Basic Database Concepts (Data, Information, DBMS) MCQs

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: September 28, 2024

What is data?
A) Raw facts and figures without context
B) Information that has been processed
C) A collection of related records
D) A type of software
Answer: A

What is information?
A) Data that has been processed and given meaning
B) Raw facts and figures
C) A type of database
D) A programming language
Answer: A

What does DBMS stand for?
A) Database Management System
B) Data Binary Management System
C) Data Backup Management System
D) Database Binary Management Software
Answer: A

Which of the following is a function of a DBMS?
A) Data manipulation
B) Data storage
C) Data retrieval
D) All of the above
Answer: D

What is a database?
A) A collection of data organized for easy access
B) A type of software
C) A programming language
D) A hardware component
Answer: A

What is a relational database?
A) A database that stores data in tables
B) A database that uses hierarchical structure
C) A database that stores data in flat files
D) A database that uses key-value pairs
Answer: A

What is a primary key?
A) A unique identifier for a record in a table
B) A type of foreign key
C) A non-unique identifier
D) A field that can be left blank
Answer: A

What is a foreign key?
A) A primary key from another table
B) A unique identifier within the same table
C) A key that allows multiple duplicates
D) A type of index
Answer: A

Which of the following is NOT a type of database model?
A) Hierarchical
B) Network
C) Relational
D) Linear
Answer: D

What does SQL stand for?
A) Structured Query Language
B) Simple Query Language
C) Standard Query Language
D) Secure Query Language
Answer: A

What is the purpose of a query in a database?
A) To modify the database structure
B) To retrieve specific data
C) To delete data
D) To create tables
Answer: B

Which of the following is a command used to retrieve data from a database?
Answer: B

What is normalization in database design?
A) The process of minimizing data redundancy
B) The process of creating backups
C) The process of encrypting data
D) The process of indexing data
Answer: A

What is denormalization?
A) The process of combining tables to improve performance
B) The process of removing duplicate records
C) The process of creating a backup
D) The process of ensuring data integrity
Answer: A

What is a data model?
A) A conceptual framework for organizing data
B) A physical representation of a database
C) A programming language
D) A type of software
Answer: A

What is an entity in a database?
A) An object or thing with data stored about it
B) A type of relationship
C) A database schema
D) A data type
Answer: A

Which of the following best describes a schema?
A) The structure of a database
B) The data stored within a database
C) The physical storage of data
D) A type of query
Answer: A

What is a tuple in a database?
A) A single row in a table
B) A column in a table
C) A type of database
D) A key in a database
Answer: A

What is a relationship in a database?
A) A connection between two entities
B) A type of query
C) A method of storing data
D) A command to delete data
Answer: A

What is an index in a database?
A) A data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval
B) A type of data model
C) A record in a table
D) A command used to create tables
Answer: A

What is the purpose of a database transaction?
A) To ensure data integrity
B) To retrieve data
C) To delete records
D) To create tables
Answer: A

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a database?
A) Data redundancy
B) Data consistency
C) Data integrity
D) Data sharing
Answer: A

What is a data warehouse?
A) A centralized repository for storing large amounts of data
B) A type of database
C) A backup system
D) A type of query
Answer: A

What is a data lake?
A) A storage repository for raw data
B) A type of database
C) A backup system
D) A data analysis tool
Answer: A

What is the purpose of a database management system?
A) To manage and manipulate data
B) To increase data redundancy
C) To limit data access
D) To slow down data retrieval
Answer: A

Which of the following is an example of a NoSQL database?
B) MongoDB
C) Oracle
D) PostgreSQL
Answer: B

What does ACID stand for in the context of database transactions?
A) Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability
B) Automatic, Consistent, Independent, Durable
C) Actual, Consistent, Integrated, Defined
D) Accessible, Constant, Isolated, Documented
Answer: A

What is a view in a database?
A) A virtual table created by a query
B) A physical table in the database
C) A type of index
D) A method of data retrieval
Answer: A

What is the purpose of data validation?
A) To ensure the accuracy and quality of data
B) To increase data redundancy
C) To delete unnecessary data
D) To create backups
Answer: A

Which of the following is a benefit of using a database?
A) Improved data management and organization
B) Increased data redundancy
C) Decreased data accessibility
D) Slower data retrieval
Answer: A

What is a stored procedure in a database?
A) A set of SQL statements that can be executed as a single unit
B) A method for retrieving data
C) A type of table
D) A command to delete records
Answer: A

Which of the following is an example of structured data?
A) A customer database
B) Social media posts
C) Email messages
D) Images
Answer: A

What is the main purpose of data mining?
A) To discover patterns and insights in large datasets
B) To delete unnecessary data
C) To create backups
D) To store data securely
Answer: A

What does the term ‘data integrity’ refer to?
A) The accuracy and consistency of data over its lifecycle
B) The security of data
C) The speed of data retrieval
D) The storage method of data
Answer: A

What is the purpose of a database backup?
A) To create a copy of data for recovery purposes
B) To delete old data
C) To increase data redundancy
D) To improve data access speed
Answer: A

Which of the following is a common type of database user?
A) Database administrator
B) Data analyst
C) Application developer
D) All of the above
Answer: D

What is data encryption?
A) The process of converting data into a secure format
B) The process of deleting unnecessary data
C) The process of creating backups
D) The process of validating data
Answer: A

Which of the following best describes a relational database management system (RDBMS)?
A) A system that stores data in tables and uses relationships
B) A system that uses a hierarchical structure for data storage
C) A system that stores data in flat files
D) A system that uses key-value pairs for data storage
Answer: A

What is an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)?
A) A visual representation of entities and their relationships
B) A type of database
C) A command used to create tables
D) A method for data validation
Answer: A

Which of the following is NOT a feature of a DBMS?
A) Data manipulation
B) Data analysis
C) Data independence
D) Data redundancy
Answer: D

What is a transaction log?
A) A record of all transactions performed on a database
B) A backup system
C) A method for data retrieval
D) A type of query
Answer: A

What is a database administrator responsible for?
A) Managing and maintaining the database system
B) Creating user interfaces
C) Writing application code
D) Analyzing data
Answer: A