToGroup(groupName, methodName, args)
D. By invoking PushToGroup(groupName, methodName, args)
Answer: A

Which method should be used to send a message to all clients in a hub except for the caller?
A. Clients.AllExcept(callerId).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToAllExceptCaller(methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToOthers(methodName, args)
D. PushToAllExcept(callerId, methodName, args)
Answer: A

How does SignalR ensure that messages are broadcasted efficiently to all connected clients?
A. By using a persistent connection that maintains a live link between the server and clients.
B. By using periodic HTTP polling.
C. By implementing static message queues.
D. By relying on server-side data caching.
Answer: A

Which of the following methods is used to send a message to all clients in a specific group except the caller?
A. Clients.Group(groupName).Except(callerId).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToGroupExceptCaller(groupName, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToGroupExceptCaller(groupName, methodName, args)
D. PushToGroupAllButCaller(groupName, methodName, args)
Answer: A

What is the function of the Clients.All property in SignalR?
A. It represents all connected clients, allowing messages to be broadcasted to everyone.
B. It allows access to a specific client.
C. It provides access to a particular group of clients.
D. It represents the server-side configuration.
Answer: A

How can you broadcast a message to all clients connected to a particular hub?
A. By calling Clients.All.SendAsync()
B. By using BroadcastToAllClients()
C. By invoking SendToAllClients()
D. By using PushToAllConnectedClients()
Answer: A

What method would you use to send a message to all clients connected to a group and exclude specific clients?
A. Clients.Group(groupName).Except(excludedClientIds).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToGroupExcept(groupName, excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToGroupExcept(groupName, excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
D. PushToGroupWithExclusions(groupName, excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
Answer: A

How does SignalR handle message broadcasting to ensure that messages reach all clients?
A. By maintaining open connections for immediate message delivery.
B. By sending periodic updates via polling.
C. By relying on server-side data storage for messages.
D. By using client-side caching techniques.
Answer: A

Which SignalR method is used to send a message to all clients except those in a specific group?
A. Clients.AllExceptGroup(groupName).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToAllExceptGroup(groupName, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToAllButGroup(groupName, methodName, args)
D. PushToAllExceptGroup(groupName, methodName, args)
Answer: A

What is the primary purpose of the Clients.Group(groupName) method in SignalR?
A. To send a message to all clients within a specific group.
B. To handle individual client connections.
C. To manage server-side data processing.
D. To configure client-side settings.
Answer: A

How can a SignalR Hub send a message to all clients except for the caller and those in a specific group?
A. By using Clients.AllExcept(callerId).ExceptGroup(groupName).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToAllExceptCallerAndGroup(callerId, groupName, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToAllButCallerAndGroup(callerId, groupName, methodName, args)
D. PushToAllExceptCallerAndGroup(callerId, groupName, methodName, args)
Answer: A

What is the role of Clients.AllExcept(callerId) in a SignalR Hub?
A. It allows sending a message to all connected clients except the client who made the call.
B. It manages connections for specific clients.
C. It handles disconnection events.
D. It configures static content delivery.
Answer: A

How can you efficiently broadcast a message to a large number of clients in SignalR?
A. By using groups to organize clients and broadcasting messages to groups.
B. By creating individual messages for each client.
C. By relying on client-side polling mechanisms.
D. By using server-side message queues.
Answer: A

Which method should be used to send a message to a client who is not in any group?
A. Clients.Client(clientId).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToClient(clientId, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToClient(clientId, methodName, args)
D. PushToSpecificClient(clientId, methodName, args)
Answer: A

How can you broadcast a message to all clients in a SignalR Hub, including those in specific groups?
A. By calling Clients.All.SendAsync(methodName, args) and using Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. By using SendToAllClientsIncludingGroups()
C. By invoking BroadcastToAllGroups()
D. By employing PushToAllClientsAndGroups()
Answer: A

What does the Clients.AllExcept(callerId) method do in SignalR?
A. It sends a message to all clients except the client who initiated the request.
B. It excludes specific clients from receiving messages.
C. It handles group-specific message broadcasting.
D. It configures server-side broadcasting settings.
Answer: A

How can you send a message to a client while excluding other clients in a specific group?
A. By using Clients.Group(groupName).Except(excludedClientIds).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToClientWithExclusions(groupName, excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToClientExceptGroup(groupName, excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
D. PushToClientExcludingGroup(groupName, excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
Answer: A

What is the primary method to send a message to all clients in a SignalR Hub except those with a specific connection ID?
A. Clients.AllExcept(connectionId).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToAllExcept(connectionId, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToOthers(connectionId, methodName, args)
D. PushToAllBut(connectionId, methodName, args)
Answer: A

How does SignalR ensure that messages are delivered to all clients in a group?
A. By using a persistent connection between the server and all clients in the group.
B. By relying on client-side caching.
C. By using periodic polling requests.
D. By implementing server-side data storage.
Answer: A

Which of the following methods allows sending a message to all clients connected to a Hub and those in a specific group?
A. Clients.All.SendAsync(methodName, args) and Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToAllAndGroup(methodName, args, groupName)
C. BroadcastToHubAndGroup(methodName, args, groupName)
D. PushToAllClientsAndGroup(methodName, args, groupName)
Answer: A

What is the use of Clients.Others in a SignalR Hub?
A. It represents all clients except the one making the request, allowing messages to be sent to everyone else.
B. It handles messages from all clients.
C. It provides access to specific client connections.
D. It configures group-based messaging.
Answer: A

How can you send a message to all clients connected to a SignalR Hub but exclude those who are in specific groups?
A. By using Clients.All.Except(Clients.Group(groupName).Clients).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToAllButGroups(groups, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToAllExceptGroups(groups, methodName, args)
D. PushToAllExceptGroups(groups, methodName, args)
Answer: A

