Botany 1 Past Papers

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: February 3, 2024


Subject: Botany-I

Time Allowed: 15 Min

Maximum Marks: 10

NOTE: Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above.


Part-I Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1×10=10)

  1. The Ectocarpus species are golden brown in color due to presence of dominant __________

(a) fucoerythrin                                (b) fucoxanthin

(c) beta-carotene                            (d) bothb &c

  1.  _____________ is hemiendophytic in nature.

(a) Penicillium                                    (b) Phyllactinia

(c) Mucor                                            (d) Both a & b

  1. In ________________ the life cycle is triphasic.

(a) Ectocarpus                                   (b) Polysiphonia

(c) Chara                                              (d) none of these

  1.  In a heteroecious and macrocyclic rust fungus spore stages ______ are produced on primary or principal host.

(a) II,III                                                                 (b) 0, I

(c) I,II                                                    (d) None of these

  1. In lichen thallus, _________ is the central core, consisting of loosely interwoven hyphae.

(a) Cortex                                            (b) Medulla

(c) Algal zone                                     (d) none of these

  1. Synangium is the characteristic feature of __________.

(a). Selaginella                                   (b). Psilotum

(c) Equisetum                                    (d) Marsilea

  1. In Oscillatoria species, the reproduction is mostly vegetative by the formation of ______.

(a) heterocysts                                                 (b) hormogonia.

(c) akinetes                                        (d)  both a & b

  1. In ________ type of bacteria, flagella protrude from all portions of the bacterial surface.

(a) amphitrichous                            (b) peritrichous

(c) lophotrichous                              (d) none of these

  1. _________ are the spore bearing vascular plants.

(a) Bryophytes                                  (b) Pteridophytes –

(c) Gymnosperms                            (d) None of these

  1. _________ is the largest group of gymnosperms.

(a) conifers                                         (b) cycads

(c) Gnetales                                       (d) None of these




Subject: Botany-I

Time Allowed: 2 Hrs. 45 Min

Maximum Marks: 50



Part-II Give short answers. (20)

Q#1. What are different types of bacteria on the basis of flagellation?

Q#2. What are lichens? What are their different types on the basis of thalli?

Q#3. Describe Auxospore formation in Pinnularia.

Q#4. What is Protostele? What are its different types?

Q#8. What are Pili? What is their key role in Bacteria?

Q#6. What are angiospermic features of Ephedra plant?

Q#7. How will you differentiate heteroeciaus and autoccious Rust fungi?

Q#8. What is evolutionary significance of sporophyte of Anthoceros?

Q#9. What is meant by scalariform conjugation in Spirogyra?

Q#10. What is meant by Clump formation in Ectocarpus?

Part-III Give comprehensive answers of the following questions. (30)

Q#1. a). What is Heterospory? Describe heterospory in Selaginedla. (05)

b). Cyeas is a living fossil. Discuss. (05)

Q#2. a). Draw and describe tife cycle of Rust fungi. (05)

b). L-xplain Reproduction in Chara with the help of labeled diagrams. (05)

Q#3. a). Describe canal system in £quisetiun stem. (05)

b). Write a note on economic importance of Cyanobacteria. (05)