Applied Classification Universities Past Papers

By: Prof. Dr. Fazal Rehman Shamil | Last updated: March 3, 2022

Applied Classification Universities Past Papers

Applied Classification Universities Past Papers
Applied Classification Universities Past Papers

Q1.      Assign broad DDC numbers to the following 🙁 No need of DDC set)

  • Quran b-  Chemistry              c-  Political Science  

d-   Biology                             e- Islam                       f- Philosophy

g-   Geology                            h- Pashto                     i-          j-    Data Science                     k- Psychology

Q2.      Compare various editions of DDC.

Q3.      What is meant by DDC? Why DDC is used world widely.

Q4.      Highlight the merits and demerits of DDC.  

Q5.      Write an essay on the history of DDC.

Q6.      Compare Library of Congress Subject Heading List & Sears List of Subject heading.

Q7.      Compare Universal Decimal Classification Scheme with Colon Classification.

Q8.      Discuss any two of the following

  1. Cutter Table
  2. Author Mark
  3. E-DDC

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