Which method is used to send a message to a client that is not part of any group?
A. Clients.Client(clientId).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToIndividualClient(clientId, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToClientOnly(clientId, methodName, args)
D. PushToSingleClient(clientId, methodName, args)
Answer: A

How does SignalR’s Clients.All property facilitate message broadcasting?
A. It allows sending a message to every connected client.
B. It handles connection-specific configurations.
C. It manages individual client connections.
D. It provides access to specific client groups.
Answer: A

What method is used to send a message to all clients in a specific group while excluding certain clients?
A. Clients.Group(groupName).Except(excludedClientIds).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToGroupWithExclusions(groupName, excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToGroupExcept(groupName, excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
D. PushToGroupExceptClients(groupName, excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
Answer: A

How can you use SignalR to broadcast a message to all clients in multiple groups?
A. By sending the message to each group individually using Clients.Group(groupName1).SendAsync() and Clients.Group(groupName2).SendAsync().
B. By using BroadcastToMultipleGroups(groupName1, groupName2, methodName, args)
C. By invoking SendToAllGroups(groupName1, groupName2, methodName, args)
D. By employing PushToGroups(groupName1, groupName2, methodName, args)
Answer: A

What role does the Clients.Others property play in SignalR?
A. It enables sending messages to all clients except the one making the call.
B. It manages client-specific configurations.
C. It provides access to client groups.
D. It handles server-side message processing.
Answer: A

How can a SignalR Hub send messages to all clients except those in a particular group?
A. By using Clients.AllExceptGroup(groupName).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToAllExceptGroup(groupName, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToAllExcept(groupName, methodName, args)
D. PushToAllButGroup(groupName, methodName, args)
Answer: A

Which method allows sending a message to all clients connected to a SignalR Hub except those with a specific connection ID and in a specific group?
A. Clients.AllExcept(connectionId).ExceptGroup(groupName).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToAllExcept(connectionId, groupName, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToAllBut(connectionId, groupName, methodName, args)
D. PushToAllExceptIdAndGroup(connectionId, groupName, methodName, args)
Answer: A

What is the primary function of the Clients.All property in broadcasting messages?
A. It allows sending messages to every client connected to the Hub.
B. It handles individual client configurations.
C. It manages group-based messaging.
D. It provides access to specific client IDs.
Answer: A

How can you send a message to a specific client using SignalR?
A. By using Clients.Client(clientId).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToClient(clientId, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToClient(clientId, methodName, args)
D. PushToSpecificClient(clientId, methodName, args)
Answer: A

Which method in SignalR allows broadcasting a message to all clients in the Hub while excluding those in certain groups?
A. Clients.All.Except(Clients.Group(groupName).Clients).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToAllExceptGroups(groupName, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToAllButGroups(groupName, methodName, args)
D. PushToAllExceptGroups(groupName, methodName, args)
Answer: A

How does the Clients.AllExcept(callerId) method in SignalR function?
A. It broadcasts a message to all clients except the one with the specified connection ID.
B. It excludes specific groups from receiving messages.
C. It handles group-specific message distribution.
D. It manages server-side message processing.
Answer: A

What is the best method to ensure that a message is sent to all clients in a SignalR application?
A. By using Clients.All.SendAsync() for a general broadcast.
B. By creating separate messages for each client.
C. By using static data storage.
D. By configuring periodic polling mechanisms.
Answer: A

Which method allows sending messages to all clients connected to a SignalR Hub except those who are part of a specific group?
A. Clients.AllExceptGroup(groupName).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToAllButGroup(groupName, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToAllExceptGroup(groupName, methodName, args)
D. PushToAllExceptGroup(groupName, methodName, args)
Answer: A

How can you use SignalR to broadcast a message to all clients while excluding certain clients?
A. By using Clients.AllExcept(excludedClientIds).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToAllWithExclusions(excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToAllButClients(excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
D. PushToAllExceptClients(excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
Answer: A

What method would you use to broadcast a message to all clients and specific groups of clients?
A. Clients.All.SendAsync(methodName, args) and Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToAllAndGroups(methodName, args, groupName)
C. BroadcastToAllGroups(methodName, args, groupName)
D. PushToAllAndGroups(methodName, args, groupName)
Answer: A

Which SignalR method is used to broadcast a message to all clients connected to a specific Hub except for certain clients?
A. Clients.AllExcept(excludedClientIds).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToAllExceptClients(excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToAllExcept(excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
D. PushToAllExcept(excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
Answer: A

How does SignalR manage message distribution to ensure all clients in a group receive the message?
A. By using the Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync() method for group-based broadcasting.
B. By sending individual messages to each client.
C. By relying on static file distribution.
D. By employing client-side polling techniques.
Answer: A

What method allows you to broadcast a message to clients connected to a SignalR Hub and in multiple groups?
A. Clients.All.SendAsync(methodName, args) and Clients.Group(groupName1).SendAsync(methodName, args) and Clients.Group(groupName2).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToAllAndGroups(methodName, args, groupName1, groupName2)
C. BroadcastToGroups(methodName, args, groupName1, groupName2)
D. PushToAllAndGroups(methodName, args, groupName1, groupName2)
Answer: A

Which method in SignalR is used to send messages to clients in a specific group while excluding certain clients?
A. Clients.Group(groupName).Except(excludedClientIds).SendAsync(methodName, args)
B. SendToGroupWithExclusions(groupName, excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
C. BroadcastToGroupExcept(groupName, excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
D. PushToGroupExcludingClients(groupName, excludedClientIds, methodName, args)
Answer: A